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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I'm going to rant momentarily, then be over it. It's sad to me that when my team is killing it (they are, in a big picture way) there are those constantly chiming in with negativity. Now I know I'm the homer wearing rose coloured glasses other extreme in that, but come on. Winning is supposed to bring momentary relief/joy and dissecting wins to pick them apart really takes away from them. The team knows...JT told it like it was. But we don't have to wallow in what they didn't do. They did win. People will be quick to chime in with words like "realistic", "Demko stole the game", and "constructive criticism" but the point, for me, is this. If you've been a fan of this team for a long time there have been more lows than highs over the years. It's a grind and not easy to win a cup and that's obvious. Teams that have it figured out often have had the luxury of #1/top draft picks to build around and it generally is a big advantage. Honestly, we never used to "expect" wins...we'd just hope for them and celebrate when we got them. Now there's a sense of entitlement and even when we DO win, it's not good enough? Not long ago we were dying to string some wins together and now we want them to be perfect? I checked out when I saw some of the regular suspects complaining. Yes, they killed it in the first and then went into their protection mode in the second/third. It's likely a natural reaction and they're both aware of and working on it. I haven't read today to see if the mood and tone has changed....but there was so much whining over how they played. I wish we could just give credit where it's due...and it is. They're finding a way...even if they're "lucky" and bounce pucks off their asses, it counts. You have to be good to be lucky. That's what some of those same people used to say when we grumbled about having no luck. Anyhow...I'll go read and hopefully the mood is more jovial. I checked in from work for a minute only to see our biggest fan in here predicting the future and a flop. That prompted this train of thought. I just really wish people would get behind their team instead of dragging them around in the mud. /rant
  2. I feel bad, my kids went to the last game and it was a dud....wish they'd got to see this one instead. BUT....they did win $200 bucks at the casino and that wouldn't have happened if they didn't go. So it kind of eased the pain of the loss.
  3. Two more things: You have to be good to be lucky (we've heard that in the past when we've had some rotten puck luck) and People who say Demko won the game for us are wrong. Demko didn't score those 5 goals to get us in a position to allow him to settle in to take care of business for the rest of the game (and he did). It was an all out team effort, even if lopsided for the last two periods. Having a great goaltender isn't the only reason this team is where they are...it's an important part of it.
  4. People were complaining alot about the 2nd and 3rd, I get it, I do. It's worrying, especially when we've been subjected to huge flops in the past. But understand that when teams are up by so much, the other team will start to really come on...no team likes to be embarrassed. And the Canucks may have thought they could conserve a bit of energy (for the upcoming road trip) and shut things down rather than continue to play aggressively. It takes a toll to play all out and they did take their foot off the gas a bit. Things can quickly go the other way as momentum shifts...we saw that. It isn't easy to just kill it through an entire game though and some act like it should be. Teams that do go up 5-0 in the first aren't always going to continue that pace and end the game 15-2. It's quite normal to have teams battle back, at least to some degree. And give the Senators credit, they did. The team will learn as they go and this will remind them that no lead is too great. That you have to continue to do the things you were doing or it could quickly become "game on". But the main takeaway for me is, enjoy the ride. They won, they didn't wither and get beat. In the past, they might have. But they didn't. As long as they keep winning....even at times when they make that more difficult than it needs to be....I'm cheering them on. I won't be critical because they've come a long way and are battling at the top of the league. Yes, with the big dogs. Pencil those ones in as losses but I'm confident some will be wins...and no team wins them all. JT's interviews really show me the leadership that's in place in that room - they know. They know it can be better and aren't simply whoopin' it up like they're champions each game. They keep it all in perspective and see both the good and bad. And that's a team I can bank on. GO CANUCKS GO! (And suck it, Drancer....I'm on Rick AND JT's side)
  5. OK could I love JT any more? Apparently, yes! "You should watch the game, Drancer". Puts that guy in his place then turns away from him. TKO JT's a boss and knows what's up.
  6. Woohoo! Wasn't picture perfect but they scored enough goals to give themselves some breathing room. And that's two points, regardless of the details.
  7. You're very difficult to please. Yes, this period's looked sloppier but you also had to expect the Sens to push back being behind 4 goals. Canucks aren't panicking, and that's ok. Boes has an assist...so he's there. Don't worry about him.
  8. Yep, thanks. Well...their goal smacked me around but other than that, I'm ok. Not sure about my neighbour though...sure hope so. I really like my neighbours.
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