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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. The risk, for me, is disturbing the balance of the team. 37 years old, not in the greatest shape. Could slow us down. I'm not really in favour of this experiment.
  2. It's flawed to take this at face value though. As I pointed out, Boston played 66 more games than the Canucks during this period. So that has to be factored in.
  3. You know how you stop an opponent from showing you up? You play better. You don't crosscheck a guy in the neck post whistle. Drawing a crowd is one thing but don't excuse this momentary loss of control. You can't just "lose it" .... ask Bertuzzi about that. There are supposedly limits to how far you can go in a chase down attack because you're pissed off. Even IF it's with good reason. You can't go over the line and this did. No matter what the reasoning behind it is. Drop the gloves and fight. That would be a more appropriate response. Hurt feelings aren't an excuse to go after someone with a crosscheck to the head. Greig put an exclamation point on a winning goal in a game that had been tied. Aw, cry me a river Leafs.
  4. Not really. At face value it may look that way, but the chart doesn't break down how many games were played. For instance.....Bruins were in the playoffs during the period that chart covers for 81 games. Canucks, same period = 15 games. So factor in 66 more games to assess those penalties in. I won't look beyond that, I'm sure you get the idea of why your take is flawed. We get some extremely soft penalties and other teams get away with stuff that this team does not. Garland takes a walloping yet Myers get penalized if he looks sideways at players. We also haven't give reason for suspensions so....there's that. I mean, our players aren't dirty Marchands.
  5. I disagree with every single bit of this.
  6. Thought this might be a good place to discuss fines, suspensions, etc. If I missed something somewhere else, apologies. With Big Z getting 2 games, I wonder what Reilly will get. An in person hearing "has been offered" (?) and will be held tomorrow. What do you think should happen? I feel 5-10 games at least. I mean, I'd like the Bertuzzi treatment for hunting down a player in a fit of rage and walloping him in the head, but we all know they won't apply the same standard here. Even though maybe they should.
  7. Have I really been here 16 years? Not HERE per se, but you know.

    Time flies when you're having fun.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Heretic


      2007 here.  Forums started before that - not too sure when exactly.

    3. Jess


      @TNucks1 Early 2003 I believe, though I think there may have been a predecessor to the CDC we knew as well that might've gone back to the earlier 2000s or maybe late 90s.

    4. Ilunga


      I got my freakin seniors card in

      the mail today.

      Have I really made it to 60 !


      20-30 years ago a lot of people would have laughed if you told them this would happen

  8. How can you not LOVE this guy? Total team player. Comes through when it really counts. In the playoffs, he'll be a key component for us.
  9. What a year we're having. We deserve this but, moreso, this core does. For me, guys like JT, Demko, Petey, Quinn....taken a lot of heat in this market. Bubble stuff where they didn't get credit for having a pretty good run. They're proving themselves with a little help from their friends. I know it's all nothing until it's something....but is it? The journey's important too, not just the destination. Whatever this turns into, what a glorious ride so far. Top of the league? Yes, homer me always believed they would be but that was always with a grain of salt and a whole lot of hoping. No matter what, this year will not be a bust. There are 32 teams in the league all vying for the same thing. Nearly 3 times as many as when teams like Toronto won a cup. So much harder these days to do that....I think cup bragging rights start at this level and whatever happened in a 6-12 team league is history that's really no longer relevant. The only reason I'm babbling about this is that we need to just get behind our team at this point. Everyone who calls themselves a fan. It won't be perfect but it's sure something special to be the cream of the crop and in there with the best of the best. The Bruins game reminded me that some will just kick dirt over this team at every opportunity...wish we didn't do that. Discount what they have been doing because they didn't do it every single game. Anyhow, just sitting here with my coffee, reflecting. A funeral yesterday reminded me to enjoy life to the fullest. My team is helping me do that (you guys too). So stoked over this year. Let's go.
  10. I think you're missing some important points. First of all, the game moves at a much higher speed than it used to. So it's not necessarily that guys don't know how to hit or absorb hits....there's more room for error with the fast pace of the game. High speed/high impact stuff. "Kids are just now experiencing repeated concussions"....it's always been a thing but we now know how devastating post concussion syndrome is so hits to the head have been amplified and addressed more now. More prevalent because they're looked at more closely. And re McDavid knowing how to take hits and knee on knees....it's luck of the draw more than anything. It's not that he's ultra special in that regard. He's also pretty elusive on skates to it's harder to hit him as a moving target. This comment really answers itself....he doesn't get pasted because of his extremely high speed (not despite it). NHL enforcers tend to die 10 years earlier than other players and that information really tended to up the ante. No matter how "experienced" you are in receiving a hit, there's no telling when one will result in an injury.
  11. First of all, I got the full prediction win...except I'd typed in OT then decided against it. Never go against my instinct. The funeral was beautiful and moving. And JT's goal was too. My notes: We looked good. They got away with a lot - clutching and other crap. Oshie on PDG, interference, a hook by Wilson, Juulsen upended, Cole upended Garland crosschecked into the boards...nothing. But oh well, used to it. Playoffs it'll be that way so might as well get acclimatized to it. Kuemper's a big fat turd. Kuemper's got a PMS temper. Coming out of his net like a cat on his catio. Taking shots at guys. Holding them down (Blueger then Boeser) in his crease. Does he need some love or something? He for sure needs his crease crashed. Juulsen and Garland. Both awesome. Wilson. Is not. Loved when Friedman took him OUT. Myers...tried to mess us up a few times ... not his best. Couldn't clear our zone once...tried once, twice, then chaos ensued. Thirst line. Yep. No quit in them. That Hoggy goal? W-O-W. So good. 2nd pp unit worked hard. Those damn horns man. In the third (especially the first half) our guys did a great job in the neutral zone. OH YEAH AND..... JT FREAKIN MILLER
  12. Do they not know anything? I hope you took a number.
  13. Hockeygod's taking a little time out and won't be responding for a few days (if at all). If he/she comes back with more of the same please report it so it can be addressed. Serious topic and we'll get back to treating it as such. Without all the yelling.
  14. And the way he looked for calls AFTER he came back? Pathetic. Dude, you already got bonus referring, don't push it. Can't stand the guy based on yesterday alone. I get total d bag vibes.
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