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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Teams used to hold individual super skills to determine who'd represent them at the event. Or at least I think that's how it worked. We used to go every year, was awesome. For those who maybe can't afford tickets for the entire family to go to a game, it was a good chance for everyone to get into the action. I remember going to the one where Luc & Burr were pied as rookies. Watching the fun they were having together that day...we became instant fans. Will always be a special event to me...not sure why we don't get a team skills deal anymore.
  2. I love this....hilarious. Good to know others are thinking the same thing that we are. F the Leafs.
  3. Must be weird to have to play nicely together all weekend then go back to war against one another the following week. Honestly, I feel this crap should happen in the off season (for those who want to attend). It's just weird to me. I don't want our guys schmoozing with the enemy. Which is why I love what Demko did (for whatever reason it happened). Teaming up with other guys during the season? Hell no.
  4. I get this. I've had animals my entire life but am at that point. My heart just can't take the grinder anymore. Although my new neighbours (love them) adopt dogs from really bad situations. Mostly older dogs...10+. Just got 2 (this month) from a hoarding situation, one with no teeth who'd never been outside. Will probably be $7,000 or so in vet bills and the dog will likely last another 2 years or so. They don't care - they said "this dog deserves love". When they moved in they had 2 (one recently passed - the other is a 3 legged street dog from Thailand....she weighs about 4 lbs). So their dogs are my dogs too (they knock on the door and tell me when they're heading out so I can join the party). I get to help spoil them and that'll have to do. For now.
  5. It's actually quite something when we take the time to get to "know" animals and their unique personalities. I mean, some people think a bunny is something to stick in a cage with a carrot. An animal that just sits all day, but they only react to the situation they're placed in. They're SO awesome and unique. I've had 4 buns and each one was completely different. They're seen as different than cats and dogs but are awesome pets if people do it right. Animals stuck at the end of a rope all day or in cage without interaction will wilt. It's disgusting...don't get animals if that's all they'll ever know. All animals deserve to be "heard"/loved. Ryp was a lovely guy....bursting with energy but also so tuned in in a crowd. I'll really miss him.
  6. I wish all humans cared. I was walking my dog when it got dark/late and as I put her in the back of the jeep, all of a sudden there was another dog standing there! A black lab/shep cross? I waited to see if maybe someone was behind in the walk but there were no other cars in the lot (it was down by the river). I encouraged the dog and, sure enough, he hopped in too. My dog wasn't impressed but my aunt agreed to take this guy in. Her kids named him Bowser...he was a bit of a handful. He was an escape artist and she had to pick him up at the pound twice. She said three strikes and he was out. As it would turn out, on the last trip to the pound they'd had a call from an owner. A fisherman who lived on his boat in Steveston ... turns out Bowswer was his dog, who'd been allowed to roam the beach on his own but usually came back. This time he'd gone too far and that was when I stumbled across him. He went "home" with some new tags and a promise from the owner to do better.
  7. Wow, please read the room. You said you don't come here for this but you sure are sticking around. Maybe hit up another of the numerous threads in Canucks Talk rather than poke and prod in here. It's so inappropriate (as is mini modding). This dog was part of the team whether you approved it or not. On one hand, you don't want to read about pets in Canucks talk and it doesn't belong here but on the other you're quite happy to hang in here and use Canucks Talk to debate pets. That's quite a double standard. And in looking back, I see a mod was already monitoring things. It's time to move along if you're only here to argue a point. If you don't get it, that's ok but it's now a matter of opting out rather than standing in here swinging. Just inappropriate in a discussion about loss and sadness.
  8. Thing is...can you blame them? I mean, this is a break for them before they hit a gruelling stretch. Everyone wants to stay healthy for the final push. Also...players have their kids there and it's a fun atmosphere overall. I'm glad our guys mailed it in (except Demko...that one stretched out save had me cringe. He was his ultra competitive self).
  9. Thing is though....what an ass to make this about him. To want the spotlight in an event about others. Ego as big as his dumb coat. He was a guest/supporting cast but it's like he needs all the attention. Bieber...pure Toronto, through and through. Center of the universe stuff. I loved Buble...he's a likeable, down to earth guy. Bieber...no thanks, pass.
  10. Not you. Please read the thread before chiming in...it's just not a place to do this. Whatever the reason for the partnership, the guide dogs are very instrumental in making the lives of people who need them better. And again, maybe just head to a thread where you can talk hockey if this isn't for you.
  11. LOL here's where I stop caring about this deal.
  12. No, let's not talk to Justin...let's watch the game.
  13. Bieber is so ridiculous. Like dude, that's not even one bit cool, it's glaring in a bad way.
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