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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Let's go into this break on a high. That Blues game left a bad taste in my mouth for a few reasons. Love that we tied it up in the last minute of play so that helped. But a good win tonight would be great. Also....LOVE the lunar NY jerseys. I really wanted one last year (year of the rabbit)....they're too pricey and out of my range but they're so sharp.
  2. Exactly....people pencil trades and players in/out without realizing the importance of the chemistry. Some of this core has gone through stuff together that's bonded them and it's not just skill or position to be considered, but how guys fit together in the room. This is a good group we've got here.
  3. Whenever I'm having a bad day I'm going to play this. Giddy Miller is awesome.
  4. Me too! LOVE the end ... Garly "give me a hug"
  5. It was very low key....wasn't calling out as much as nudging him. Petey knows he can be better. This is a big nothingburger and there's way too much drama associated with the simplest things. It's not like Petey's the only one....he's said things about Kuz, Miller, Myers, Brock, Demko, etc. Petey's decision should be based on his overall happiness on the team and not swayed by a little honest constructive criticism. He can use Miller as his guide in that....look at the crap Miller took yet he ignored it and signed long term because the team is one he wants to be part of. No room for ego here.
  6. Imac's my favourite journalist too. He lives nearby and I saw him in the local Tim Hortons a few months ago and he was SO friendly. We chatted about the team for a bit. He's one of the only ones I read...and I do like the 650 guys and listen to them...Sat, Dan, Bik
  7. They really had no choice....sink or swim time. We went on a bit of a run (16 wins in 21 games) last year after digging a hole too. Desperation'll do that.
  8. Different body types, doesn't just work the way you say. Plus, MacKinnon was a #1 draft pick and the bar is set a bit higher for him as a result. "Maybe Petey wakes up one day"? "Strong breeze". If you want to be taken seriously try to avoid this crap as it does little to sell your case. No one works harder than Petey on improving himself. He'll be fine.
  9. He took the high road....I don't have to. Over it, but it's just more of the same in the crappy reffing saga.
  10. It's ridiculous how Tocchet simply comments that Petey's last few games haven't been great and everyone just explodes. The comments coming in to 650 lately have been ridiculous. "Gord" (caller) who suggests we get rid of Petey fast before we get anchored to a guy who isn't very good. Etc. I'm glad the 650 guys fired back (citing actual stats and facts to prove the haters wrong). Geesh.
  11. Great post. And I agree with the Hughes deal....he went off hurt and it was dicey for a moment there. We lose him, we're in trouble. That definitely called for "attention". I love that we did sneak a point out at the end.
  12. Nah, those blatant cross checks are called. Two guys battling, sure...but you can't knock a player to the ice from behind with a x check to the back. We were in that section and saw it from overhead....ref was right there. Should have been a call...only 6 guys on the ice to watch, it's not like there was a crowd in the crease.
  13. Remember to use tags as per the header above. I've done it for you, but next time please do so.
  14. Mark Madryga on the news just now...."that was a blatant call against Petey that affected the outcome of the game" and shrugs his shoulders with a big what. Oh well, we got a point and the Blues weren't so confident when we tied it up. Something.
  15. They did have some funny rhymes about the helmets on 650 on the drive home. Lightened the mood a bit. Chrome domes at home stuff. Maybe they blinded the refs?
  16. I wasn't going to use my cowbell due to the section I was in. Out of respect for those around me. But f it. When hagzilla was behind me it was ON. Full cowbell. "I dare YOU to tell me to put it away". At that point, I was so sick of her sh I just didn't care.
  17. Refs are dogsh. That crosscheck on Petey??!!! Ref looking right at them? I had a bird's eye view of it and it was something that needed to be called. Ridiculous. Game freakin' management in action. Also, Krug's a pos. I'm also appalled at one of the so called "hosts". I was with my friend who was in a really bad motorcycle accident in September (season ticket holder) and is in a wheelchair. They've swapped out her regular seats for wheelchair section until she recovers. The hag working that section needs a slap and she was lucky she didn't get one. We had 2 seats....#15 & 18. There are markers indicating "seat numbers" and they're measured off so people pull their wheelchairs up in the right position. There are chairs against the wall for those accompanying them. Seats from about 8 to 15 weren't empty...so I wheeled my friend up to 15 and I pulled up a chair at #14. This witch host comes over to bark at me "NOT THAT CHAIR" and sort of jiggles it as I'm sitting in it. OK, fine....whatever. I grabbed a different chair. What a lovely way to greet people. Then she told me I had to move...I'm in the wrong "seat" (which I was). But we told her we also had #18 and someone in a wheelchair was in that spot...so no big deal, right? We told her if someone comes to occupy 14 I'd move but she was insistent. Cop wannabe. And f'n rude as hell. Funny thing is, I was at an open practice once and she was working and wanted to chat with me the entire time...she was bored. And annoying. She obviously didn't remember me but I remembered her. She told me Kirk McLean's an ahole and arrogant. But maybe it's just you, lady. Anyhow, she was persistent and the game was about to start...I was getting pissed. I took pictures as she accosted my friend. Who does that? To someone in a wheelchair? We told her to go ask the person in 18 to move out of our spot but....she wouldn't! She told us to squish together into one spot...it was ridiculous. My friend had her wheelchair butted up against the seat of the person beside her. This hag was so unreasonable. Then said "well I haven't seen you up here before, do you belong here?". WTF? Yes...my friend's leg is mangled and she can't walk. She belongs here. You probably don't. I should've heaved her over the rail. During the game, she and two other hosts were chatting right behind us and this b was leaning on the back of my chair. OMG lady, don't push me. (Woops, I just sang that like Torts). Anyhow, she'll get a write up. I'm going full Karen with an email. With pictures of her in action. What a way to treat people. It turned out the two ladies who arrived for seats 13 & 14 seemingly were very familiar to her. Not in wheelchairs, but frail. But she was hanging with them and clearly they were regulars that she was partial to. Special treatment stuff. What a cliquey cow this beast was. If we had been newcomers, she would've ensured we'd never come back. But no, lady...this is MY team. You move your wrinkled ass out of my way. This was her...she looks psycho. There was more, but I just got calmed down on the drive home. That cross check and that crotchety hag. At least we got a point. Oh, btw...I hate the Blues.
  18. And they haven't really exceeded expectations for some of us. Vegas, Colorado, Tampa all have....hand picked players and #1 picks who've helped them get there. We have....Quinn. Demko. Petey, Miller. And now a bigger, meaner blue line and supporting cast that can get it done. Pretty good selling points. Don't doubt them...they're proving their worth.
  19. Counting on a loss is mostly just respecting the odds when 30+ teams are all in the mix and only one makes it. I get it, but to not put this team in the conversation is waiting to prove a point more than anything. You may be correct...again, those odds are in your favour. But 3 out of the 4 panel members last game put us there. One was a vote for Edmonton. Odds have shifted and we're favourites right now...if the team stays healthy, sky's the limit.
  20. Thing is though, NO team is worth a damn thing yet. Survival of the fittest in the playoffs. Grind it out. Goaltending's huge and we've got that covered. May the best men win.
  21. Well the Debbies are ok as long as they're dazzling, delightful and devoted. Right?
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