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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Wrong. Again. Came from across the ice/several strides then launched at him with both skates off the ground. No disputing there was everything wrong with this hit and if Myers had doled it he'd be sitting for several games. Trying to justify this is just foolish.
  2. You know you're in trouble when Twitter's the voice of reason.
  3. Yes, might be time to pack it in. Senility's knocking on the door.
  4. Spending your life in something doesn't validate your knowledge. Sometimes it's who you know not what you know. Just like playing hockey doesn't make you smarter than those who haven't played it...sometime the opposite. You just think you know more. McLean's become a familiar face of hockey....but he's also past his expiry date. I'd love Burke to be on board.
  5. Me too. She's not afraid to go against the grain and seems very honest in her analysis. Along with Juice, they add some credibility to the ship of fools.
  6. I don't know, blabbering? Trying to be a clown (which he usually comes off as). Talking...part of the ol' gentleman's club. Sometime guys get to hang around longer than they should. The Burrows stuff. There are times he's just put his foot in his mouth. Tries too hard to be cool, comes off as a schmoozy jackass. But you can put him on your wall of fame (shame) long with the refs...we don't all have to.
  7. I really don't go for that celebrity worship stuff (echo chamber). I mean Trump has his followers too from his days as a celebrity....means little in reference to his character. You can't use someone's popularity to decide they're a good person....we have sheeple out there who think anyone on TV is awesome. Celebrity status due to viewership doesn't necessarily equate to "respectable".
  8. But they also didn't know much about headshots/concussions, etc. It's not that they are better....it's that there is more awareness and guidelines to follow. It was a different game back then.... Guys smoked and drank in the dressing room too. More of a beer league feel than the game today. But whataboutism isn't welcome (or so I thought....see: "double standards"). What about back then? Who cares?
  9. Full body standing meditation.....
  10. I follow his sister online and it's really awesome to see how excited they are. I wish him all the best....so awesome when local kids get a break and to play for the team they love.
  11. Thing about Ron is this. OK, you went at Burrows HARD. You picked a side....now live and die by it. Don't flounder like a floppy fish and try to jump on the bandwagon when he's the hot ticket item and a dragon slayer. Keep his name outta your mouth. I hate people who flip flop. I mean, it's ok to change your mind as part of learning but not to schmooze. Not when you've so emphatically hated on someone like they're trash. Mean it. Back it up. Same with Grapes....although I won't go there because both of them needed to be canned. One guy slithered through the cracks there. Spineless, gutless. As much as I love Juice, I kind of really hate that he's part of that clique now. I know he has to be professional but Ron deserves zero respect from anyone who's ever played for this team.
  12. LOL, freaking out and shouting? LMAO More gaslighting bs. Please stop it, it's pathetic. Some of us here don't love the refs...I remember last month when you were promoting them as this best there is, best there was, best there ever will be. Not sure that's true though. No one here's said the words "greatest team of all time" except you. There you go, trying to speak for us again.
  13. WWE here we come. Can I bring a table instead of a cowbell?
  14. Our team needs to learn how the big bad Jets get calls. We're on a pp, but they get away with murder because, well, our guys don't try to sell it. It's called having self respect. No puck here, just two guys sandwiching Petey. Then taking him down totally out of the play. Nothing. Good job refs. What is really impressive about the refs is their ability to blatantly ignore stuff that's literally happening right in front of them. Like this fun little 2 hander. Oh, and Petey's still being kept out of the play, but hey....Jets wanna win. Refs get away with some really terrible bodies of work.
  15. OK, more big bad Jets outmuscling us themselves. Pionkscapades. I REALLY LOVED THE DISMOUNT AND FAKE CRYING.
  16. I've been known to do that. Cheers.
  17. An example of how the Jets drew up their game plan to beat us. Not respectable is right. I'm nominating this for an Academy award. 10/10 WAIT FOR IT.....
  18. It's so petty and prissy. Yet these are the top paid professionals that we get? They should have to do an overall psychological assessment before they hit the ice. Make sure all their issues stay out of the game and they can do it properly. Later I'm going to break down some of what they somehow "missed" when they were busy going over their game notes from the previous game. It's so messed up. They should have to be accountable.
  19. But they're the best in the world?
  20. So we have a road trip with a b2b that involves a morning game then one at altitude. I imagine some will use that to measure an entire season with but it's really important to keep everything in context. Besides, we'll win.
  21. Which really speaks volumes that that's their go to in trying to beat us. Other teams give us that kind of respect....even if some of our so called fans don't. Once they master the mental part of the game and learn that the antics are just that and to not buy into that game, it'll really help them. When I saw Huggy "lose it" I knew it likely wouldn't end well. They've got him. I did love the pushback though....it's necessary. But not to get emotionally caught up in it.
  22. Yep, they took the bait and lost focus. A good reminder to self not to do so. Cheers, thanks.
  23. As I typed my last response, I added something to this effect. But changed it as my target audience probably wouldn't understand that concept.
  24. "We've all been discussing"? Like you're speaking for all of us now? That's next level, even for you. No, we haven't been focusing on JUST the stretch. This team's lined themselves up nicely anyhow....they won't be in the dogfight to get into the playoffs. That counts. As much as you may like to just focus on certain games to try to justify your stance, it just doesn't really work that way. They all matter. The fact that they've put themselves at the top of the league validates this team, even if you don't understand that and are still rubbing your hands together waiting to be right. In the meantime, you're wrong (see below): "Started off badly"? **Fact:....we've won 3 out of the last 4 games we've played. Don't make ridiculous statements thinking we're going to just believe you. **Fact: No, they didn't win all the games on the road trip, but they got points in 4 out of 5 of them. **Fact - also known as reality.
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