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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Proud to say family was in this band way back when.....they played at my cousin's wedding.
  2. Yeah, they were dirty thugs....and honestly, there wasn't much integrity in their game. I mean, having Daddy Colon at the helm really set the stage didn't it? How corrupt was that? Thomas could slash away from his crease. Marchand was being his usual face licking embarrassment to the league self. Fans jeering Raymond as he lay on the ice with a broken back? So much trash needed to be taken out. Yeah, they won...in a lowlife, hang your ass out the window at the league way. I love that we're upping the ante. Let little rat face try now that we have a big Z and he doesn't.
  3. True story....my "seat" at Canuck games in 2011 was....a folding chair. (Damn, I could've used it instead of a rinky dink cowbell).
  4. I want to see JT power slam Marchand and throw him out of the ring universe.
  5. This. And guys like Miller, Petey, Quinn, Demko know what it feels like to let it slide and I doubt, very much, they'll just accept losing. They have a taste of winning and they wouldn't go down without a fight.
  6. Thing is, we've helped PUT them out of a playoff spot. I hate that the measuring sticks keep moving....it was 10 games, 20 games...Christmas. I think the secret on this team is out. And even if over the next 10 games they falter a bit, it doesn't discredit what/where they are. Our schedule was gruelling to start and so it wasn't "easy" right out of the gates as some present it. Every game's a key game....last year's brutal start should have us recognize that....this team's taking things very seriously by all accounts. Not sure why we're waiting for them to fail against "good" teams....and, at times, they will. But it shouldn't erase the fact that they're in the top of the mix. This is a good team even IF they don't beat all the teams all the time.
  7. Thing is, they WILL lose games and it's the outbursts and screaming that we experience when that happens that's a little premature and anxiety ridden. I understand why, but this is a different group. Teams lose, they even go on a bit of a skid at times. Weather the storms...the team surely will. It does feel different and I think part of that is this core/group has been somewhat unlucky in how things have played out. They're a good group and probably deserved a better fate than they've been dealt in the past. Some of the pieces didn't fit and they lacked direction. I mean, it really is highlighted through JT's "we don't know what we're doing out here". He called things out and, seemingly, rightfully so. Cheers, Ghosts....glad you're here putting out the positive energy. It's so much better when we don't suck...it's just a happy vibe all around right now and we deserve this along with our team.
  8. I eyed up my first boyfriend from the DQ...he was working at the gas station next door.
  9. While I agree with some points, I don't know that it's objectivity as much as stubbornness some that on the opposing side display. A need to be right. Objectivity means you also can see other sides. When wrong, admit it....that's a redeeming quality. The stuff about refs, the Miller stuff....I mean that, alone, is reason to maybe present opinions as just that. Not "facts". We're all wrong at times and that's ok....no one's better than anyone else here.
  10. Good point(s). Nice guys in relation to being friends on the ice rather than foes. But nice guys are my favourite guys. They win everytime.
  11. That's YOUR interpretation and you've missed the entire point of the "travel heavy schedule" commentary. It makes people a bit more lethargic...something you perceive as lazy. Sloppy, sure...but if you don't factor in the why's you're only seeing things through tunnel vision. Yes, they were also learning along the way but I highly doubt it was lack of interest or laziness driving things. These are the same players in the here and now so maybe give them a bit more credit. People express concern a lot around here but their concerns are often proven to be premature and unfounded. Like the Miller crowd...learn through your mistakes and pace yourself. Concern from the get go isn't really giving the team a chance.
  12. Down the MG rabbit hole again today. This one's appropriate in today's world. Sadly.
  13. Going out for dinner tonight with a former coworker turned friend. She's a little dynamo and we used to work out together before COVID hit. Even though some workplaces are busts, the friends we make along the way are treasures. Looking forward to it.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. PeteyBOI


      thats good advice at Ghostsof1915... learning to live with your job is important, spending 30 minutes at work eating your breakfast and socializing is something thats always been a good choice for me...

    3. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      Just don't talk too much about Miller eh!?!..No guy wants to see a cat fight!

    4. Ghostsof1915


      Deb brings in the Gold Crown Mace. "You will bow to the Church of Miller. Convert!" Bash! "Convert!" Bash! "CONVERT!" SMASH! 😄

  14. This one stirs up some memories for sure. Know every word....loved that I got to hear it in person. Weird here is normal...weird here is extreme somewhere else....
  15. I may have posted this recently, oh well. I love this song so much but, even more, this fairy tale video (especially Dad's head nod).
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