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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Pat Quinn was a big teddy bear. Met him and he was AWESOME!
  2. Oh my...I'm sure in tune with my team. Just went over to Twitter and....
  3. Finish strong before the break, boys.
  4. JT "don't wanna leave with a bad taste in the mouth". Hmmmm, guess who said that about last game?? Great minds think alike!
  5. His smugness really rubs me the wrong way.
  6. Change your name if that's your goalie. Or you ain't nothin but a hound dog.
  7. I always believe in innocent until proven guilty because there ARE gold diggers with agendas out there. But multiple accusations associated with one person is hard to overlook.
  8. Good luck running into our red hot team.
  9. Chrome domes are being auctioned off. Only worn for two games, I guess this is the first batch and the next game (when they'll be retired) will have the core's lids up for auction for charity.
  10. Loved it because, well, I love rabbits.
  11. Big fire in Steveston, a long time grocery store went up in flames. Bought all my flowers there. Meat and produce too. So sad. My Dad knew the original owners from the 50's. Super Grocer...formerly Super Valu.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Muscatel Marauder

      Muscatel Marauder

      Are the 3 Japanese stores still there Deb?

    3. -dlc-


      The only building to be decimated is the Super Grocer (entire building). Seafood House and Laura's Vacuums also have water/debris damage and are closed temporarily. Not sure of anywhere else.

      Nikaido is a ways away and unaffected.

    4. Muscatel Marauder

      Muscatel Marauder

      Ok, thank you.

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