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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. It's ok to have fun with it but nothing's a done deal until...it is. I feel that not only are we braced for impact, there's a lingering dread that waits for it. It's nice to just be able to relax and enjoy the success the team's having. Whatever the outcome is, it's been fun so far. And it's NOT a fluke, this team deserves what they've earned despite the ever changing goal posts crowd that keeps waiting for them to fail. The aha'er told you so's will certainly chime in whenever they get a chance to. Like it somehow undermines what they're doing? It does not. No team goes through unscathed and even when they do (Bruins) it's no guarantee. Which is the beauty of it all...you just never know.
  2. Trying to further justify their ridiculous actions. Writing a rulebook on the fly.
  3. Me too! Isn't it nice to not feel totally deflated at that point? Like..."there's still hope". This team hates losing.
  4. They get away with so much. And Thomas used to be allowed to hack and whack guys but that was ok. Don't glance past their goaltender though.
  5. Also, can we just talk about Miller for a minute (again) here? Another 3 point night. The way he threw that seam pass to Petey? And set up Brock. He's always looking for a play before it unfolds...a step ahead. Also...76.5% in the dot. Come on, he's just amazing.
  6. If looks could kill..... Petey had the death glare....Miller's got the killer stare.
  7. LOL, I love when people state predictions like they know. Like they're facts. ANY team that gets into the playoffs is contending for the cup. It's how it works. Playoffs are a grind and a lot of it depends on what team stays healthy. Goaltending's also huge and we've got that covered. We've got some big guys in the line up who can help set a tone. The way Miller plays is exactly how you win playoffs. They're galloping this year....if you don't see that it's on you. It's SUPER tough to win it all but don't count this team out because they can beat anyone when they're on.
  8. I sent a question in for him. "When are you coming back home, Dad?"
  9. Suck it Scott. Trying to always make the Canucks seem bad.
  10. LOL @ Juice (to Tanev) "how do you chew gum with no teeth?"
  11. Good for Petey....big confidence booster. And all I have to say about this game is.....
  12. Have to be good to be lucky. And they were lucky to grab a 5 minute...we just did a great job of killing it.
  13. "We made a mistake....we'd like Tyler Myers to return to the ice to finish this off. Put 11 minutes back on the clock please"
  14. All those suckers who shut the game down early. Will they never learn?
  15. Let go of his leg you freak. Not sure what they do in Columbus, but that ain't proper here.
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