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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. When JT was deemed a "a one way player" he was roasted. Love Kuz, but his "fun loving" good nature has to be turned off when they hit the ice. It's a battle and although I feel that him having fun out there and loving the game drives his offensive side, there has to be a killer instinct to balance it out. Especially come playoffs, when the grit and grind factor is amped up. He's a warrior...took that puck in the face and kept smiling through it all....but nice guys finish last. He has to balance out the nice guy with a bit more growl and hunger to prevent goals, not just score them. Sacrificing some scoring to prevent scoring is creating a bit more balance that seems to be working. Kuz has to buy in.
  2. Thing is, everyone has this preconceived notion of what will happen in the playoffs. But it's very much open in some regards because it's really "survival of the fittest". Some teams will limp through and others will be somewhat unscathed. Officiating and goaltending really matter too....we get one of those things and having DeSmith really solidifies that aspect of things.
  3. I'm not going to go back in time....I've heard it thrown around in the recent past.
  4. Mostly that was intended toward the media, NOT the people here.
  5. I really appreciate this post and think I know what prompted it. As a female, I don't feel uncomfortable with the human body and so I let it go...but I imagine if my daughter was here I may feel differently. But that's also in part on me, as a parent, to walk through with my children and help them decide if it's somewhere they want to hang out (or that I want them to). To monitor, have talking points, and then weed through it all. When my son was young we had to do that with wrestling...he loved it. So I watched WITH him and we discussed how it wasn't "reality", etc. Rather than shield him from it, I tried to have an impact on what he took from it because he/our children WILL encounter stuff out there. And the world won't change for us but we can prepare them for the world. I'm not meaning to sound preachy or know it all...just offering a woman's perspective who's had to navigate a man's world with her children. The internet is full of stuff to be creeped out over and it's a jungle and so I admire your diligence in that. For the most part, I feel the stuff posted here is more tongue in cheek than creepy stalker but that's my perception (as a female posting here). I do take a bit of offence at the description of "a bunch of dudes posting pinup material" as we have quite a few really awesome females (and males) posting here. So to overlook that aspect does us a disservice as women who do contribute here. This forum is for everyone and we've been welcomed here and shown respect. This place has a bit more freedom and the rules aren't as rigid as the other team associated site. For the most part, I think people enjoy the rules being loosened a bit but we still do moderate inappropriate content if deemed so. My rule of thumb is let the consensus rule (to some degree). Let the people decide...and your comment will be included as part of that. Thing is, it IS a hockey site and that comes with a bit of testosteroney fried bologna. With that, if you see anything you see as inappropriate, please use the report button as it's the most effective avenue to make sure your point is heard and then mods can weigh in and take action if deemed necessary. Thanks for your input, it is appreciated.
  6. He's had moments that put our team behind rather than ahead. No, he hasn't always had a "good" season. Tackling Petey, sliding on the ice and putting himself out of the play when he could use his big body/stick much more effectively. Standing in front of our goaltender (screening him) rather than clearing out the crease. He is NOW having a better season. But you can't ignore the gaffes and blunders....and there have been quite a number. Stating your opinion like a fact doesn't make it so.
  7. Things that this organization does for players were called "country club" in the very recent past but if you get the right mix of players who appreciate that rather than act entitled to it, you get something special. The attitude can rub off in the wrong way if players aren't all in. Z's comments have reinforced how special it is to be here, in this city. I remember long ago when they brought in state of the art equipment and services (lockers that had quick dry for equipment, sleep experts, etc.) - stuff to go above and beyond to try to create the best environment possible for success. Many out there poopoo'd it but it's what good employers do to try to get the best out of their employees....they set the stage for that. Give them tools to help them feel good about going to work each day. Players are wanting to come here again, for various reasons. The coaching staff, alone, is pretty stellar. It's really great that our team shines again....I don't care what the rest of the league thinks/says, our fans deserve this ride. No matter what happens, our team is getting some of the accolades they deserve and are finally gaining some respect. Even though there are still some out there who want to credit our success to luck/scheduling/etc. it's hard to deny the season they're having so far. (We were always told "you have to be good to be lucky"). I especially love that the Edmontons of the league are struggling and have to claw their way back in. They've had golden opportunities with #1 picks and still aren't having a great year. Let the negativity cloud other teams for awhile...we're having fun over here. We had a great core and needed the right supporting staff in place...that now seems to be happening. When the big dogs are having an off night, the others are filling in quite nicely. And we even have a big dog (Z) who really will help Petey to an easier time out there. Especially with Petey wanting to hit/play physical...guys won't come back at him quite as hard as they were. It's so fun to be a fan right now. Going into Christmas especially so...the diehards here deserve this. Cheers everyone! It's so fun to share all this with you (y'all).
  8. And although it does nothing for us....LEAFS LOST TOO! That's always a good will feeling.
  9. I'm not good at the detective stuff, but pretty sure they'll resurface with a new name and MO. "Consistency"
  10. It's nice that even when guys are a bit off, others pick up the slack. What a great feeling. And having DeSmith is just the icing on the cake.
  11. I just don't think he's really in a position to criticize a guy who's scored and whose team is ahead by 4 goals. Probably should keep his mouth shut and focus.
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