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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Joshua being out that game really sucked....that's the type of game that he can really help us in. What's wrong with him? Hand?
  2. It would give the league more accountability and respect. Not doing that just screams of game management. And it becomes a Vince McMahon special for me when that happens. May as well write scripts to hand out.
  3. Imagine a world of free speech where....you can be fined for being honest. Protecting the refs is out of control. They should have to answer in pressers after the game. Validate their work. But no. Even Imac touched on it last night...though he tried to balance it out by being pc. Said he didn't think refs should do 2 games in a row for the same team and that there was a carryover (with Hoglander) from the Detroit game that factored in. So even before puck drop, one team is in the box. Every game should be a clean slate....this is BS (to bring something from a previous game into one against a different opponent). Bias....that's it rigth there.
  4. Miller's our guy in the forefront leading the team into battle. Big Z is also helping to set a tone and I really love him being part of the team. Quinn's the go about business and be awesome on the ice leader. Petey too...and he's also doing stuff when he's not scoring. I love when he lays out a big hit....my friend laughed when I said he was throwing his weight around out there last night after he doled a hit. But when he's engaged, it's awesome. Garland...leading the lower ranks and making them a force to be reckoned with. Demko when he's got fire in his eyes and is the bubble wall. Leadership by committee...I like it. We also really missed Joshua last night....he's become a very valuable part of this team.
  5. I purposely didn't come in here last night. I WAS hostile at that point and knew it wouldn't end well for me. So I waited, cooled down and......clusterpuck is still happening.
  6. How do you get "hostile" out of that? Again....one of those words to try to strengthen a point but ... ineffective. That's the deal though...it is just a guess. As is guessing that the Canucks won't. They could. They could not. Just like every other team. So this team then? Cool.
  7. So with that, please predict who will. For future reference......
  8. One thing for sure, when Petey gets hot it pushes us further. We need him (to do a bit more). Look at Matthews right now? As much as I can't stand him/his team....he's upping his game at the right time. A lot really does depend on when players run hot/cold. Your best players have to be your best players. I give JT a pass when he's not scoring because he is battling hard out there and sets up plays with so much potential and could connect but just miss at times. He had a few tip in's too that could've been goals. He's a high risk high reward (when it works) player. I really watch him and he sees plays before they're there...he's quick to distribute the puck and sometimes it's even before a guy's ready to receive it. But when it clicks, it's special. It also leaves for the occasional pick off the other way, but he does some stuff out there that, for me, is one step ahead. Let's hope Petey catches fire soon and starts showing his stuff again.
  9. And let's face it, Soucy being out hurts. He's had an impact when he's been in/healthy.
  10. But some say Brock is awful and does nothing. I'm not sure they know what number he is.
  11. The last thing I'll add....because I know it falls on deaf ears for those who really aren't getting it. If we're being realistic...the officiating has been trash. The team's expected to be perfect but the refs get excuses ("they're the best of the best", "it's a tough gig...fast moving game"). Be realistic in the entire overview....not just directed at the team that you're over analyzing incorrectly. Focus a bit more on the refs who can really shift momentum...yes, our pp has to be better and that could've been the difference maker. But the team (and the fans) were pissed off at the inconsistency out there and the team lost some composure. Refs helped with that. It was atrocious. Realistically. The team does have to win despite that....teams get bad calls and missed calls. But this team really gets shafted at times...it's glaring. For the most part, they're ignoring it but last night it became a factor. They pushed back. I even saw Huggy throw a frustrated away from the play crosscheck after he'd been "assaulted" and the refs were flossing their teeth. Throws things off. Mental game kind of fell apart there...but the Jets shouldn't be proud of using that as part of their angle.
  12. I wanted to like Jake, but honestly saw the party in him was overshadowing the on ice focus. He loved the shotgun stuff and drank it up. Literally? I don't know. I am glad to see he got engaged and maybe he's growing up and learned some do's and don'ts of how to be a responsible adult. I hope he moves into that role and can use what happened to him as a valuable lifestyle learning lesson.
