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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Please post this while I'm away tonight..... (My son sent it to me last game, I think he's now on board the JT Miller bandwagon too)
  2. This song is so beautiful. I really loved Little Big Town's tribute to Kenny when they did this song. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=790995861447505
  3. I got up at 5:30 this morning. Too excited about the game. And my energy level at 7 am is WAY TOO HIGH. About a 17 out of 10.

    Gotta pace myself...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      I need this win to silence some verbally abusive trash talking family from Manitoba, lol. Pleeeeeeeease Canucks, make this win happen!

    3. Ballisticsports


      After we win our 16th  playoff games , the NHL will say


      Porky Pig GIF - Porky Pig Looney Tunes GIFs


      You finally got one

    4. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      Wake up Deb, It's game time!

  4. I have this album and that's one of my favourites. This one too.
  5. Thing is, if you're in a relationship where you've been terrorized (that's what it was for me when he was drunk because I just never knew how far things would go), you're quick to jump. So this incident may not have been "too bad" but if there was a previous history the uncertainty of what was to come likely factored in. The fear of escalation because once someone's in that mode, it can quickly turn. I also refused help...victim's services, etc. I was drained, tired. I didn't want to have to do any work, I just wanted peace. I was quick to phone the cops toward the end....because, in my heart, I was truly scared of that one time where it could go way too far. There was always the potential for that (I even wrote a letter in case). And I know all too well that it's not just women being abused. I saw my Mom do stuff when she drank and it was likely why the stuff with my ex was tolerated by me...it was familiar.
  6. Oh no, Joshua's hurt?? Damn, somehow missed that. We really need him, he sets a tone. I'm going to the game tonight. Listen for the rinky dink cowbell (although maybe I'll buy one of those annoying air horns).
  7. For me, the words were worse than the bruises and broken nose. They stuck long after those had healed, so I really get it. And I'm sorry you had to carry that stuff. I made sure not to bad mouth their dad to my kids. That would hurt them, it's their dad and they wanted to be proud of him. Despite him not being around much for them, I wanted them to have a relationship with him. I forgave him too....for the same reasons. There will always be love in my heart for him, even though it was an ugly relationship at times. Beneath the layers, he had so much good in him...he loves animals like I do. He's a brilliant man and is the best at everything he does/tries. There was more there than just the person he turned into when rage and alcohol consumed him. It's deep rooted with him...it wasn't even about he and I. It's his battle with himself. I'm just starting to work through it all. The stuff I crammed in there and never spoke about is now starting to bubble to the surface. Thanks for sharing your story/side of things. You're so right....those wounds cut much deeper.
  8. And for YEARS this was my secret. I never spoke about it, even though everyone knew. I was to never talk about him. Ever. And so I never did. But this is me reclaiming my power. Telling MY story. It feels weird to unload it here but....it's also healing when I share it. It wasn't my fault.
  9. Not with me. It isn't about the $$ for me...it's the dumb stuff. Like diving across the ice and becoming a speedbump and ineffective (he doesn't do that as much anymore). Or screening Demko and DeSmith rather than clearing guys out of our crease. Like reaching and allowing a guy to go around him rather than angling him to the corner using his body (not just his stick). I'd criticize no matter what the contract says. He's a big body and could be so much more effective.
  10. I kind of love that we just ignore the refs now like they don't exist.
  11. It's ok to not love everything about Myers, refs, etc. They're not above criticism. Yet some here defend them like they are.
  12. 5-2 Canucks (I'll be there cheering them on!) Miller
  13. Just went for a really awesome riverside walk. Peaceful, serene. And this was in my head.....
  14. I can speak from experience on at least my situation. My ex was abusive....when he'd drink (which was regularly), he could be a monster. Blacked out and full of rage...all directed at me. It was ugly...the words first then it escalated. He was in the pretrial centre.....I was going to see him. Crazy? I know. His brother drove me there...I was pregnant at the time. Even his own lawyer asked me why I stayed with him (he'd retained him more than once). He was all I knew. We were all I knew. We'd been together since we were 14...Bonnie and Clyde. Romeo and Juliet. The whole shebang. I loved him. We lived on the edge and things were tumultuous at times. And I'd stand in there, swinging at first. Until we had kids, then things changed for me. I'd shelter them....do anything to keep him "calm" and them away from his wrath. That was the focus...try to deescalate things however I could. Anyhow, long story short....I, too, went to bat for him. Wouldn't testify against him (it was actually the cops who were charging him for fighting back....they came to arrest him on a domestic but they roughed him up, good with one of those big flashlights). I was so upset seeing him banged up....yet he'd done the same to me. He was SO convincing in his love for me. His deep regret ... and even his promise to give up everything for me. I hoped it was true. But it wouldn't last...same cycle on repeat. Women love their men and it takes awhile to understand that you'll be ok alone. Better off alone. It's just so incredibly sad when kids are involved.
  15. Really loved Big Z's interview.
  16. The empty net was the Wings' best player.
  17. This one feels extra good. Back in black, our barn....gtfo Wings. And take your refs with you.
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