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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. There's a bit too much holier than thou smugness here ^ though. I've lived in one place and this is my team....doesn't make me any less a hockey fan. You're assuming people who "cheer" for the Canucks only watch the Canucks...that's your first mistake. Not sure how easy it is to follow in a city with no team as closely as those of us rabid fans who won't move because, well, her team's here. And hockey's huge here so it's quite easy to follow along. I, too, watch a lot of hockey and set my entire life around the schedule. But I have ONE team that I'm loyal to...not that it's not ok to do it your way. Just don't speak like somehow that's a nobler way to be a fan. For me, I commit to my team and win or lose I'm with them. Things like "unlike most people on this forum" don't serve your argument well. How do you know? Did you do a survey? I watch every bit of hockey I can (which is why I pay nearly $200 month for cable - for hockey/sports). You can't understand people "hating" other teams/players but you also use the opposite and a strong emotion to state your "love" not once but twice - for the Oilers then for McDavid. So some of us maybe don't understand that (especially in here, a place that isn't all about the Oilers, our rivals). Love is a strong word (from Matt Good - Champions of Nothing which kind of is what the Oilers are at this point). It's easy for some to love the Oilers now but what about at the beginning of the year when they sucked, hard. Some people love winning and jump ship accordingly. Anyhow, just putting this out there to counter the challenges you put out there and "why" it's ok that we love our team. Which is what's on display by some of us. F the Oilers. I hate the Oilers and that's ok too. We don't all have to love them. McDavid IS the best player but is he the best person? I don't know...we'll see how much he donates of his "hard earned" cash from the event. He whines too much for my liking. And not only did he make the game, but he makes the rules too? Skate backwards, chump. Cheers.
  2. The fact that McDavid's being wishy washy about the cash tells me he wants to keep it and slide under the radar: "Maybe donate some of it, some of it to teammates...we will see". Maybe??? Some???? You know, when it was all about photo ops with Ben, McJesus was all over it. In there like a dirty stinky shirt (although, put your damn arm around the kid). How about donate the entire thing to the cancer organization in his name/honour? Ya turd. https://nationalpost.com/sports/hockey/nhl/mcdavid-wins-all-star-skills-competition-and-takes-home-1-million
  3. Meanwhile, awesome Dad's out there with his daughter taking it all in stride. While another guy is strategizing on how he can win the game he designed and cash out. SKATE BACKWARDS YOU BUM CHEATER.
  4. And probably a man bun on top of his head which is why his helmet doesn't fit properly.
  5. He cheated but sure. Skate backwards you bum.
  6. I didn't think Nylander hit the first saucer pass? I didn't see one go in, but they all cheat anyhow.
  7. I think they should be penalized for knocking stuff over/around. Like add 2 seconds.
  8. I didn't like how stretched out Demko was. Take it easy out there, we need you!
  9. "I can't score on any of the other guys on breakaways" JT's a beauty.
  10. That's how the rules were explained....facing the shooting end boards the whole time.
  11. What most of them are doing....they weren't supposed to turn, they were supposed to skate backwards along one side then transition to forward on the other. They turned and went forward on the backward side. They were supposed to face the end boards the entire time.
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