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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. @Goal_thecup seems someone beat you to it! Thanks for your offer though. You're awesome.
  2. It's all yours!!! Should've already been up.
  3. On a roll. Don't know if I've posted this on this site or not (I know I did on the other one). Love this song.
  4. I'm thrilled to be going to the Lu ROH game next week. Can hardly wait. I still remember when we acquired him and I didn't really know anything about him. My son's super up on this stuff and I always believe his assessment of this team (he worked in a field that required it). He said "OMG I love this move, he's awesome". Sold. From 2010 onward I was in my hay day with the team....saw so many games. Got to go behind the scenes alot. Felt like I was part of the team, not just supporting them. (Even got to touch Lu's net when no one was looking...I now have super powers). It was glorious back then. I was also at the Heritage classic game when that whole fiasco unfolded. I watched Lu walking along the outside of the rink and was puzzled by what was happening. Anyhow, here are a few of my photos from back in the day...was so much fun supporting Lu.
  5. Thing is, the internet allows opportunity for people to disguise who/what they are (just had this conversation with someone). I'm a little jaded and have a hard time trusting....so when someone's constantly "on" my team, I become suspicious. If that's their MO it stands out for me. My deal though. But there definitely are people who just get their jollies out of stirring up sh. Maybe they don't get enough attention and it gives them a spotlight. Just love to engage in the fight more than really supporting a cause.
  6. Here I go, tldr Deb. I guess if it was "an aspect" as the title suggests.....sure. But it's the "always somethings" that seem to be more about that theme. Pointing out flaws. Waiting in the wings for losses to unleash their...knowledge. Being a fan, for me, is quite different. I've had a LOT of strife in my life and I do this for pure joy.....not because I'm an expert who can break down and analyze the game. There are people paid to do that...I'm just here to cheer.
  7. Here's the thing though.....we've got a new coach, basically a fairly different roster and so at some point things from the past can't be brought forward and pinned on the present. The NHL is tough and we're experiencing that along with our team. Teams DO win and lose....sometimes sloppily or by grinding it out. For me, it's like the Miller deal. The handful of us who supported him took so much heat. We didn't know anything. He's detrimental to the team and holding it back. His "moods" are creating issues in the room. Now that those myths have been debunked, it's like it's all glossed over and swept under the rug now. Time to find another reason to bitch and moan. Fire ___________ has been a theme around here and it's constantly moving targets. Some will still try to defend their stance by giving RT credit for JT's success...but he had success last year too and it was ignored. Because of a few "moments" where people just glommed onto the negative. Learn to pace yourselves (to noone in particular, just those who are riled up most of the time). Breathe in between the bad in order to see some good.
  8. Me too! My mood went fromzero to a hundred to negative 900 over the course of the game. What a roller coaster!
  9. Here's the thing for me.....if it's NOTHING but complaining, being stuck in the past, etc. ... it becomes questionable. Why bother? It's not about having opposing opinions....it's about never seeing the bright spots, and there are some. Being a fan is supporting your team, even through bad times. Sure, constructive criticism is fine but if it's nothing but, you have to reevaluate things. Some people just have moving targets and zero in on one bad aspect after another. No team is perfect....there are highs and lows and we experience that. We've had a lot of disappointment as fans and it's understandable to expect more, but patience is required throughout a season. And I feel that some just "look" for the next thing to complain about. We are all Canucks....but I'm convinced there are a few trolls here that are wolves in sheep's clothing. They're not here because they love this team, they're here to bait and rile members up. Remember...some come here for the off topic and white noise sections and the Canucks stuff is just filling a void when they're bored. Seen some of that. It's also in "how" you present your criticism. Many here use words like "objective, realistic, rose coloured glasses, homers" etc. to try to validate their points. For me, it does the opposite. For as much as people are called out as trolls and for baiting, the flipside is those who simply support the team are called blind homers. It all balances out.
  10. Saturday night games are my favourite....look forward to them all day without the distraction of work. When we lose, it's extra defeating to me...especially if it's a loss like the one we had vs NJ. Sucks the wind out of my sails.
  11. Do you have a source for that? I'm guessing that's what's bothering Petey too...just pure speculation on my part though. McDavid gets a lot more protection from the stripes than most players do(although that's waning)...it allows him to be the best. Gives him more space (although his speed and agility also contribute). There was a period where you couldn't breathe his way without him getting a call but the refs seem like they're tiring of his whining. For sure he's the best...but he's also being offered excuses for his start. We don't accept them around here.
  12. Not sure why, woke up with Let Me Roll It and this in my head. Random.
  13. It's so great having such a solid back up. I have more faith in him than I do in Demko right now. That's a good feeling.
  14. Yep, me too. Teams that come out flying in the first sometimes run out of gas. Then these guys take over.
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