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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I'm not sure what qualifies you to assess NHL coaches? Please enlighten me. Is this referring to RT? 3-time Stanley Cup champion with the Pittsburgh Penguins: 1992 (as player), 2016 (as assistant coach); and 2017 (as assistant coach). Selected to four NHL All-Star Games: 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1993 Inducted into Flyers Hall of Fame: 2021 I'm not sure how he's "inexperienced"? Spent 22 years playing in the NHL. Played for his country 3 times. Assistant coach, then coach. Sure, maybe as a head coach he hasn't been there yet but that also depends on the team he's coaching. How they respond, etc.
  2. Great points. A few things that I saw that maybe weren't visible if you weren't there.... Zadorov has to be careful. Love his physicality but he was involved away from the play a few times and it not only put him out of the play, but also could be penalized in some instances. He has to "let it go" at times and stay up with the play. Kuz did make a bit of a mental error (an errant pass that was intercepted). Happens, but could've changed the outcome/momentum of things. Petey still tries to pass at times where he has a great shooting opportunity. I'm not sure what's up there (if it's overthinking/overplaying or a wrist thing). Miller: check, yep. He is so "determined"...especially when a game is winding down and on the line. Puts it all out there. Sacrifices his body and just gives an all out effort. Empties the tank. Demko was better. He's been a bit shaky and has made me nervous but he looked "in control" last night. I totally agree about Hronek. I like him better when he's just steady and not trying to do too much.
  3. (so Deb's hangover can be gone and she can focus clearly and use her cow bell safely and responsibly) JJ: I didn't even have a drink at the game last night. Pacing myself because Christmas calories are coming. Prime rib and prawns > booze's empty calories. On a serious note, our schedule always sucks and sets the team up to fail imo. It's feast/famine and we're thrust into a schedule that others are eased into out of the gates. But "it is what it is" and likely won't change so I've accepted it.
  4. -dlc-


    That was how I felt about my neighbour's stuff. To the vultures swooping in...."junk". But I knew the value it held to them....it was all stuff that told their story.
  5. -dlc-


    I am Dad's POA. I have done everything for my Mom and Dad and my brother....hasn't been there. He was a train wreck for a period of time. Drugs. Horrible stress put on us. And he now works hard and has a very active life (hunting, fishing, golfing) that helps keep him on track and he doesn't really bother with Dad. But that's ok...we accept that he's better and we're just grateful that he's "back". Puts a lot on me but I've always been the caretaker in the family. With that, it's an even 50/50 split between us when that horrible time comes to make decisions. We're both our parents' children and nothing will change the fact that he's entitled to half when that devastating day arrives. We were loved equally. And, if he lost his mind and fought for more...I'd probably just give it to him. I could never fight as I mourn...I don't think I have the capacity to. Besides, he wouldn't do that either...we look out for each other. We are not materialistic and I'm happy we were raised that way. "People" matter....stuff doesn't.
  6. -dlc-


    My big long rant up there was mostly this. "No respect"...people just lose all sense of respect when they behave this way and treat people's life long collections as a garage sale free box.
  7. At the game, I missed Miller and RT huddling over the whiteboard together. Love that Miller's leadership is allowed to breathe here...some coaches might power trip and not welcome it like Rick does. I feel there's a mutual respect between the two that's really beneficial to the team. I think Rick understands Miller's ability to help orchestrate plays and he's always directing traffic out there. Rick tapping in to that is huge and speaks volumes (to me) about what kind of coach he is. Connecting with his players and learning what they see/experience out there just gives him extra info to work with. Love him. Also...the pp still showed me at least 2 instances of a guy having a great opportunity to fire off a shot but instead....tries to pass and it fails. Take the shot. Get rebounds from the guy you're trying to pass to instead. Petey did it once and one other time I went "shoooooot" but don't remember who had the puck on their stick. Quicker shots vs passing around or setting up for the perfect tip in. Rip a shot off.
  8. He just impresses the hell out of me. Thing is, he's so sturdy on his skates but also agile. Alot of guys lose their edge and/or the puck when maneuvering tight corners and in crowded board battles, etc. He somehow manages to keep the puck and his balance...it's really noticeable to me. He's tenacious on the puck and really is a huge asset out there. Love his game.
  9. I didn't really see any big missteps from him last night. He's best when we don't really notice him out there and that was the case.
  10. Some here want pretty/flawless wins and perfection. Just doesn't work that way....some games you grind it out. Other games, you're not on top of things and lose when you should win. It's not a defect in this team...it happens with all teams. That's my two cents.
  11. We just knew Petey wouldn't stay "down" (although his points were still there) for long. He's not the type to be satisfied with watching everyone else do good things. Whatever was/is bugging him...he's working through it. And he found a way to be effective last night, despite still not moving as fluidly (for lack of a better word) as he did earlier in the year. He was sturdier on his skates for awhile but is falling a lot lately. Just don't know what that's about. My guess is groin stuff but who knows. He also isn't being quite as physical as he was....perhaps he has been hampered by something and realizes he shouldn't crash and bang as much as he was. He can use stick work as well. Takes a toll to lay out big hits.
  12. -dlc-


