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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I think he should have been awarded a medal of honour. Churla was a pos. Bure was awesome, Churla was....not.
  2. It seems like he's just adjusting his glove (to me). But I do love the death glare that both he and JT give Dahlin when Dahlin starts crying.
  3. Thanks GB Dallas game, for reminding me of this band/song. I won tickets to Royal Blood (November)...didn't end up going. Wish I did....that's a great song, thanks for sharing it!
  4. Honestly, what a joke. So saying someone "should have been gone for the rest of the season + isn't "saying it was a penalty?" Uh, what? We're not stupid, say what you mean and mean what you say. Yes, you were inferring it WAS a penalty because if it wasn't, why would he be gone? Game playing to make it stick but it's coming unglued. Refs have been getting it wrong for decades...and yes, it can be changed. It's a redeeming quality, to be able to see things differently and not stay stuck on something that's "always been" (shitty). We're not the only fans complaining about the refs...they just do a piss poor job overall. Very inconsistent and that leads to risk to player safety. Cheap shots to the head after the whistle need to be called every time.
  5. Don't bother. Someone stuck on their stance who does not care to hear other opinions because....they're stuck and won't budge. Refs are the best, won't ever change/has always been, our team has to deal with it but when Miller dishes some he's guilty. Blahblahblah. Then you make valid points in something well thought out and they have...nothing. Except a silly meme of distraction. There are so many double standards that you'll trip over them.
  6. Because teams battle head to head in series. So they try to establish some form of discipline because rivalries get heated. Not sure they should change the standard from regular play to playoffs though. Yes, the intensity is overall increased but some games in regular season also see that take place. And....well, nothing. Evening out calls is also bs. It's just all too open to interpretation and that makes it ineffective. Yesterday it was like this, today it's something different. And each ref gets to be subjective so...who knows. There is room for improvement despite what some here think.
  7. What a crock. He has to get used to it? People taking runs at top young players away from the play isn't something to support. Due to someone's bias of the refs. Dahlin should too then. JT checks him during gameplay as he's reaching and it's a penalty in your eyes. But let Quinn deal with it? Away from the play? Double standards are unacceptable.
  8. Remember to vote for our guys in the Skills comp. 10 votes/day. I voted JT and Quinn (sorry Brock, could only pick 2)
  9. What's "it's"? Shitty reffing. So maybe time to change...things DO change over time if they're not working great. I mean, you could apply your statement to a lot of things in life but, thank God, change does happen. Or we'd still have slaves and women shut out of voting, etc. We evolve over time and this should too. You don't accept something because "it's always been". That's old gentlemen's club fodder/bs. Remember Bertuzzi? Things were supposed to be changed and kept in check? So they didn't escalate? Yeah, last night that smash to Lafferty that they ignored. They're doing a piss poor job at times and no, that's not "more interesting"...it's more dangerous. You're stuck on a stance but you're doing less to convince us, not more.
  10. Also, Dahlin's a prima donna puss faker.
  11. Exactly what I thought...yep.
  12. So wait, what? Refs pick and choose...you said so yourself. So why can't teams? Nor should the refs.
  13. Love Natalie's sense of humour...she's gold.
  14. I was sure they would...was a nice surprise. I feel somewhat hopeful.
  15. Thing is, refs ARE human and not all of them are awesome. So let's not just default to giving them a status that means they can do whatever they want and not criticized. They're not immune to it. Some here go from justifying their actions to making excuses for them...pick a side, are they perfect or just allowed to be imperfect "because"? The one I know? Don't like him one bit. A lot of strutting his stuff, sarcasm, better than you stuff. Like a cop I know. Think they're "it" because they get to enforce some rules. Let it get to their heads a bit too much. So no, I don't have to worship the refs out there because some of them are assholes. Many are not, but some are.
  16. Just as I typed my last response, you weighed in. Yep, this. I'm ok with the penalty too but I'm not ok with what they didn't call. That's more my issue.
  17. Me either. It's ego driven and unfair. Power mongering and an abuse of power at that.
  18. That's it for me. Not during gameplay, but as a targeted, pissy outburst that injured a player.
  19. So which is it? They're getting it right and there's no need to change because it's better for the game? The best it's been? Or "what's going to change?"...throw your hands up because it's "a fast game/split second blah blah blah". Because you're sort of implying that it could/should change "but"......
  20. Subjective refs might note it in their planners though and keep an extra eye on him, thereby missing other stuff. I hope you're right.
  21. No, but the one's that leave a guy's face bleeding post whistle. You know, those ones.
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