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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. We should all be Conor Garland level happy after a win. I'm renaming Garly to Giddy. Love this.
  2. Ohhhhh, makes sense now. I always wondered why Nylander's helmet looked so dorky and didn't fit properly....he's got a bunch of money stuffed up under there.
  3. -dlc-

    NFL Thread

    This Vikings/Lions game is turning into a thing. Anyone watching football today? LOL just me?
  4. Not only that, people have to recognize that teams behind in the 3rd, especially by multiple goals, will come at you hard and we should also give credit when/where it's due. It's not JUST about what this team did/didn't....the other team comes into play. The Devils, in their building, wanted to get back into the game (and did). It's not easy to keep large scoring gaps throughout games, they tend to go back/forth a bit. Some are SO critical of this team that they're focused on finding things to bitch about and it becomes tunnel vision. We were having slow/lousy starts and they've addressed that and come out in the first to grab huge leads....but it's a difficult pace to maintain throughout 60 minutes. To just blow through teams. It's a bit unreasonable to expect and especially demand that. It's always something but no team is perfect. All teams will let teams back in at times.
  5. Almost made me throw my coffee cup. My lucky coffee cup.
  6. Yes, absolutely! Even if he's a little off, (it certainly wasn't glaring to me) he's still damn hot with some of his saves. 100% agree. For me, Demko being "off" means he's 91% instead of 99%.
  7. Thank you, @Sharpshooter I actually shut it down early because I was going to get myself in trouble if I stayed. Using ignore only works if people don't quote the nattering. These aren't picture perfect wins but the team is "finding a way" and good teams do that. It's reassuring to experience a game where Demko IS off but the team didn't completely fall apart and they bailed him out for once. That's progress. He's earned a few off nights. The team addressed slow starts by tearing it up now in the first...but it's difficult to sustain that pace. They played a great game until the third and they started to wear down a bit. Protecting a lead is always dangerous. Most of us take this in stride and understand how tough it is to just blast through every game convincingly. Yes, playing a full 60 minutes is important but sometimes that shifts into a different look throughout a game. Defensive more than offensive. But the one or two who are never satisfied...that's on them, not the team. Even if they try to speak FOR the team. lol Cheers to a road win on a trip where it's going to be tough to grind out points. Doing that is showing a lot of character and resilience in this bunch. They believe so maybe we should too. They're their own harshest critics and that's important...they know what needs work. They're learning how to get it done...even on the road, against a team that's had their number (yes, missing Jack but Demko sort of balanced that out last night by not being his usual stellar self). No team is perfect and this team is addressing imperfections one at a time. Which is really great. Also: How about that Miller guy, huh?
  8. Right? I have a feeling he may be doing it wrong. Just a guess.
  9. We beat NJ tonight...so I'd prefer we just do what we do. I liked their effort.
  10. So yeah Canuckfanwhatever was wrong. Again. Team feels pretty good...sure, a few things they can learn but the leaders can step up and calm things. And did.
  11. I'm thinking we have a few of these on board:
  12. My take on the game: Started off: With some: THEN THE 3RD AND...
  13. They played a great road game overall. Yes, they let it slide...but teams down 3 goals at home start to come at you more. They have to not be scared to lose the lead and learn to fight to increase the lead. But it's probably a natural instinct to go into protection mode. It's not easy to just breeze through.....get a lead and hold it unchecked. They got 2 points on the road in a building they haven't won in in a decade.
  14. You expect a bit too much. There's this old thing about what have you done for me lately but don't forget that he has been lights out at times. Would you rather have a different goaltender? I wouldn't.
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