    It can be so cringy and despicable. When I raised my two kids on my own, I turned down any form of spousal support from my ex (kind of dumb to do so, really). But I take great pride in the fact that I did things on my own and didn't rely on him. Your comment really resonated with me - same. "Anything I've ever owned I've gotten myself, I fix my own things". I call myself a bit of a female MacGyver (even fixed a power drill once). I take great pride in wearing things out...using them until they're no longer good. Feels green and responsible. I cared for my two neighbours (a couple) who had been alienated from family members/friends when they revealed that they weren't just roommates...they were a gay couple in their 70's (who were so awesome). We lived side by side in our townhouses for 20 years and when one ("T") passed away, the other relied on me to help her. (She actually called me during the emergency when her partner passed...we were both there and it was traumatic). When J went downhill and developed lung cancer, I went over every day and acted like a care aide....she was in rough shape. She asked me to take her 2 cats (her babies) when she passed...to make sure they were cared for. My son was allergic so the cats were to stay "at home", with me going over every day to feed/care for them. (Our front doors are side by side and we shared a front porch and back patios). Their townhouse was to remain their home. Their cats were EVERYTHING to them...super pampered. One (Tiger Tim) was extremely skittish...scared of everything/everyone. He got to know my voice (from the patio) and then, trusted me...it was a slow process. I'd look after the cats when J & T went to regularly stay with a couple of friends on the island. Thing was, J & T had a will and 2 women who we'd never seen/heard from swooped in when they passed. Out of nowhere. I went over one day to feed the cats and there was a woman and a child, having a "tea party" as they called it in the living room. WTH? Not mourning, like the rest of us. Partying. The cats were hiding under the beds...it took me 2 days to coax Tiger Tim out. He hadn't ever been around toddlers and he was traumatized. Their island friends were livid.....they called me...."who the hell are they?". No one knew of them...long time "acquaintances" from the past who, when J & T were younger, were also a gay couple they'd befriended. And put in their will when they had no one else. I stayed out of everything. J had told my Dad not to worry about me....that I'd be "taken care" of. Apparently she told the friends on the island that too...that she was indebted to me and was leaving everything to the cats...and, when they passed, to me. I didn't do stuff for her for any reward/payment....I just hated seeing her struggle. She didn't drive....I did all her shopping, bill payments/business and even attended to helping her with some personal hygiene that she was so embarrassed about. We were friends and that's what friends do. It was fast and furious....the mystery couple began turfing all the stuff out of J & T's home. Rented one of those big bins and were actually heaving stuff off the balcony into it. I was horrified....I'm talking all their stuff. "Didn't have time" to sort it...had to get the place cleaned out quick (as I'd learn, there was a fight behind the scenes). J & T had been super awesome collectors of stuff...they had so many interests: T Was a woodcarver and some of her hand carved items were being tossed!: She used to invite my kids into her workshop; to watch her ... they loved her. Star Trek, Star Wars, books (they had hundreds....bookshelves lined their halls). Classical records. Stuff about astronomy which they were really into...even had a good telescope....they'd show me stuff in the sky from the balcony. Bird watching (I have 3 of T's carvings...she also made my kids little wooden Christmas tree ornaments). I didn't give a damn or ever even think about "receiving" anything....but it hurt my heart to see their treasures being tossed like junk. The island friends got a lawyer and tried to intervene. Wanted me to get involved but I just....didn't want to. Besides, my parents were both diagnosed with cancer around that same time so it was time for me to shift gears and focus there. Island gals came over on the ferry and started grabbing stuff and putting it in my carport to save it from being turfed. It was like a feeding frenzy over there as they tried to frantically "save" things that were so important to J & T. The final straw was one day when I arrived home from work to find....the two cats on my front doorstep. Crated, with a note. "They have to go, we're painting/selling the place and going to start showing it". It was tragic. Adding insult to injury...the paint fumes were filling my unit as they hadn't properly ventilated in their "rush" to get things done. The two vultures, who'd learned that I'd cared for J & T in their darkest hours, put a $25,000 cheque in my mailbox before they left. I guess they had a bit of a conscience and were goaded into it by the island friends. I'm not sure what happened with the fight...I hope they at least made it miserable for these 2 to "keep calm and carry on". Anyhow, tldr but it feels good to tell their story. I miss them and when I see the items that they did make for me I'm glad not everything was thrown into that bin. They're now my treasures and remind me of all the things we shared together...cats, star gazing, bird watching, etc.
  13. Thing is, here he's been given a role that he's shining in. He was a bit redundant on other teams so maybe just didn't get the chance to show his stuff. I don't give too much credit to coaching (other than helping him reel in his emotion and showing faith in him). Maybe in how he's being deployed and the attention to defensive detail. But he's a true competitor and all the things people slammed him for earlier are also the things that drive him. Pure passion and emotion. You can't coach that into someone....it's either there or it's not. Drive and determination. Burr had it too. Just has to be channeled properly.
  14. -dlc-


