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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I need some angry angsty music today to help me survive this place. A loss is enough to make me pull my hair out. And my teeth. All the people who "know we're not good enough". "Fan site"
  2. With Soucy and Joshua in the line up, things would've maybe looked even closer. This team isn't anything yet....that's why they play the games. All of them. But sure, our fans say we're not so let's just pack it in. Why even bother?
  3. But shouldn't they always be? That seems logical to me. Don't count your chickens stuff. I believe the team has that mindset and we should too. Most of us do. We're just not counting us out yet, as some here are. I don't see many here awarding us the cup just yet. But what I DO see is many awarding it to other teams. Why even play the games?
  4. Honestly, I'd rather celebrate the wins/victories versus projecting imminent (we know for sure) failure. Even if it comes true. Will we win the cup? Probably not, but not a certainty. Health is a huge factor. If guys like Petey and Miller start hitting the scoreboard again and Demko lights it up. We have physicality. A lot of stuff has to line up....the big bad boys don't have it in the bag quite yet. If we're holding our breath because we "think" they won't do anything, that's a loser's game to me. To have an "aha" moment and be proven right about our team's failure seems a little off to me. One team in 32 wins and all the rest lose. So the odds are in your favour. If you're convinced we're not good enough please just store that in your magic vault and pull it out to wave in our faces in the end. Not now, it's not time. You haven't earned the right to proclaim that you're right and we're wrong. It's ok to be critical. It's not ok to speak like an authority who knows more than the rest of us. I'll challenge that every damn time. I avoided this place last night because I knew the naysayers would be out in full force. Telling us how it is, while ignoring a lot of how it really is. Making sh up. Losing it's lustre.....
  5. All those adjectives and adverbs thrown out there to make a point. But if they're untrue they do the opposite. "Handled easily" really reveals a lot here to me. It's not the case at all. So much gaslighting going on. Very ineffective way to convince people. Be realistic at least. The game was a good one....had a playoff intensity to it. And no, our team was not handled easily....or even at all. They weren't at the receiving end without giving some back. Initiating a lot of it. There is no way that anyone should buy in to this crap that's being peddled here.
  6. This is laughable. Reeks of arrogance. Your go to but it's not holding any water or validity. Done here....not taking this bait any further. Your take on the refs is enough to show a lack of objectivity and refusal to budge off a stance. They can be atrocious at times and I'm not sure why that's not registering, but I tried. Your campaign is tiresome. Bringing up MAGA should have shown me all I needed to know to opt out (again). If the majority of people are an echo chamber to you, you might be missing something. Deaf ears may require some shouting. Maybe they all know something you don't. Wow. I better go workout before I get banned.....
  7. But this is total crap though. No, they didn't get "handled easily" by any stretch last night. Your words are so empty at times...just spewing it out there like you're the authority. I was at the game, our guys gave them a damn good go. And had the refs done their job a little better they would've kept focused and maybe taken the game that they were very much in. They lost it, the entire building did. It was glaringly bad officiating at times. But we know your stance on that....refs are awesome. Start there and then a more realistic take will follow. Yes, that's on them for losing their composure. But f the refs and the Jets....pushback is something they're doing now and I, for one, love it. They're fighting for (even IF against) it. They won't always get horribly reffed games. Good on Myers for his stand. Bias is bullshit. But handled easily? "Really"? No.
  8. Which is fine, me too. End of story.
  9. The statement last night was fine. They outshot, outhit them and were in the game until they lost composure...due to some really lopsided stuff. They could have won that game just as easily as lost it. Jets took over when the Canucks started losing the mental edge of the game - they'll fix that. It's not like we didn't stand up to them or they outplayed us. They outwitted us, with a little help from their friends refs. Even Huggy...who usually just runs around out there doing his thing. Outskating everyone. He lost it momentarily...went back with crosschecks and stuff. Threw him off his game. They won't always be able to do that. Jets played up to the refs. That's a bit of a tell right there....that their game plan relied on a bit of that.
  10. I wish it would. He'd be perfect.
  11. Every game is meaningful. You can't speak for them or what they care about. Any team that adopts that attitude is setting themselves up to fail.
