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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Watching men's beach volleyball and women's rugby. I don't understand rugby (I get most sports). It's like drunk football with no rules where the refs left and went home. Tackle, all fight for the ball and rip it away from the person on the ground then....just keep going.
  2. Love the Olympics, PVR'd the opening ceremonies but haven't watched them yet. Let's go Canada!! Go Serbia!!
  3. Straight out of the field little new potatoes with butter, salt, pepper. The kind that have no skin....just wash them and the skin comes off. Nothing more is needed.
  4. Ewwww. Now I can hate them even more. Good luck with that.
  5. It's weird because the so called "real men" out there really bought into a guy who yelled at people "YOU'RE FIRED" on TV. Like he was some sort of champ for being an asshole. They think that's powerful when really it's weak because real men know how to communicate and don't have to yell at people like a jackass. They don't grope women because they can...they know they shouldn't. Blowhards United Trump Team otherwise known as BUTTS.
  6. Any man who's afraid of women should never have been issued a man card to begin with. Gunther's mama should whip his bottom for putting this nonsense out there and being a total misogynist. Glad he got put in his place. And his wife probably looks like a man so he's confused.
  7. Just saw an interview with him on Global news. Will work on the defensive side of things, is excited to be here. Has been in touch with Petey (went on vacation?). Knows Debrusk. Soucy. Think we have a(nother) winner here.
  8. VA feeling the pressure tonight. Refs are way too involved but whatever. I think that challenge was good, looked like PI to me. Calgary coming at them hard. I do think they also should have had one roughing the passer early on. GO WALLY!!
  9. Donald Trump's Big Bandage Warehouse
  10. Well I bet her eyesight and judgement is better than some men (here). I mean, someone took one screenshot of her (likely helping Trump as he was laying low...he was bleeding remember) and made something out of it that's very sexist. She didn't dive like an Oiler...she was likely checking Trump out to see the severity of his injury. That same woman was standing with her back to the crowd in a very vulnerable position because she's focused on her job at hand. So don't omit this part. You have a daughter, right? Give women more credit for their abilities...they might surprise you.
  11. Me too! Can't understand those who wouldn't sell theirs to them...I mean come on. Let it go!
  12. I picked Bure because he was an electrifying game changer. He was superstar level and when he got the puck on a breakaway, everyone was on their feet. I'd take JT Miller as on overall player who leads a team into battle (like Linden).
  13. Thing is, on the one hand you have Biden who is.....old and senile. On the other hand, you have Trump who is...old and senile and fist in the air angry and rambling and delusional and narcissistic. It's a sad state of affairs. Let's face it, it's up to a leader to lead but not with false bravado and a complete and misguided sense of "I know everything". My God, reading about him and how he undermines the ideas of people with decades of military and other experience like he's the expert. He's paranoid that everyone's taking advantage of the US and paranoia isn't a great place to lead from. It's more a sign of weakness than strength. He thinks simple conversations with other delusional leaders gives him the upper hand and that he's persuasive when really he's too blind to know he's likely being manipulated. He uses rahrahrah fire 'em up energy that gets (dumb?) people excited but there is real fear in having a man in a position of power who could change the world in an instant based on his personal feelings rather than a thorough evaluation and assessment necessary. Reactionary in all the wrong ways. Piss him off and he's a loose cannon (literally). Not sure he's got the reasoning power needed to steer the ship. I'm truly frightened at the prospect of him being at the helm again. His ego is just off the charts and spends more time posting online than really strategizing.
  14. It can't be 26 years since this was released...... Can it???
  15. Not sure how credible the source is, but also heard this last night on news broadcasts. If you "can't reach your weapon" you may be doing it wrong. Isn't that the point? To go up there "prepared". Although easy for me to say....if someone had a gun pointed at me I'd duck too.
  16. Be the change you want to see happen. FTR, the shooter is dead. Rather than "rot in hell" maybe something to change the hostile narrative or you're no better than the rest of the "get him" crowd.
  17. For me, this was definitely an assassination attempt. Mass shooting....guy just starts firing at random. Open fire on the crowd. This one positioned himself to aim at the stage/Trump. Something quite different.
  18. My take which is probably 1/100th correct: A kid, who was bullied and therefore likely had issues, is coming into adulthood during this politically charged and rather hostile environment we live in, and decides to act. Dad just bought him a gun so, hey, time to be a hero. Trump really incites a lot of that with his rage filled tweets and posts. He riles people up...both for and against him. "Fight" as he leaves the stage is a good example of that. He's got an aggressive message delivery and is more unsettling than settling when he reaches the masses. FIGHT - people are connecting with that. The divide...the us vs them. So this kid who's reportedly had to fight (bullies) is now rising up. Finding his power. Probably been seeing/hearing stuff from/about Trump that's hit a nerve. Was he part of something bigger? Maybe. So many "groups" out there that could easily convince a kid who's looking for acceptance to take up their fight. A lot of misguided people who are glomming on....finding their "voices" but they're part of the problem, not the solution.
  19. https://theprovince.com/news/world/what-we-know-about-the-20-year-old-suspect-in-the-apparent-assassination-attempt-of-donald-trump/wcm/5ef5081f-76e3-40be-86bc-14add9990ed7?taid=6693fd0f3162580001098470&utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter A bit more about Crooks.
  20. It was kind of like how the Sedins and Burr "connected". Carter. You really have to have a feel for what the other players are "going" to do. Not everyone will be able to tune in to their channel, but those who do will benefit greatly from finding that chemistry. They're equally credited in my view because you have to be ready and have that high hockey IQ to make it work. Thinking ahead of the play. Anticipating vs waiting for things to happen.
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