    I can't understand people who swoop in like vultures when someone passes away. Like really? You want their "stuff"? It happened to my Mom and Dad when their parents passed (my Grandparents). We were appalled and backed away and wouldn't engage in the rifling through stuf just to 'pick and choose". I got offered a box (of mostly crap) that was my Grandma's after everyone had picked through her treasures. Cracked plates (yes, they were china but....). I did get a doillie that she crocheted that I treasure. She made many and, of course, the one in the box was stained. But I love it. It was supposed to be in order of age and with everyone picking something...but when my turn came they said "oh...Susie wanted that (too)" , etc. So sure, take it. I refused to "fight" over stuff when I was mourning my lovely grandmother. My grandmother had 4 children (3 of whom were still alive) yet one Aunt "took charge" of things and distributed them. FTR, my mom was the eldest and likely should've have been assigned that task. But this aunt was a busy body and we just...opted out of the chaos. All the pictures of my parents went to....two swarmy aunts (my Mom's sister ^ and Dad's sister). I changed my view of them when I saw their behaviour. Very poor. @Bob Long A good point but, in my view, it can highlight behaviour that maybe was already there that we've just overlooked. In my case, anyhow. It just revealed stuff about people's priorities and how materialistic some are.
  15. -dlc-


    Barnstorm had some very wise words there....so true. And this is something to keep in mind to alleviate some of the "what if's?". If they don't stand beside you it's worth noting and it's good if it's revealed early on. Sure, you're new and maybe it doesn't "look good" but life DOES happen and since COVID, especially, employers should be more sensitive and supportive when it comes to family situations that are out of our control. Are you able to do any work remotely? Via Zoom or other platforms? Having an elderly parent, I've just gone through some of that. I'm the only one who takes care of Dad and his appointments and recently they've been ongoing (and long...3 hours each). Like you, I've used my personal time and even sick time to cover my absences. My boss is very supportive (thankfully) but, even If he wasn't, that would be on him. I've got to do this with my Dad and there's no compromise here. Don't carry additional weight of worrying about what they may think...take care of you and your family the best you can and know that you're doing your best to hold it all together. That's admirable and any employer who adds to the pressure probably isn't worth working for.
  16. An awesome idea, I fully support it. (We've already met...it was so great. It was when all the trade rumours were swirling around about him and I told him if he goes, I go. He said he's gonna talk to his agent about that...work out a deal)
  17. This was what I was talking about. It was so great.
  18. Oh yeah and....JT Miller ties a franchise record for quickest Canuck to 40 points. No big deal, just what he does.
  19. Well that was a helluva lot of fun! DID YOU GUYS SEE JT'S GOAL!!! FANFREAKINTASTIC. He's so good. And good on Petey for getting on track...I loved how happy Lafferty was when he scored. Glad they took this one....always get nervous when it's a one goal difference as time winds down. Sat in the fancy section upstairs with all the food....so good. Prime rib, prawns, and a delicious arugula, beet, pomegranate salad. My brother's wow'd by the set up...with the couches and fireplaces and TV's. I don't go there for that ... I'd stay at home if I wanted to watch TV from a couch. That don't impress me much...I'm there to sit rinkside. I love that you have tables up there for your phone, drink....cowbell. Woooooohoooooo. A win from our boys on a Saturday night. Feels good. Oh, and also...... did you see JT's goal? It was beautiful. Also, he's secretly captain and coach....give him the damn whiteboard and let him draw up the plays. He can do it all.
  20. Catastrophe averted. Whew. Couldn't find my cowbell....found my back up bell. Guess it's just gonna have to do.
  21. Haven't listened to this one in awhile. Must rectify that.
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