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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Myers is totally at fault here. Yes, Desmith went down early but damn, Raymond should've NEVER been allowed to be gifted that space. WTF you reaching like that? TAKE HIM OUT...USE YOUR BODY. The angle here is one that Myers should be able to take him out of the play. But....
  2. At least he'll take the body. My God, Myers looks like he just learned how to skate backwards at times.
  3. Amazing is a bit of an exaggeration. He played well. For that one game. Can't really blame DeSmith....Myers let someone walk right in front.
  4. Some here defend him relentlessly. I hope they were watching that (although they'll blame Miller).
  5. It's also important to remember these are old quotes (over a year ago?) So yeah, when you're winning it tends to bring you closer together. Back then, the team was uncertain and had been through a really rough extended patch. That was then, this is now. We should let it die any time now.
  6. Damn, that's rough my friend. Take some deep breaths before you go in and let it all out when you get back outside. We're here for you.
  7. I don't think we SHOULD read between the lines....nothing here. But this fanbase always needs drama. Petey's a single guy and image is everything. Miller's low key/not on SM much and a family man with kids. Just different personality types who are at different places in life. Doesn't mean there's anything "there" beyond that. "He cares, wants to win, a teammate I respect." Those things get lost at times in between those lines. "Over time we have become friends"
  8. I NEVER miss Canucks' games. Ever. Except I got a Christmas gift for an outing with my kids (can never turn those down, reminded them to always check the schedule first). So that was the first missed game in forever. Tomorrow a funeral at 11....will pvr the game and avoid everything electronic until I get home/watch it. Then the SB. And probably a drink, cheers.
  9. 3-2 Canucks Miller 49'ers (can't stand Mahomes)
  10. My friend's a Detroit fan. Today I am not talking to her. Feels good to get that other game out of my mind...a win would help. I'm tired of losing.
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