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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Thank you, thought so. (They said yesterday Germany needs a point).
  2. Just got back (had to do some shopping for another family poker party tomorrow). Let's goooooo!!
  3. Found this description of D EP (and comparison to Edler)
  4. Then he arrived and they still didn't make the playoffs 3 out of the first 4 years with him on board. I just don't like him. Yes, he's brilliant when he gets a head of steam and rabbit hops around the ice with the puck and no one can stop him. And the refs help him with a clear path where no one can intervene (at least initially...he'd look for calls and ... get them). But his team has been a bit of a flop and so is "an" individual worthy of worshipping if he can't help his team get there? Maybe he's too selfish? There's no I in team. Petey's pretty unselfish (too much at times, especially recently). Anyhow, I know my argument's weak and from a homer stance. But I own that. And I'll take Petey any day....I think we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg in what he's capable of. And his physicality lately is commendable...because he won't be targeted so much (especially with Zadorov in the line up). Anyhow...watching the Oilers vs Kings right now. Haven't even noticed the superstar yet....he's invisible so far. We'll see what I'm missing.
  5. Holy hell, that anthem. She put the ORRR in glorious. They're letting sth sing now? Should charge them extra for the misery they put us through.
  6. Not necessarily you....but many here just remember the recent past. It's a "what have you done for me lately?" deal and that's fair enough. But when Petey gets back to form, I'd hate to NOT have him on our side. He's a big part of our success.
  7. Awww, the Leafs lost again. Happy New Year!

    1. Ghostsof1915


      Happy New Year Deb!

    2. Cromeslab


      Oil win in SO tho,Happy New Year

  8. My point is...let's assess Petey fairly. McDavid's going to be 27 in 2 weeks. He's played 600 NHL games. Petey? Just turned 25 and has 361 games under his belt. Significantly less...and he's still learning (and is eager to). Connor's speed and skill can't be denied.....best. But people here undervalue Petey (a great deal). Assess him when he's in a slump (although more than a point per game isn't really terrible). Petey at his best is up there WITH the best of them. Maybe a different style than McDavid's barreling around the with the puck ... some of his stuff is more intricate and subtle. But people are quick to forget what Petey is capable of. I like Petey's attitude better and we haven't yet seen his best. I'm convinced of that.
  9. You just really highlighted something for me that was part of my point. When Petey struggles...he sucks/isn't elite. Even IF he's possibly working through an injury (which is likely). But McDavid gets free passes when he and his team suck. McDavid's the best...can't dispute that and it's silly to try. But I don't like his attitude (at all). And he gets more protection from the refs than I've ever seen (not as much recently as they seem to be on to him). And Petey IS 2 years younger and 2years behind him. Sky's the limit. He's a superstar to me and nothing's changing that. I just don't like McDavid so I am biased.
  10. His last 5 games he's got 5 points (like Petey). He and his team sucked (badly) and they had a nothing to lose desperate and reckless abandon for a bit there. He went on a tear when things loosened up but he wasn't doing much before then. I don't like him, so that's mostly on me. He's good but he's also a diva...can't get behind that whiny entitled crap he pulls.
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