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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I like that they're trying to win the game rather than just end it as is.
  2. This is only the 2nd game in 6 nights (at home) for the Wild. Their schedule's quite different than ours. An emotional game on Thursday, hop on a flight and play back to back early games on the road this weekend for our guys. Also...love that the ref is staring at our crease after a stop but...their whistles are lost all of a sudden.
  3. Getting a lot of crappy bounces/luck. Off refs, stanchions, quick whistles against, etc. No puck luck today.
  4. I think Juulsen's been pretty solid the past couple of games. I really like his physicality (too).
  5. I'm tired and read it as "an everyday thing". Which would NOT surprise me coming from you.
  6. Good to see Brock walking down the tunnel rather than hobbling. Please, please, please let him be ok. We need him.
  7. Maybe the refs should position themselves so they can SEE the play. OMG Boeser!!!
  8. I need a goal. I won't go get another coffee and miss the pp...a goal'll do the job of waking me up (only better). Let's gooooooooooo(al)
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