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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I should add though (after reading a post up there). There was alcoholism and substance abuse (coke) on both my Mom and Dad's side. Good people who got caught up in that cycle. It took a few of them from us. I partied when I was young (everyone in Steveston did) but gave up that life when I saw what it did to people (and I had kids). I'm a designated driver type now.
  2. I'm a loner....besides my Dad and my kids, I mostly just stick to myself. I work, go tend to Dad then go home exhausted. My ex and I were together from the age of 14. His parents HATED me for no reason except their son was acting out (he was a bad boy). Had a car that he used to race, motorcycles, etc. Drank a lot. Was always causing chaos of some sort. They were right proper British folks so that factored in. Many years later, after we'd married and had kids, his mom and I became the best of friends. LOL...one night when he was acting out when we were away on holidays she came into our hotel room with me, locked him out (and told him to go stay in her room). Then she said "I don't know how you put up with him". I really loved her and I think he was quite jealous of our friendship after we split up. It was sad because she was our children's grandmother so you'd think he'd be happy. I spent more time with her than he did. She let her hair down when she was with me and that was awesome. She was cheeky. My own family....love them. My brother's awesome and lives behind me but we rarely see each other. Like me, he's just super busy. He works, hunts, fishes, golfs. But when we do get together it's great...he's hilarious. Love our family poker games. I grew up with lots of cousins but we just chat online mostly....have our own lives but do keep in touch. I was blessed with good people around me.
  3. Some here would've ditched Miller and Boeser awhile ago. Honestly shows what they know.
  4. You said the same thing about Miller though. How about wait and see? A 22, 23, 24 year old could falter too and at least we KNOW what Brock and Miller are capable of and are reaping the rewards, even if it doesn't carry all the way through. Besides, $8 isn't over the top these days and the cap will continue to go up.
  5. That's a very sweeping statement. Making the league is one thing....what you do when you're there is another. Of course drafting players is important but people assume that "younger is better" and that's not always the case. You take a gamble at both ends. Just because players are getting older doesn't mean that their younger replacements will slide in and be an improvement. It's very much a matter of be careful what you wish for.
  6. People talk like "drafting top end players" is a given that they work out. I remember this guy...Gilbert Brule. One of my favourite Giants but just didn't work out in the NHL. Happens. Sure, he's just one example but there are many who don't live up to the hype. You can't pencil in "prospects" as anything but. Just as you can't predict what Brock will/won't do. Many arguing about his worth also didn't expect JT to stay OR to accept a discount to do so long term. I have a feeling Brock would follow that path more likely than any other.
  7. You don't sacrifice short term goals/success FOR long term either. But I do agree...balance is the key.
  8. Thing is, ALL players come with that risk and there are no guarantees. I do agree that you can't pay him a ridiculous amount. With that, he seems like a guy who'd take a bit of a discount to be/stay here. This is his Dad's legacy here too and this is the only hockey home Brock's known. He and Miller are establishing some nice chemistry together. I bet he stays.
  9. I'm tired of the speed/youth is the key, it's more about balance and you NEED some of the older veterans on a team. What matters as much as just age is how a team gels, plays within the system, etc. Health/lifestyle (guys in their 30's can be fitter than some in their 20's if they live the right way). We heard this blahblahblah with Miller. "Old" "Slow". Yeah, whatever. Yet some of the most productive players are proving to be the ones with experience on their side. Kucherov (31) Miller (31) MacKinnon (turning 29 soon ) Panarin (turning 33 soon) A lot of "young guys" won't turn out as projected. Speed can be generated through quick passing and decisions as well as foot speed. There's so much more to it than just "gather/hoard" young players.
  10. I don't think where they played matter as Oiler fans invaded Florida's rink and it was hard to tell WHERE they were playing. Sure, home ice advantage generally does matter...but not always. Oilers were going to lose game 7 no matter what....for two reasons. They were over confident but also likely had the lingering feeling of failure nattering at them. Their season was so up and down that you never knew what you'd get with them. Florida was also NOT going to lose 4 in a row - just doesn't happen.
  11. For whatever reason, this one really rings Frank Zappa bells for me (saw him live 100 years ago with my Michael Buble shroom special friends). LOL I often have Bobby Brown stuck in my head for no apparent reason...only trouble is when I start singing it (not appropriate in all places). I'm having a productive day but taking it slow/pacing myself. This one's up loud right now...my bathroom cleaning music. I miss Gord a whole lot.
  12. Sedins used to BIKE from an area near McCleery Golf Course TO the Grind, do the Grind, then bike back. Not sure if they still do, but they're freakin amazing.
  13. Also, their (Edmonton's) sense of entitlement and self absorption will be their demise again. They expect to win but don't always play to win. Individuals who spend far too much time whining about their unfair treatment and diving to try to sell it. Yet they're one of the dirtiest teams out there. They don't need to do that stuff, yet they do. Really discredits their integrity to me.
  14. I honestly don't give a rat's ass about division title. As a matter of fact, I'd prefer they don't because it's like a huge target on their backs. If they do, fine...but it isn't important (to me). Proving themselves in the form of a cup is much more relevant....the rest just gets erased. Also: I don't give a flying f about Edmonton and would rather not hear about them at all. Bunch of cheating whiners. They can disappear along with their Gazdic circle of followers.
  15. What's wrong with Silovs? I think he'll be just fine as a back up.
  16. Seems like a good guy....watched a funny video of him getting his head shaved for charity and he was very chill about it all and didn't seem one bit concerned when the guy completely wreck him with a head shaver.
  17. Desharnais is also 5 years younger so that matters (around here anyhow). Hakanpaa's 32 years old or, in Canuck fan years, geriatric and ready for a walker and a retirement home.
  18. Oh good! We need size and I hated him in Edmonton because he was a guy I felt was on the watch/ready to "intervene". Now he's on our side so woo.
  19. I think most of us agree that losing Big Z is a HUGE loss. You just don't find players that bring what he does. And having him on our side made us that much more difficult to play against. And Boston!???!!! No. With that, I think the ball was in his court and he'd decided to take it to free agency and wasn't going to accept an offer here based on that. I don't know that if we'd gone to $5.5 he would've bit...he wanted to "see" for himself. Especially knowing multiple teams were interested and that could drive up his price. He chased the money and we can't blame him for that. Except hopefully he'll regret his decision.
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