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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. One of my favourite Queen songs for sure. Love it. I keep repeating the same playlist, over and over and over. This (again) right now....
  2. I believe this to be fairly accurate....it often boils down to that in the end. Well, and how much help they get too.
  3. Disposable flashlight? If that isn't the dumbest of the stupid ideas.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vancan


      I misread flashlight for fleshlight, and thought it was a hell of an idea. 

    3. nuckin_futz


      We already have that. They're called matches.

    4. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      I was gonna go there but decided not to @Vancan



    1. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      Yeah. Not that far from me either. Hope they find her and arrest that scumbag. 

    2. Ballisticsports


      I heard everyones and my phone ring during brunch, Hope for quick positive news

  5. Just popping in to say JT'S the best #9 ever. I will fight you.
  6. I agree! I used to take losses so hard (that one vs NJ reminded me of how it felt!). COVID really shifted my perspective and how I react to things. Life is good, even when we lose. It sucks, but there's always next game.
  7. Thank you. My bday was actually back in October. I told my brother not to get me anything....he's gone WAY overboard with extravagant gifts for me in the past few years and I really appreciate it but didn't need him doing that. He works hard for his money. The first one was explained away as making up for lost time when he wasn't behaving very brotherly (I stood by him through some really difficult years...that even put my life in danger at times....drugs are a cruel reality folks). OK, fine...I accepted one really nice gift (TV). Then another one showed up. And another. He's always been super generous and that was part of his downfall as people glommed on to that. It wasn't necessary for him to shower me with stuff....he didn't have to go crazy to make up for lost time and so I told him to stop. Just be happy and live a good life...that's the best gift. But yes, I will accept an invite to the game any time. Of course. I ain't stupid!! Building new memories together....good ones.
  8. My chores aren't yet done and I'm going to the game so I might just set stuff on fire instead. Be faster. I hate when we play teams that have lost a few in a row...they always come out hungry. Hope the team gets off to a better start.
  9. See though? You added one of those words to strengthen your point but it only really weakens it for me. "Toxic". Cheerleading is kind of what fans do. And no, points aren't assessed so that's more of the same.
  10. I appreciate that you were willing to take up the slack.
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