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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Feeling good, found the OG cowbell. Seems I have 3 of them now. Also...my son just hit up the casino before the game (he's going). Won $200 on the slots. Luck is in the air.
  2. Except it's all bullshit and people who now want to strike while the Vancouver iron's hot and jump on board the train in order to be noticed are chiming in with ridiculous crap. Rumor boyz? Who the f are they? Oh I see...they have 0 comments and 81 likes on YouTube. Legit. Petey ain't going anywhere. Chicago can take a flying leap through a rolling donut.
  3. I love being off work...I don't even know what day it is. Nor do I care! What a great feeling.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 112


      NEET is the one true lifestyle.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      I've had one of the best years in terms of sick time.

      One bout with the flu and was off 5 days. That's it.

      Pity we can't bank sick time.

    4. Colonel D

      Colonel D

      Think of all the children going without this holiday season. Without jobs, that is.

  4. I told them what I thought of their rumor in a few short words. This kind of stuff pisses me off....leave our team's name outta your mouth. (Pinot Grigio, you're up)
  5. Oh, thanks for reminding me! I bought Christmas booze. I don't really drink (at all) but mostly because I'm alone and when I'm out I drive, so being responsible and all. But I have in my fridge right now: red wine, white wine, BaileysTiramisu and peach cider. It's on, folks.
  6. Damn, have to leave now....have to be back in time to watch my Canucks so it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. GO SWEDEN!!! Enjoy the rest of the game everyone. Bad planning on my part!
  7. The future is bright!!! Awesome, thanks for posting this.
  8. Yes, but we'll move on I guess. My point was more a question of where they obtained their news/information from. Family, so that can be biased too. I feel that taking a stand is the right thing to do here. Megalomaniacs in this world can't do whatever they want without some pushback and repercussions. And I don't miss Russia in this tournament...not one bit. As stated, there's enough good talent to go around.
  9. Finally! Feels like forever since I've seen a game. Having to miss the last one (except on radio) and then learning after the fact that someone had tickets lined up for me that I missed out on....well, double whammy. Was a little depressed. If my cable goes out, listen for news reports of a TV being heaved out onto the street. Let's go Canucks, pick up where you left off.
  10. It's been WAAAAAY TOOOOO LONG since I've "seen" a game. Feels like forever. Let's get this thing moving again.
  11. You didn't answer the question though...you threw out a bunch of red herrings to support your (unfounded) argument. Which, in itself, discredits your discrediting of others. I don't watch CNN (ever) but I was truly curious about where you get facts to base your decisions on. The failure to simply provide sources is enough for me.. A laughing emoji meant to somehow put others down and then a "I don't want to get involved" are talking out of both sides of your mouth. I don't want to engage elsewhere and that's intentional. I am not well enough equipped to and don't have all the information I'd need to take an informed stance. We need peace not more verbal war. It starts here, with us...the world won't fix itself until we all learn to disengage. Which is what I've done and will now resume. So, back on topic for me...I find the tournament the same despite missing a team. I'm sad for individual players who maybe don't support what's happening...it's unfortunate for them. War is ugly. "It is what it is".
  12. This, more than anything, is so important to me. Our team is getting much harder to play against and I want that to be the theme moving forward. Tough, physical play. I love the skill level of the goal scorers but it has to be balanced out.
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