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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. We got the extended version. I went and made dinner but still got back before he finished.
  2. Wow. "Too sensitive" "Just human" I hope you don't have a daughter and, if you do, put this into context. Just as a guy can mouth off but if someone belts him, it's assault. Women can be flirtatious, dress scantily, "act" a certain way but the bottom line is...if you (gang) rape them, it's an assault. It's on you, not them. Women (people) are allowed to "act" any damn way they please but it doesn't give anyone a free pass to assault them.
  3. I'm so sorry to hear this. We lost our Golden Retriever friend, Troy awhile back (my daughter's partner's dog). They're amazing dogs and 15.5 years is a long time to spend together with a best friend. I hope you heal, my sincere condolences.
  4. Juice is so awesome....


    1. Ghostsof1915


      Always wondered if the reason Cherry mucked up his name, was not a joke. But a barb at him not playing for the IceDogs and chosing the NCAA route instead.

    2. Jess


      I wonder if he'll get flak for supporting Cherry, given how much he was lambasted in the past.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      I think it's not enough to get Cherry back on TV. But I think people have just accepted Cherry is old, and going to say stupid things that old people say. That maybe it was time he was off the air. I respect Cherry in his passion and hockey knowledge and he stood up for women's hockey when few others did.

      At least Cherry was less obnoxious than Ron "the weasel" McLean.

  5. Thank GOD we have real hockey again. Feels like forever. Hope they get going again and don't let up at all. Tough grind coming up but this team's capable of staying in the thick of things. Sorry boss, gotta leave early tomorrow. Just how it is.
  6. They were at the last game. At least there were green men there, not sure if they were "the" green men. I loved them, they were hilarious.
  7. Used to love Crazy George way back when with the Lions. Not so much with Crazy P...I find him way too much. Great that he gets the crowd going....just please not too close to me. Especially the 7 Nations Army thing...so overdone and stale. Maybe if he came up with some new ideas. I find it distracting, especially if it's nearing the end of a close game. Drunk people not even caring about what's happening on the ice. I get it...and overall it's probably a good thing. But just not for me. I do get a giggle out of the t shirt guy though (ripping off the tearaway pants deal). His energy's not so loud and in your face.
  8. I know people are just chomping at the bit to replicate Biebs fashion style. No worries, folks, I've tracked down his stylist and found out how to get the same wtf he's wearing.
  9. One of my favourites too...love them.
  10. This was the one. We pulled some all nighters with The Cars back then....
  11. Happy birthday, Kuz! Hope someone bakes you a beautiful banana-Pepsi cake! All the best in your new surroundings (just not vs us). Cheers.
  12. He saw the pictures of Brad Marchand licking people's faces and didn't want to catch anything?
  13. Thing is, the Guide Dogs is a very worthy recipient of the attention and awareness that Ryp helped generate through the team. So it's a two way street here. My friend is very involved with the BC Guide Dogs program and any light shone on it is a good thing. So it's a bit of a jaded take to only associate this with a corporate agenda of no value outside of that. FTR, I've had the pleasure of having (at least in part...my ex's dog) a prospective guide dog. Even though it didn't work out, he was an incredible friend. "Chuck"
  14. I will let this rest but feel there's an important part that's maybe triggering people. It's the insensitive nature of the responses that's a bit baffling. From a self proclaimed dog lover. "Friggin dog" "some dog". Why the need to express it with an angry/bitter tone...even IF you don't get it? This was a beautiful, young dog... a living creature. Even if some don't understand the "value" in having had him as part of the team or the sadness over him passing away. Fueling the fire. But yes, let's all move on.
  15. When Demko did the snub walk by I actually thought of this. Maybe he's avoiding getting too close for those very reasons. It's so dumb to hold this "party" during the season and right before playoffs are on the horizon. Demko: "it's a trap"
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