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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. What a stinker of a game. Gotta get their act together...that's two in a row and things'll slip away quickly like this. Sometimes VA goes for too much and wants to be the hero. Settle in and get some first downs rather than going for broke in one play. Love him, but he can run very hot and cold. He and McInnes had some great chemistry and Hatcher coming back is an adjustment. But if you're the best, you adjust.
  2. Summer brings us up from 6th to 4th....last leg now, let's go!! Ladies finished 4th...was too much ground to make up. Good overall effort.
  3. 4 x 200 ladies freestyle on now. Canada's got some work to do to get into contention. Sitting in 6th right now.
  4. Wonder if Summer actually drinks Red Bull?
  5. Summer with another gold and an OR! 200m butterfly.
  6. Fifth place, respectable finish. He really is best at 50k but they scrapped that one with a lame reasoning behind the decision.
  7. Go Evan Dunfee! He's from Richmond and a super nice guy. Also ran for Richmond City council last election and almost got in. I voted for him...he's got some great/fresh ideas.
  8. I was looking too, couldn't find anything. Make it up on the fly stuff.
  9. No surprise ^^ In this competitive environment where some countries pay big bucks for gold (up to nearly $300,000.00), it isn't farfetched to think that teams are trying to get an upper hand on one another. Cheating, sure...but you still have to PLAY the game so there's that part. Getting someone's game plan doesn't guarantee success (by any means). Anyhow....I better get to watch the game tomorrow. I have to work. Problem is...we don't have a workplace anymore (today was the last day of our lease). But my boss is pushing to "work together in person" and suggested we work at my house. Nope. His house. Nope again. Others are working remotely. I have an issue here.
  10. So they didn't make the decision? F them for going to the extreme. There, I cleared it up for you. I don't "blame Fifa" for taking action I just feel it was excessive.
  11. They faced the judge. But that's not enough for some here. They are horrid, wretched cheaters. Scarlet letters for them all. I just don't think that's in the name of sport (either).
  12. I stopped reading here. You do you, don't try to tell others what their responses should be. Ashamed? If you base your shame on other's actions that's on you. I have integrity and don't feel shame over this. Sorry? Not playing this game. The girls paid the price for the actions and now it's just dragging their names through the mud. Sort of goes against that whole sportsmanship thing you preached about. Shame them!
  13. And, for me, the fact that they served that penalty but some are still calling for their heads.
  14. A lot of that going on here.
  15. Piss off with this crap. I have not done that so please don't reach like that. It's weak.
  16. It's not like the IOC has always led by example. Bribery, corruption. It's not like they set the standards and live by them. Again.....yes, they flew a drone overhead and that was to get an upperhand and information. Cheating. They didn't assault someone with a baton. The coaches cheated. The team faced the judge. But that's not enough for some...who would strip them of their dignity and shame them. Not sure that's good sportsmanship.
  17. So when a tennis match was over and a guy threw a hissy fit (and his racket)...was that good sportsmanship? You're over dramatizing this to suit a narrative that's been force fed to us and a bit of a farce. But keep believing that integrity is the name of the game. Have you seen some of the winter Olympics skating judging? I wish what you were striving for was true but it's a bit of a fairy tale.
  18. So image is everything? These Olympics are for the athletes who make sacrifices for years to get where they are. Fight through pain and injury, etc. The groups that benefit from their hard work are simply that...beneficiaries. Who make a boatload of $$ off them. So I don't give a flying f how it looks on them. The team has paid the penalty...now maybe we should move on and not crucify them any further. They didn't "steal" anything...they earned where they are and faced a huge deficit in doing so.
  19. Who's doing that? Can you show me where that's happening?
  20. So...it's not on FIFA, "this was a Canadian coach screwing up" and "this is on the coaches". So fine, direct punishment at them, not a team of girls who've worked hard to get where they are.
  21. And I guess, for me, it's a matter of the pot calling the kettle black. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIFA_corruption_case
  22. I'm not "blaming FIFA' for issuing a penalty. I'm saying it was overkill to punish the team so harshly. The girls did not cheat in the games...they won fair and square so let's not pretend otherwise.
  23. I don't share your opinion. At all.
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