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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. It's not really that though. We've commented when Demko's been off, Petey's struggled, etc. Miller sure took his share of heat around here. So now it's Myer's time. Unless you're new to this, it's not really about a whipping boy as much as it's commenting on players who are in a funk. Myers has had a lot of games where he's done something questionable (stupid). And negatively commenting on the fans and some negative comments? Part of the problem or solution here?
  2. Yes, yes....intellectually wasteful. On a discussion board where opinions aren't all the same/shared....to label one side as negative because you don't share it. Whereas: is of much more value because it was your observation/commentary.
  3. Me too. For me Mik is one of those speedy guys who can't always harness it in order to bring others into the play and set stuff up. He's electrifying when he does connect, but too often he doesn't. Maybe mobility is part of that? Like him, but I'd keep Kuz over him.
  4. Remember, he said emphatically JT Miller was gone. Fact. Myers has been AWFUL at times. Anyone who tries to argue against that is not watching the games.
  5. Just what happens when the Leafs are in town.
  6. I notice they're taking a lot of runs at Quinn....maybe why he was pissed off. Teams get away with more than they should with him. Then he gets a crosschecking penalty (deserved, but why doesn't he get that blind eye treatment that others get against him?). Garland too. These big tough guy teams pick their spots, don't they?
  7. Here it is, found it. Tocc ain't even mad as some would expect/report. And "the calmness of Millsy....we got it, we got it". No panic in this team whereas before I think they did get in their heads. Now they have confidence to overcome deficits and bad periods.
  8. He blocked a Marner shot and then also took a hit (Holmberg I think?). Didn't come back for the third.
  9. On the post game, they also shared that he's been spending a lot of time watching video recently. I think the visuals are really helping. Just to fine tune what's already there and his natural skill and ability.
  10. Their "chippiness", to me, is of the spoiled brat syndrome outbursts. I can see them sneering that "it's not fair" as they hack and whack, dive and then plead to the refs. Not toughness so much....poor sportsmanship because they're supposed to be the gifted ones. And when a team pushes back, their answer is to dive and try to help the refs make calls.
  11. Thing is, with a guy like Miller he'll more than make up for it. Usually count on a a good goal or assist because he knows he's maybe put the team behind a step. Myers? Not so much. If, during those bad games (and anyone saying he hasn't had them doesn't watch) he threw some big hits or did something to change momentum, sure. But often he's the start of a downward cycle that others have to pull us out of. I like him. I'm glad he looks better but there's been good reason for some criticism. The others have their moments too, but his are often head scratchers.
  12. No he hasn't. He's had some serious blunders that have cost the team. This year's he's at least been better than last year. When he's on, he's on. When he's not.....look out, he'll cost us. I mean, this is a good example of a WTF Myers moment. Not only did it cost us a goal, it could've cost us Petey. He is "solid" and shouldn't be throwing himself on top of our star players.
  13. Myers has completely redeemed himself with me. He has made some BONEHEADED plays in the past but if he plays a physical game, he's an asset to us. I think having Big Z in the line up will help Myers not stand out as much in a glaring way, too. The refs will lose the ability to call every hit they make simply based on them being bigger than the other guys. He'll blend in more.
  14. Someone with more skill than me....please! This needs to happen.
  15. Woops, didn't see the bonus question. Was too busy reeling over the fact that I had an invite to the game I guess! Worth it. Canucks win 6-2 Miller
  16. Oh also, I'm really loving Teddy. That guy's energy reminds me of Motte.
  17. What's done is in the past. I did NOT like how it went down, but understand why it did. Bruce was perfect for what we needed in the moment...guys needed a boost of confidence. A cheerleader. A guy who'd go to battle beside them and take the shots being fired at them. Pull them out of the ditch and get them going again. At a time when they felt pretty shitty about themselves, he brought in "the belt" and stuff to help them celebrate the small victories. To focus on being positive. But it did grow stale and something new was in order. More structured and focused. I do not forget the one guy who stayed beside Bruce on the bench as he left in that uncomfortable moment/game.....JT. Speaks volumes to me about his integrity and how much of a team player he is. He's a guy (like Bieksa was) who'll go down with the ship. But also goes down swinging. This team would be so much different if JT had moved on (as some were certain he would). I'd hate it. He's the glue.
  18. I love Petey and that jersey but it just wasn't right. I am buying a black skate Miller as fast I can find one. I will retire my signed one (I always get worried it'll get ruined anyway). Put it in my treasure chest.