  13. It's just a ridiculous spin. Seriously? No.
  14. I also find that there's an arrogance with people who pull out things like "realistically" and "those who've played the game" and ignore their previous statements that were proven wrong. At some point, maybe the crowd has it right and you are stuck on a stance that needs to adjust? This team is proving themselves worthy....are they there yet? No. But no team is. Bruins slayed it all year but didn't do anything in the playoffs....so it's very much a matter of wait and see. No team can be penciled in as "there yet". Not just this team. I doubt those doubting the team actually had us pegged at the top of the league at any stage this year, let alone sustaining that over a period. So....use that as your guide. Maybe some are weighed as favourites but don't discount a little team that could. With goaltending, some grit, some players who can score...both the top players and those who back them up when they're off. And the attitude and coaching. This team got sick of losing and being criticized and have done a lot to get people to buy in. Those who don't....are missing some great stuff that's happening. I'm not sure why people try to predict the future...especially when they're been proven wrong. Reserve judgement....wait and see. What's developing is quite special, even if not perfect. Join the party instead of trying to rain all over it at every opportunity. Realistic takes are those that know anything can happen.
  15. The same person who stood firm on the fact that JT won't be here. Some never learn. The MAGA stuff is crap....the memes... the stuff that screams "I really don't have a valid response". This team may not be perfect....no team is. But they're showing that they can compete and are learning how to win (most) games. Except the ones they lose are the focus for some. Not sure why they choose to dwell there, but that's their choice I guess.
  16. It's so edgy to go against the grain. And dig your heels in because you don't want to be part of the group that....maybe sees things correctly? If the majority sees it but you don't? Team isn't #1 overall because we're getting it all wrong. MAGA, lol. Try not to use desperation like this as it weakens not strengthens your point. Maybe the things being echoed have something to do with the team's overall performance this year? MAGA crowd sees only what they want to and ignores votes/facts/figures ... hmmmmm.
  17. But.....we don't win every game against every team. So despite the standings and record, "we're not there yet". Except that we actually are and it counts for something. Despite the footnotes that some will try to add. It's a tough gig and no team wins every game. But people will weigh in on the losses (only) because it fits a narrative that we're just not good enough. Wins don't matter, only losses do. And when the playoffs roll around and only one team wins.....if it's not this team they'll rip them apart. Just waiting in the wings to do so. Big bad Vegas and Avs and Oilers lose too. And sometimes against "lesser" teams. Our team can beat any team ... I'm convinced of that. Not every game, but no team can claim that.
  18. Oilers? Hello? Did you watch us play them this year at all? I love the cherry picking here though. What about wins against the Stars, Panthers, and yes....Oilers? Rangers went to OT to decide. Some of the top teams that we ARE beating. Realistically, losing a (one) game against a team doesn't decide things. It's why playoffs are series and not one and dones.
  19. What does "just a body at this point" even mean? Yes, he is. He led the team in shots last night and he was also involved in board battles. Garbage goals? All 30 of them? I've seen some snipes where JT's fed him the puck. And this one wasn't garbage, it was actually pretty slick.
  20. That was a beaut too, roofed it! And he played a solid game until he let the frustration set in.
  21. Same ol' stuff from the naysayers waiting for the team to fail. I don't listen, they don't know squat about our team. It's more about them proving they're right in the end rather than admitting they're wrong. This team's in first for a reason....but sure, overlook that part. They WON'T win every game...is that now where the bar is set for some? Ridiculous. Grrrrrowl.
  22. I hated that game but loved how the team responded until they unraveled a bit. Thanks to atrocious reffing, once again. Hacks. As Imac said...teams should not get the same ref two games in a row. There was carry over, as he had an agenda with Hoglander. Garland throws a good solid hit in a board battle and RIGHT IN FRONT OF FURLATT the fatally wounded Jet gets up and absolutely mugs him away from the play. Headlock, really? And...nothing. I'm tired of the horsecrap they call officiating. And yes, a team has to learn to battle against it but come on. Let's give one team allowance to do more...that seems fair. I liked the response the boys had....but the refs clearly didn't. Game was getting out of hand and frustration set in for sure. Had a playoff feel but even Huggy was pissed off at one point. And not taking what they were laying down (it was cute). People say the reffing doesn't decide a game but it sure can give one team momentum. Jets are big bad players who dish it out but can't take it. Our guys played a physical game, outhitting them and not backing down and I really liked that. Juulsen was having a good game until he seemed to emotionally have had enough of the crap. Our pp has to figure it out, that's for sure. I like how JT moves around and makes quick decisions but too much of the guys throwing it around on the outside. Passes then intercepted. Hellebuyck was solid but he had a clear view of the first couple of goals. Jets made sure not to get in his way. It was a good but frustrating game overall. I am encouraged at the way they lost (they battled hard) and it was disappointing when those last 2 Jets' goals were scored. I hate them.
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