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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. What I've learned is to be patient and not panic. Desperation moves in order to "do something" aren't always the best in the end. This team's not too far off and our management group has managed to pull off some surprises - even if they don't take place tomorrow. Some want a saviour and to put all the eggs in one basket but it is a team game and chemistry/fit is as important as anything.
  2. And if the Oilers kept doing what they did early on they would have too. For crying out loud, apply the same standards across the board.
  3. I LOVE that Maurice photoshopped his cats over the logo. He seems like a super cool guy.
  4. Try not to cry. I dare you...


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Christopher Reeve and MJF were actors dealt a band hand. But they raised awareness for both Spinal Cord research and Parkinsons. I'm heartbroken that my friend in Australia has MS, now his early 20's son has been diagnosed with it as well. Good news the drugs now keep the symptoms from getting worse. So he should have hopefully a relatively normal life. So many medical conditions that can use funding.


    3. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      It makes me sad that cures for such debilitating illnesses haven’t been discovered.


      What makes me sadder is when good people get them.

    4. Heretic


      I went to the Theater Arts program at Langara - his sister Keli was in my class.  I met Michael (he came to pick her up to take her out for dinner) just as Family Ties was taking off.  Yes, he's a class act.  

  5. OK folks, let's cool it with the insults. Both those directed at individuals as well as the "delusional fanbase".
  6. That interview where he toyed around about "what do you think I'm worth" as if he wasn't chasing the money and wanted to stay here? Loved him, but any player who doesn't want to be here can be shown the door. I get it, it's a business and you have to take care of yourself first. But if he goes to Toronto he'll be just another loser Leaf to me. See ya. Really hope it's all just the game of cat and mouse and he shows up on our roster again but it doesn't seem likely.
  7. LOL at that one guy maniac. Celebrini. Surprise.
  8. This awards show is SO hokey. Seriously, quit trying to be funny and just keep it real. Lame.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      That's why I don't watch it.

    2. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      I miss the good old days of Guy Lafleur accidentally being funny by mispronouncing names.

  9. Yes, super happy about this. Myers may cause a bit of chaos but in the playoffs he's super awesome. Smashed Leon right in the Saitl.
  10. OK Big Z, you're up next. That's the one I'm REALLLLLY waiting for.
  11. Hell yeah. At work and this just made moving 50 - 50 lb boxes enjoyable. Love it. LFG
  12. OP doesn't mention that the Canucks retain 15% of Mik's salary (haven't read the thread, not sure if it's been updated).
  13. I felt bad for them...had their camera out, ready for him to receive the award.
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