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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. That's my favourite Myers....when he's feisty.
  2. Holy hell that was fun!!! "We want Florida"...my favourite chant from the guys beside us. Love how physical our guys are playing....even Myers was all in. So great. I love this day. This team. I'm WORN OUT...and have no voice left. wooooooooooo
  3. I need your help. I always wear my skate in rink Miller jersey. But it looks like it's a black (f the Leafs and their colour) night.... Do I wear my black Petey skate jersey? Might ruin my streak though. Please help me, this is a serious decision that I'm struggling with.
  4. Good thing I missed this game....not sure my bp could've taken this. Also, do they not have shampoo in AZ? Barbers? That's the greasiest damn mullet flingin everywhere.
  5. You don't start messing with team chemistry this way. Petey's ours, ain't no one snagging him. So, no.
  6. Hockey Day In Canada, bittersweet for me. I've told it before but, in Mom's honour, will tell it again. It was a rough time....Mom and Dad both battling cancer. Mom's was terminal brain cancer, late stage. She was in palliative in the hospital. I snuck into her room....it was dark, curtains closed (day time). She was asleep. I pulled down the hinged arm of the little hospital TV so I could watch the game. Hockey Day in Canada, Canucks vs Laffs. I turned the sound WAY down so I wouldn't disturb Mom. The glow from the TV made her stir. Game on, all of a sudden mom sat up, squinted at the TV and said "is that Trevor?". It was. It was one of our last lucid moments together. She'd been "disconnected" and wasn't sure of where she was, but she knew her team on that day. Her captain. A tear rolled down my cheek as she settled back down and went to sleep. Canucks were up 2-1 after the second. Then they took over and scored 4 goals in the third to kick the collective Leafs' ass, 6-1. Pretty sure Mom helped them do that. She passed not long afterward.
  7. I don't know that they "embarrassed" us in a 5-2 loss. I mean, the game before we beat them by 3 goals. Embarrassing, to me, is losing 7-1 to a team. Don't pump up their tires, they have enough of that.
  8. There's a stench in the air today. I can't even go to these games because Leaf fans make me break out in hives. They invade our building and some are ornery and obnoxious. My kids and friends are going. I have to be at home so no one gets hurt. Last game I went to vs those chumps there were a few of their followers in the row in front of us. Close game, we lost 3-2. The woman stood up, pointed at my friend and I and did a two minute in your face loud/angry spiel when they scored. I simply said "well you're f'n rude" and, after a few minutes, she did turn and apologize because Canuck fans were telling her to stfu. I love people....all people. I like to engage with fans of other teams in friendly banter, it's awesome. But some are just fools looking to fight. Rather than give them a cowbell smash (which I thought of with this hag) I tried to be respectable and offset her bullish ways. You do you, lady. But could you please do it in Toronto and not in my city? It's on. Friendly rivalry is amped up to not so friendly "take 'em down". Auston Asshues and his crew can go be the centre of the eastern universe...the west belongs to US.
  9. YEA!!! And I loved that Ryan and the Whose Line crew made reference to the Canucks a few times. Felt right. Gotta go get caught up now. Love our team.
  10. People are so damn creative....I watch this regularly. When I feel blue, it cheers me up. Yep. Torts came in and told us that they're starting those idiots so.....we're gonna match that! So freakin' awesome.
  11. Boys have to kick some ass tonight and end the season well....no let up. Leads slip away quickly with complacency. Might have to put these on tonight....home game, our barn.
  12. Awesome. "The Laugh Supper" (Jim Carrey's birthday party photo from yesterday)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CaptainCanuck12


      Great job identifying them!  I thought the fellow on the left stood out as looking kind of unique too, but he's not Michael J.  Will have to keep working on him!🙂

    3. Randy Marsh

      Randy Marsh

      (From left to right)

      Front: Seth Green, Adam Sandler, Jim Carey, Dave Attell, Craig Robinson

      Middle: ???, Ben Schwartz, Cary Elwes, Jimmy Kimmel, Jeff Ross, Howie Mandell, Paul Vincent, Nick Swardson, Bill Burr

      Back: David Spade

    4. CaptainCanuck12


      The mystery man kind of looks like he might be the next door tenant who walked over to ask them to keep things quiet, then got invited into the party😁

  13. I can't believe I'm going to see him instead of watching my Canucks. If it was anyone else but my kids inviting me, I'd be opting out. An old Richmond alumni.
  14. I loved how Bieksa took charge there, too. Good on him. F the Flames.
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