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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Not really though. Because if we have healthy Demko and Petey contributing more, we are ahead.
  2. Inconsistent and "crying" are two different things. Many players are inconsistent.
  3. It would turn...my stomach. Please, no. Let that nightmare dream die.
  4. What did you know about Joshua before we snagged him? Probably not much, right? Just because WE don't know doesn't mean the guys paid to know don't.
  5. Marchand'll feel more secure doing his rat business with a new Z bodyguard.
  6. Here's what I've learned. Wow factor only takes you so far. Oilers have wow factor in the best player in the world....yet..... It's all about work ethic, buy in/structure/coaching, chemistry, overall team health and yes....skill and physicality. Key players can't just get it done on their own so it's about balance and we've seen (Petey) how top paid players can struggle and it's no guarantee. So the best plan is make a well rounded team as much as $$ permits. We seem to want a big splash yet players will have peaks and valleys...it's about hitting it at the right time. Luck's involved in that too. I've learned that all the eggs in one (or two) baskets isn't necessarily the key to success. Players that want to be here and have faith in this team and what they're doing are important. JT Miller types. Maybe I'm jaded....something something Messier. Big names can also be busts.
  7. Funny, right before I returned here from making breakfast I had a thought: "Sometimes things that make a big splash sink to the bottom pretty quickly". We'll see - right now, everything's uncertain as to how players will pan out in their new settings. There's something to be said about chemistry, how players adjust to roles/coaching, etc. Good players don't always just equate to cup success (which is what they're all striving for). Just ask McJesus about that.
  8. Oh I know that and hate to lose him. But I think it was more his decision and the team recognized that and set a limit. I think he wasn't willing to set a limit and wanted to test the market more than anything.
  9. He said a few things...one of which hinted at him not chasing the money. He wanted to chase the money. If he really wanted to stay he would've accepted the offer here that wasn't too far under what he ended getting in the end from what I understand. I think the allure of a possible bidding war appealed to him. Ten teams interested stuff.
  10. I honestly feel like we couldn't offer him what the unknown held for him. He wanted to find out and I'm not sure we could've kept him because he'd made the decision to test the market. Lindholm too.
  11. Actually, no. Desperation is doling out HUGE long term contracts in a "frenzy" (bidding war) that will come back to bite some. This team is learning from past mistakes.
  12. I think he knew he'd be in huge demand and we couldn't offer him the unknown that he was chasing. He wanted to find out and that was his decision. The team tried.
  13. Signed him all the way until he's 40 years old? Wow.
  14. This is awesome.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      Stupid question but is he one of the Twin's kids, or a relative?

    2. -dlc-


      Henrik's son @Ghostsof1915

  15. "Zadorov is likely too expensive". Could be his demise if he's not careful.
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