  19. Also, for the first time this year I opted for the black skate Petey jersey. I felt disloyal to my Miller, but it had to be. I did NOT want to wear blue and blend in with the riffraff. And I wanted to scare Leaf fans around me, grrrr. Git. Me and my little rinky dink cowbell givin' 'er. Black is our scary uni. I loved that the ratio of Laff - Canuck fans in my section was at least pretty even. And the loud Laff fans as they scored to tie it 4-4 got so obnoxious and in your face. Was a tail between the legs exit for them. Me, my son and the two awesome guys beside us waved and cheerily said "bye now, have a great night". They hated us and I loved it. The guy seated to my left was a good guy Canuck fan but his loser TO friend was a moron. He reminded me of the Leafs....so obnoxiously ego driven. Yelling for "MitchY" and ...."JT"?! Gushing over Weelander. Turning and yelling over top of me to a Leaf fan in the row behind us. Please wear deodorant and brush your teeth next time. And "JT"!???! NO! Not here. There is only one JT and his name's Miller. Them's fighting words, dude....do you even know who you're sitting beside? FTR...Pyjama Boy is #91's name. Pfft, Leaf fans don't even know their own players. He was SO pissy and shouted at the fans (beside us) who woo'd at the end of the anthem that they'd disrespected it/our country. Apparently, their country. F off and go home. "Bye, have a great night" (was our response) I think he cried. He was SO annoyed.
  20. Still on cloud 9 this morning. Love our boys and the determination they're showing. They know what it feels like to lose and they HATE IT. They have pride. Quinn doing Miller stuff was awesome to me.....because they can't be content or complacent. Angry Myers too. A team that's fired up...cares. Sure, it can backfire but Tocchet knows how to help them channel that energy. Let that energy flow. I LOVE what I heard about Miller after Marner scored the shg. He was calm and said to the bench, "we've got this". Then he scored not long afterward. True leaders (he and Quinn). No panic. In the past, the team would've crumbled after the tying 4-4 goal. They've learned some valuable lessons over the past few years and it shows. Also....can't ignore the fact that the supporting cast (which is inappropriately titled) is much improved than in the past. Also hearing Hoggy's been watching a lot of video and it's helping him a lot. He was amazing. This team....sky's the limit.
  21. I didn't get to participate last night....miss you guys and the awesome stuff here when I'm at the game. This place really does rock...especially the humour. So I'd like to chime in with my thoughts. No, no to that picture up there that got it wrong ^^ that was the lineup for free brown paper bags. Yes, you certainly did. And I LOVED that the 2 guys beside us were Miller fans....we did the "J....T......MILLLLLLLLER" with Al Murdoch after his goal. Your son needs to be grounded. That's the spirit. Yes! I do that regularly. It's mandatory "viewing at home" stuff. This killed me. Um 26-0-1 going into the third disputes this. Wrong again. I love this ^^ Miller's changed the culture of this team singlehandedly in my view. With Tocchet supporting Miller. People didn't like that stuff but it's pure, raw all in emotion. As long as it's harnessed (Rick's good at that part), it can fuel a team. OK, now at least we know your angle here. The No Frills line? It's like you know me. Those aren't problematic, they're teaching moments. "Don't f with my team" I love him when he's angry. My favourite Myers is Mad Myers. I would suggest a poll at the beginning that's shut down before puck drop would be best. Because people can "gauge" things as it goes long and weigh in later in the game with a more accurate prediction. Cheers, great idea though. So fun.
  22. The guy beside us was SO childish. And at the end I thought he was going to cry....the guys beside us to our right were having a great time and Mr. Sulky Pants yelled "and respect our anthem" as he stormed down the stairs. Because they woo'd just as the anthem ended. And they guy behind us celebrating the 1967 win and asking those guys having fun where our banner is. I had a polite "word" with him and told him there's only ONE JT and his name's Miller (he kept yelling at Tavares). I like interacting with other fans but Leaf fans are a special bunch. We had a few obnoxious ones around us but mostly just awesome Canuck fans.
  23. What went wrong? They won...I'd say it doesn't matter if it wasn't picture perfect, the point is that they finished it off WITH a win. Tocchet liked their resilience and we should too. Teams don't often just blow out to a lead and never turn back. The Leafs came at them in the second and they were too spread out and chasing the puck a bit.
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