  12. Yep, can't argue against this. Petey's tentative lately and I'm not sure what it will take for him to get his full confident self back. He seems unsure at times...Miller moves around and makes quick decisions and Petey seems a little lost. Falls down, loses the puck. I sure hope whatever it is gets fixed...we need him to do more. And he's so capable of it. That's our superstar player and I'm waiting for him to blow it open.
  13. I think they should change the rule to: NO NOISEMAKER FANS FROM OTHER TEAMS ALLOWED I'd support that. (We had some really obnoxious Jets' fans in front of us....one guy in the row in front of me was ready to rumble with them. He'd had enough).
  14. So now we're at the top of the standings but....let's not include that part. Let's be afraid of the big bad teams below us. Same talk as always for some....we're never good enough, even when we are. I like accountability and to see if people ever do change their minds. It's something to be able to do so....to admit that things may be changing. But no, same ol'. Our wins are nothing and the losses are the only thing that count.
  15. Some rinks have noisemakers though, so it's inconsistent. And only PAID noisemakers? Is that the deal? Canned stuff. I have some of those tubes (lol). You're giving me ideas here..... If that's what they're doing as a league thing, no thanks. We come here to have fun and cheer our team on. Not just when/how you tell us to. I can do so at home so that might be the best place for me to watch the game. Save some $$. The overall in game experience is losing it's lustre for me if I have to follow a bunch of rules about how to cheer. Nope.
  16. That's what I was doing in reference to his game last night.
  17. That's my section right there. Put me with the hooligans.
  18. Thing is....there are some wonderful "hosts" there and I've made friends with them. Then there are the power mongering beasts. Mostly women who have their arms crossed and their entire body language says NO. Do not pass go. It's a bit disheartening....we pay good $$ in that damn rink. I'm done with the Karen emails though....I don't need their free pop. I'm just deciding if I want to be subjected to interrogations or opt to watch from the comfort of home with my family here. I'm leaning toward option 2.
  19. Right? But don't use facts, they're irrelevant.
  20. And if any of the list of teams you've selected wins....it'll likely mean they get away with the crap they do and have a bit of an unfair advantage. Yes, big bad teams who somehow get a lot of blind officiating. Some teams can play a physical game and some teams...sit in the box. Our team's learning to roll with it...except last night they did lose composure. They'll tune that up. I mean, I wish Tyler Myers wasn't so tall but hey, let's throw the book at him always. I just hope for a level playing field...then we stand a chance. Listing a handful of teams does increase your odds though.
  21. One thing I should mention....I'm almost to the point that I'm getting really tired of bad attitude from RA staff and prefer to watch from home. I go to a lot of games....have been for 15 years or so. Always with my little cowbell. I love the overall experience as part of it...but lately there have been some sour pusses threatening that. It's the old hags who don't know how to greet people...they're hosts ,that's part of their job is to make paying customers feel welcome and happy. But no, they're like SWAT team wannabes. Last game was a fiasco and they offered me "food and drink" in a g/c to make up for it. I wasn't really wanting anything, except to alert them to the fact that some of the staff need to be addressed/retrained. Trained at all on customer "service". A $25 g/c barely covers a large pop, but thanks. I did appreciate the gesture....but just really want the experience to be better. I don't like being accosted at the door...I'm a nice person (until you piss me off). So we entered last night at Gate 16 and Hostzilla immediately said "YOU CAN'T BRING THAT IN HERE" (and pointed at my uzi lil purple cowbell). Not "excuse me Ma'am...hi...."). I said "oh, I've been bringing it for 15 years. She interrupted with "NO NOISEMAKERS ALLOWED". Well then quit yelling at me? Seriously? It's a frickin' hockey game not a library. And could you tell that Crazy P guy that as he's screaming in my ear? K, thanks. I'm going to buy me an airhorn. And a kazoo. /rant
  22. Joshua being out that game really sucked....that's the type of game that he can really help us in. What's wrong with him? Hand?
  23. It would give the league more accountability and respect. Not doing that just screams of game management. And it becomes a Vince McMahon special for me when that happens. May as well write scripts to hand out.
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