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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. This Linus Ullmark segment is really quite moving. Remember, hockey players are humans and sometimes what you see on the ice is the tip of the iceberg and there's so much under the surface that can have a huge impact on performance and focus.
  2. Not that it made the least bit of difference but.....yeah.
  3. Well you can jump off the bandwagon any time....door's over there >>>>> They were a bit off (see above for at least a partial "reason"/aka excuse). It's much easier from home in our jammies.
  4. "Just wreck them" would've been a 3-0 loss. They got an OT point on the road in an early game playing an opponent that was only in their 2nd (home) game in 6 nights. Happens. As someone earlier said "it is what it is".
  5. I honestly was happy I had one recently....when I clocked myself with the cowbell (that's metal and has been dropped on the floor at the rink, etc.).
  6. What a sad pathetic comment. Honestly. Yes, they were off...happens.
  7. This curling match'll be more exciting than a game vs the Wild. Faster action.
  8. Go in with speed and don't let up. Aw well, got a point. Wild are ridiculously boring and I hate them. The end.
  9. Love how these refs are trying hard to wreck DeSmith by letting guys dogpile on him when he's got the puck covered. Asshats.
  10. Guys look gassed....need a change. BLOW THE F'N WHISTLE YOU DIPSHITS
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