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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. FIFA wants to pretend they're fair?
  2. How much can they "learn" from flying a drone? I mean, it's not like football is it? With formations and what not. I don't really watch soccer much so could be wrong. But it seemed like they were treated much harsher than some other countries might have been.
  3. Let's get real here....there's all kind of cheating in the Olympics. FIFA. I mean, the punishment just didn't really fit "the crime".
  4. So great. Shove it down their throats, ladies.
  5. "When they go low, we...kick ass" Something like that.
  6. Whew, dodged a bullet there.
  8. I really liked his interview just now...seems very down to earth. Sounds confident...like he's almost disappointed to bring Canada a bronze when really he should be super proud. Seems like a hungry athlete and the sky's the limit if that's the case. A bright future for sure. I thought I heard that he trains with or was teammates with Marchand (awful name) in Arizona....not sure if I got it right or not. Said he was coming for him. Like the attitude.
  9. Also, didn't particularly like Milak (Hungary)...based on nothing more than what seemed to me to be a cocky/smug attitude. Like he expected to win. Got silver, but glad he got beat in the end. I could be totally off base though as this is very much judging a book by its cover. Just got that Zegras-y feeling from him.
  10. Way to go, Ilya! Bronze medal in the 200m butterfly!
  11. Here are some other highlights of this clown... (It's nice to see a moment of humility where he admits "what am I doing?")
  12. Thought this was pretty clever...
  13. Enjoyed it. And apparently China was the favourite coming in to the Olympics.
  14. Part of Medvedev's schtick. I can't stand him. For me, this is just absolutely childish. During a match in the heat of the moment? Sure...emotions run high in competition. After it's all said and done? Nope...show some good sportsmanship. Felix's moment, not his to throw a tantrum in. Way to go, Felix.
  15. A good news story amidst all the awful news.
  16. Boo. Djokovich takes it. Rafa fought back but ego wins. Yes, Novak's excellent but his overall delivery in the world needs some work. Knowing you're good is one thing, acting out on it is another.
  17. Wow!!! Incredible break point!
  18. A couple more break points for Rafa. Joker bouncing the ball a million times pre-serve.
  19. Djokovich gonna cry about playing guys who are too good now?
  20. Can't stand Djokovic....turned on the match just as Rafa started turning it around. Let's go Rafa! Liked him ever since I learned his idol was Andre Agassi. In his corner for sure. Screw cocky, arrogant Djokovic!
  21. Damn, left the room for ONE SECOND and they scored.
  22. The Eiffel Tower as the backdrop for volleyball is EPIC! I am very wow'd by it. LOL
  23. Right? Blew everyone out of the water. (pardon the pun)
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