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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. What qualifies you over the rest of us though? I never miss a game. How can you celebrate as much as the next person if you're busy picking things apart? It's fine if you don't believe this team's got it....but they're proving that they do. At some point, we all have to admit that the management team in place knows what they're doing (and what to do next). Upgrading isn't as easy as just wish for it and it will be. And they've been pretty crafty so far. Your vision is maybe jaded. And I understand why....but time to let go of that and give this team some credit where it's due. Can't just ignore what they have done because you project fear down the road. We may not hoist the cup but not because this team isn't this or that....because it's really tough and only ONE team does. ....but if that's your aha moment you're the one doing it wrong, not the rest of us. We're busy enjoying the ride regardless of the outcome. Yes, we'd all love a cup and that's the ultimate goal but everything has to line up perfectly. Right now, they are for us. I don't watch this team only waiting for A moment...there are many great moments along the way to celebrate. I look back at 2011 with great memories flooding in despite the hugely awful way it ended. It doesn't define the team. "Most people are just content with the win, not how we get there". Doesn't matter "how" a team gets there, only matters that they "do" get there. No teams slide through flawlessly and they ARE getting there. That's the point. Not executing to perfection, which is unrealistic.
  2. I'll miss all y'all. Cheers to a win, I'll celebrate with you at midnight.
  3. Cryptic was maybe the wrong word...I, too, find it positive. Oh, Nucker ^^^^ you're right. I was mistaken, I thought we had 6 games before the ASG. That was my initial thought too though.
  4. He posted it on Instagram.
  5. It's very cryptic to me. He knows we're anxious to get him signed...and something like this will stir the masses. Or me at least.
  6. Petey why you play with us this way?
  7. The team's having fun these days and it's awesome (JeffVinnick photos)
  8. I fully support the players deciding...it's their "uniform"/work wear. Let them have their say.
  9. Thank you, looking forward to it!
  10. Nope. Small strata and they're an ol boys club. President is a cop who makes his own rules...they don't even hold a proper vote to keep their roles. A group of friends who just keep on keeping on. It's been very frustrating. And they've hired a property management company who are also...friends of the family types. It would be a fight that's too big for me to take on. I used to try but they just do...what they want.
  11. If you see something you think may be a violation, please use the report button rather than mini modding in thread. I'm so glad we steered clear of Kane. I mean, no matter what, this is drama that the team would NOT need to be involved with.
  12. I can top that....my STRATA that takes money from me for maintenance fees (that have increased about 80% over the past few years) and has a snow removal budget doesn't use it! Ever. When I brought it to their attention (that I should not have to be shovelling snow) their response was total negligence. I do the same....there are 3 of us who are "regulars" during snow storms and we clear the entire 3 buildings of snow. Thing is, starting to get a little pissed that people now seem to "rely" on us for this...there are so many able bodied men/young men who don't pitch in (and should). I'm just getting over a back/hamstring issue so I just can't risk doing it this time....had a brutal couple of weeks where I could barely walk. But I'm already looking out there, thinking about getting it done myself. And probably will (may pay for it later).
  13. Tons of snow this morning....schools all closed!
  14. Damn, have to miss the game! I never miss, this is going to be BRUTAL. My kids are taking me out (Christmas present)...Whose Line Is It Anyway. The ONLY thing that can keep me from a game is my kids lining something up. 7-2 Canucks Miller
  15. My ex had the same issue with people thinking he needed to be "bigger"/put on weight and calling him skinny. Yet he was super active and the best at all the sports he did...soccer, hockey, skiing, water skiing. He was in good shape and took care of himself but people still did the same....called him "skinny". He had a bit of a complex over it. I worked out my entire life since I was 12 but hit some bumps in the road as illness/injury factored in over time. I always eased back in to where I was but recently had to change my way of thinking...used to be super high intensity/all in and I've settled recently for a different routine that's more suited to where I am now. At first, it felt more like a failure to have to adjust things and I was inclined to just not do anything. But that's ridiculous and modifying things is part of the deal for me now...learning what I can/can't do by listening to my body. Thing is, working out is for health not style or to impress others or meet a certain threshold that they impose on us (or even that we do ourselves). Keep it positive and be happy that you're active. Just do you. The meatheads who'll try to weigh in are often insecure about themselves and projecting that onto you. Cheers to drowning out the "input".
  16. Yeah, sure did remind us of what's important. Hope you get some more of that quality family time, it's the best.
  17. What a weird time, hey? Hard to really imagine that we went through all that. Was rough....but we're resilient like our team.
  18. I love the ending in this song.
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