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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. @sassbs Where do you get your info? I'm curious. For someone who's "not getting into it", you opted to so it would be interesting if you could provide further insight. I mean, it's not just CNN....the secret's out and it's coming from various sources. While I don't know that punishing hockey players is the ideal route, it does make a strong statement. The Team Canada stuff also is very alarming and so it's easy for me to throw support behind Team Sweden this year. Although the same applies...these players shouldn't be subjected to the wrath of other player's mistakes. Unless they're following in their footsteps.
  2. When I just updated my Shaw-gers account I had one condition: "I MUST keep all sports channels". Didn't care about anything else...that's why I pay for cable - Canucks games #1 and things like the World Juniors when I'm on holidays #2. So aggravating to keep losing the signal (just happened as I was typing this). Signal resent and I only lost 5 minutes of the game this time. Tomorrow it better be solid or I'm going to lose my cool. They're supposed to call/come back and run a new line in but it can't happen quickly enough. I get owly when my games are interrupted. But at least they're trying to make things right by throwing in this channel that I didn't ask for. Not sure how I managed to live without it before. Riveting.
  3. My friend and I were in our regular spot down by the zamboni entrance when two guys showed up, one pushing the other in a wheelchair and speaking Swedish. We noticed one had several hockey pins/patches so my friend asked about them. One fellow did speak English (the other one, not a word) and told her about them. Friends of Samuelsson's from Sweden, they were in Van staying with him for a holiday. The pins/patches represented tournaments/games they'd traveled to to watch him play. They asked to have a picture with us. The picture is bittersweet for me....that's usher/friend Vern, who passed away last summer unexpectedly. His last words to my friend when he saw her in April..."tell Deb I'll see her next season". Miss him...haven't been back down there since but they've installed a plaque on the wall commemorating him (he was on board with the team from the start/1970).
  4. Remember he's a year younger than the other two so is a bit behind in experience/progress.
  5. People ignore that and treat these guys like they're machines. It's very much an issue....fatigue causes mental mistakes and energy depletion. It's just a fact. Yes, all teams have to contend with it but some got off to an easier start and we'll see how they fare through the rough stretches. Injuries are also more prominant when fatigue sets in.
  6. We're sitting in the wild card spot! Let's do this fellow annoying fans! My prediction: Canucks 5-1 Miller
  7. I'm having big time cable/internet issues! Had to listen to the last Canucks' game on the radio (was so pissed). Missed the exhibition games. Shaw arrived Christmas eve (I was super happy that they did and gave the tech a $25 White Spot gift card as a thank you). He upgraded me to the new wireless modem, etc. and last night everything went out again. The cable in likely needs replacing and I'm on a wait list for them to come and do that. In the meantime, it's killing me to have my holiday hockey in jeopardy! I have 2 weeks off and that was the plan...eat, drink, be merry and watch hockey. Anyhow, I got up at 5:30 am to fiddle with things, get a signal back and am watching Canada/Finland. For now..... (to be cont'd). I'm a diehard Canadian fan but Sweden will be a close second for me.
  8. Not really (re "more important"). It seems to me that it's a bit of a prediction of sorts and I challenge the "more accurate" statement. I like facts...fact is, every time you win a game you get two points and the teams with the most points get in. I think it's something people who like (and mostly get paid) to talk hockey have zeroed in on as "something". To keep them talking. No one knows until the season plays out and, until such a time, the teams that gather the most points are ahead. Even if other teams are playing catching with GIH. They could lose all of them. Win all of them.
  9. You lost me at Matthews and Nylander. I guess I'm old school...only thing that matters to me is points. The rest doesn't impact whether or not you get in to the playoffs....staying in the top tier of the league is a good way to measure things.
  10. Merry Christmas to everyone here. My wish for all of you is a happy, healthy holiday full of joy and love. For those struggling, reach out, with this community we're never truly alone and always have friends to connect with. 

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i wish you and your father and family all the best, big casino. thanks for making this site a wonderful place to visit and be. health and happiness to you and all cff'ers ( cdc'ers ).god bless us everyone as tiny tim says.

  11. So true. Thing is, in order to get people to "buy in " and learn, you have to gain their attention (and respect) first. Clearly, there's good communication happening and the players understand that the team first mentality benefits everyone. It's important to have players who do get this concept and don't take it personally if they're asked to do things to improve their game, as well as the overall team game. We've had players in the past who get pissy over stuff like that. It seems we have the right mix and players who are committed to the overall program that the coaching staff have put into place. It's obviously working.
  12. Anyone having Shaw issues?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NewbieCanuckFan
    3. Devron


      Switched to Telus after they Shaw screwed me out of a Canucks game last year 

    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      @Devron  Play one against the other for a deal (as they're all crooks 🙂)

  13. If this doesn't make you smile, it's Christmas. Life is good.
  14. Maybe you could sign up? It's easy....just do all the things.
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