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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I get what you're saying, but....... If no one compares to him shouldn't we expect him to be at the top of the scoring leaders/stats? I don't dispute his skill and speed....but he's NOT a level above right now. Yes, he's incredible...speed and skill. I'd agree with this awhile ago...but he's not managing to drag his team along and that counts for me. Superstar diva type or ... team players? Give Petey a year or two to 'catch up' ...McDavid's got two years in age/experience on Petey. Petey's done some pretty incredible stuff of his own. And his willingness to hit/play d makes him a pretty well rounded player. (McDavid snivels too much for my liking...prima donna type)
  2. Three. And obviously most of us wouldn't cheer for a team that didn't have our prospects. But it's ok that we do....it's about the name on the back, too, when our up and coming players are involved. We want them to succeed and that's ok. We can take an interest in them without having to be "all in" or seek out games that (at least for me) would be impossible to access. Doesn't mean I can't support them when I am provided access. Besides, for me...with what's unfolded with Team Canada I'm not quite as loyal to an organization that I once supported wholeheartedly. Knowing what's gone on, my loyalty isn't quite as do or die in strength. I want to be proud of my country and recently there's been some shame attached to the name on the back. I cheer on ... whoever I see fit to. Will always be a proud Canadian and support our team first and foremost, but it doesn't have to be tunnel vision and there's enough love in my heart to share some of it with others. Sweden's been good to us as hockey fans. And damn right the names on the back are worthy of cheering for...not just when they land on our doorstep, but along the way.
  3. And look at moments like these for them....you can't deny them the happiness that a win like this brings and how much it generates in the sport of hockey. Hearing their anthem played...a big moment, no matter the final outcome. Players play for pride and their countries...to suggest that they are fodder and don't matter really undermines how much is does matter to them. This is the beauty of sports....when a team that hasn't scored finds a way to score 6 in a critical game for them. I mean, seeing them celebrate in the locker room shows exactly why teams "belong" and underdogs always have a place in sports. Everyone can dream.
  4. Thing is, this is someone pushing against the team more than supporting it. So I will call out those mistakes every single time. If you're going to try to tear the team down, at least be factual and accurate. Cheers back.
  5. Are you new here? It's like you don't even know us at all. In poor taste? Oilers bring out the best in us.
  6. Exactly, me too. He's super family oriented and seemingly "grounded"....just the type of leader(s) we need on this team. Guys who have their heads on straight and are focused in all the right ways. I loved this interview....and how much heart he shows. People saw a miserable grumpy guy but this is the real JT. On the ice, it's perfectly ok to exhibit some "not so nice guy"....in fact, we needed more of that.
  7. I used to take losses SO much harder. And I hated other teams and their fans with a vengeance. Life tends to mellow us out....going through COVID and, most importantly, going through something terrifying with my daughter really taught me not to sweat the small stuff. Now, don't get me wrong....my team losing is not small stuff to me. But I take it all in stride. It can be deflating and sort of ruin the mood...but temporarily. I take nothing for granted these days and every moment is precious. I'm in this deal with hockey for joy and if I'm not getting that aspect of things it's defeating the purpose. I'm doing it wrong.
  8. Goes to show, on any given night any team can be beat. Which is why I don't pencil in wins/losses ahead of time. Teams don't just plow through everyone...they have up's and down's. Road trips can be particularly tough. So we'll see what shakes out when the season ends and we have a better idea of who managed to string things together the best. That's what it boils down to.
  9. I think "he" could probably speak for himself because that's not addressing the other stuff. Vitamin C?
  10. The sun gives us Vitamin D, not C. So not convinced you're the expert on this stuff. Have you heard of internal clocks and rhythms? They matter.
  11. I'm ok with this....good on our prospects for a great game.
  12. You can feel it in the air....this is going to be a battle!
  13. Waiting For Godot Hockey I should write a book. It's what I do when I am in anticipation of a game mode. I wait. This one's got me really excited...cheering for both teams. Ideally, I'd love our prospects to do really well in a close loss to Canada. But I'm ok either way.
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