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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. A "Canuck fan" who isn't having fun right now is: 1. A BS fake fan troll 2. Ridiculously miserable in life 3. Doing it wrong 4. All of the above
  2. Snow's starting to come down .... left early so I could make it for the game (always nice when the boss needs a ride home so I can duck out 45 minutes early). Let's go Canucks! (Got home and my cable/internet was out...again. So glad it came back)
  3. Of course, they're trying ot play it down because Drance is supposed to be an insider...optics. JT turned from him and cut the conversation off and it seemed more sarcastic than ribbing between friends. I'd believe it if JT said they were friends....I highly doubt JT respects the trashing Drance has done of him and the team in the past. More likely he "tolerates" him like the rest of us are forced to do. But I don't care enough about Drance to argue further one way or another....drama. Drance is eating some crow right now and deserves every second of that...however it's spun.
  4. Not everyone...you don't speak for everyone. And you also can't tell others why it is they dislike him. You labelling it as crying and haters? And somehow attributing only those who agree with you as level headed. More crap. We don't have to follow you on a Drancer love fest to be credible. He's now trying to board the bus ... just like McLean/Burr when he looked bad for being anti-Burr. Drance is being called out lately...by level headed hockey types. Ignore is being set because people who have to resort to "haters" "crying" etc. aren't worth listening to. Weak presentation.
  5. Ok Drance, nice try. Busted. (He's a Toronto hack and no, fans are not misrepresenting him because they're stupid. Quite the opposite....Rick Dhaliwal and JT have both called him out recently. Where there's smoke there's fire. Intellectual honesty means we see right through his drivel and he's a floppy fish. He thought this team was a bust). Give me a break with this emotional intelligence crap. When people pull that stunt it's just...dumb.
  6. Yep, what a crock of shit the NHL is.... I love how they use "slumping" to make it seem more that the Islanders gave us the win than we earned it. And 3 in a row...but sure, play that part down too. On the road, against NY teams. But wait....Nylander news!! Times two!!
  7. I did think about that....but I don't want that to deter him. Lay more hits...they can't call every one a penalty.
  8. Canuck fans "need"...... You lost me here, no one tells me how to fan. I'm a homer and do the highs and lows however the hell I want. Also....no, I'm revved up and ready to bust out of the gates. This city'll explode and I'll be on my front lawn doing summersaults if/when we win the cup. I will dance on the roof and cry and channel my Mama up there in heaven. My son and I will hug and scream and cheers with fine whiskey. I'll wheel my Dad down the road in his wheelchair, him ringing my cowbell. I'll even get my daughter into it and probably knock lights off her wall (again). And that part about "mentally"....don't do that. People who are not mentally able to appease others do not need to stay home/in the closet. WTH? Celebrating and having fun are signs of being mentally able. I hate that people are getting ahead of themselves and worried that "image is everything" (hearing words like "taboo"). Screw that...I do this the way I want and have earned that right through decades of following the team. I don't care what people think. I've been to games with Leaf/Oiler fans turning around in OUR building to jeer me/us. I'm going to be very IN YOUR FACE, but in a happy, celebratory way. Not a fighting way. If someone has an issue with that, that's them not respecting my way of doing things or how long we've suffered as fans.
  9. Also, re Myers....one of my biggest beefs has been how he actually screens our goalie rather than clearing out the front of the net. Also those diving along the ice plays where, when he misses, it puts him completely out of the play. He hasn't done that lately so it's seems they've cleaned that up. Sure, on occasion that's a desperation play that may work. But not as a "go to". I wish he'd play more physical....Joshua, JT, Lafferty and Juulsen all have more hits in less games played than him. That's one of my beefs, is that he doesn't use his size as an advantage as much as he could.
  10. It's not really hate, though. You have to admit, some of his gaffes have been very costly and boneheaded. I like him and want him to succeed....but the criticism, at times, has been warranted. I mean, diving on Petey? WTH was that? Could've caused an injury and really messed us up. When he's good, fine. But when he's not, it's glaring. The coaches seem to be on top of it though, and I hope we don't have to revisit the giraffe gaffes. He's an asset when he's on. But to pretend he's always been at his best is not really painting an accurate picture. It's easy to look at stats but they only tell part of the story...when the team's on, everyone looks good.
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