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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. -dlc-


    My condolences to you @gwarrior I'm truly sorry for your loss but you're handling it like a champ. Keep your chin up, we're here for you. My confession: I am ADDICTED to wasabi peas.
  2. I watched rasslin' last night for the first time since my son moved out. Logan Paul IS a piece of shit...love me a good US/Canada showdown. I think he should get whomped over the head with the cup when we win it. I'm already waiting for the game....like that it's a 4:00 start rather than an earlier one. My cable went out twice last night....I'm having serious anxiety over this. I think for every second of the game I miss I'll bill them $10.
  3. What we know this was retweeted by Milstein: We've had 5 games since this was posted and Kuz played in two of them, one the loss to Philly and the other the win vs. the Sens. He was -1 with one shot/1 hit vs Philly and the only other forwards with more ice time were Miller, Petey, Mik. Vs. Ottawa he was +1 with no shots/hits with reduced ice time. I guess I just don't see why we're making this such a talking point right now because "with a few minor adjustments" is likely what they're working on. Give it a chance.
  4. Because this entire conversation is based on speculation of unfair treatment. I just try to consider all sides, that's all. I just wish we could all be happy for awhile...that's mostly why I'm in here. It's always something, even when the team is, by all accounts and purposes, doing fairly well. I've been opting out a lot lately because I want to be happy about my team (and am).
  5. The other thing to consider if we're just totally speculating on the why's in all of this. I've seen Kuz celebrating/having fun in practice....maybe the team, that shows others working their asses off, wants him to take it more seriously? Have more of a killer instinct and not all fun and games. While we've come to love that killer grin and enthusiasm....maybe more serious game face is needed? When Miller was taking things to heart and smashing sticks/gates closed he was called out for that. Maybe there's an extreme at the other end too. Throwing that out there because being upset at him sitting without knowing all the facts and just assuming he's being punished and treated unfairly is only doing so with some information. Maybe there's more that we're not privy to. I just get tired of always complaining about something/someone. Willy, Green, Benning....now Tocchet and company? Despite the success they are having, even if imperfect? I think they're doing something right in comparing where we were a year ago.
  6. Myers has had a solid season to those who don't watch the games. I will not move off that stance until he goes awhile without a big blunder that puts him in the box/us shorthanded or helps the other team score. He's been noticeable in a bad way more often than he should be.
  7. They also played 32 and 25 games wherein Kuz had 81. Matters.
  8. Which makes the point of sitting Kuz more than treating him "the same" as others. He's learning differently than the rest but, for some reason, people are upset over that. His plan is tailored to him? Imagine parents in the class coming to you, complaining that their kid is being treated differently/badly when you're really just tailoring things to what teaches them best. But it's different than their friend sitting next to them. You're supporting exactly what is happening....Kuz is learning based on what they feel best suits him even if it's different than what others are experiencing. We don't get to see what's happening on the bench, in practice, etc. The coaches do.
  9. I guess, for me, the "treatment of" infers it's directed at Kuz when, really, these are overall team decisions. We've heard that it's all good and I think Kuz accepts what is happening as part of the game. We don't have any idea of what's happening behind the scenes and no one seems outwardly upset so not sure why we should be. And we did the same with Hoglander (and Podz), but patience is a virtue. I trust in this organization and what they are doing. I mean, who am I to question things?
  10. 5 straight goals, my goodness. They came to win it I guess.
  11. But this year he's NOT a 39 goal scorer this year, he's headed toward 20'ish. The word is out on him so it's been harder this year. And it seems to have worked for Hoglander as his game is much improved and more well rounded. I do feel he should play in the next game though.
  12. Because they keep throwing us out of the face offs then throwing the puck to the Blues.
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