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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Here's the thing....are there people out there trying to lure others into something in order to cash in? Sure. But guys don't have to participate (either). Don't take the bait or you're on the hook. Oh hey...."play with fire....". If the guys involved are the victims let's apply this to them then. Their charges are the result of them "playing with fire". Most rape victims are just that....victims. No matter how they dress, where they are, what they do.....rape isn't an open all you can eat buffet. Consent has to be something that's clear and confirmed. Even IF someone dresses scantily, goes back to a hotel with a guy and has sex with someONE....it's not a tag team deal unless she's in control of that. If she's being threatened and forced to do stuff, that's called sexual assault. And guys too...you can't take liberties with anyone's body and victims can be male or female. The culture isn't to blame here because that's something that's developed by us, as humans. So if hockey culture is that this is ok, it's up to the individuals to say "it's not ok with me" and step aside. Not participate. Those are decisions made by people (not culture, an intangible). Peer pressure and yes, alcohol and drugs create an environment...but the culture is something that's embedded over time. By people making those decisions. If someone's incapacitated they may lose the ability to make decisions...but we don't get to make them for them. DO NOT PASS GO.
  2. Yet most who indulge don't rape people. Had enough of this crap victim shaming. Hmm, there are charges for impaired driving....no shit excuses. You're responsible for what YOU do, period. Drunk, high, whatever. And hiding behind someone else's actions (how they dress, they were drunk, etc.) doesn't get YOU off the hook for what you did. That can't be shifted away. Don't blame everything and everyone except the perpetrators. That's just obnoxious.
  3. Haha "how much has this team matured JT?" Love it. I hope our "fans" are still watching. Especially the ones claiming the team is immature and Miller's a dog.
  4. For me, this game was huge. First on a road trip coming back after the break. Don't want to let it slide at all and this was a good push toward the stretch and what they'll have to do. A loss would've been anxiety inducing. We've been through a lot as fans...I only accept wins now.
  5. Miller doggin' it Wins the faceoff, fights for the puck/gets it...in their zone, wards off 2 guys, gets a pass across for a shot.
  6. Does it with his back hand shot Does it often, quite a lot Does it even when some jeer Does it now they owe me beer
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