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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Me too. "His spot" when he scored isn't an easy spot to hang out at. Sort of mosh pit meets meat grinder at times. This was his "easy" goal last night (photo courtesy of Jeff Vinnick) Remember, he's had a back injury (etc) and could very well avoid taking punishment and the front of the net/slot area. In order to be the recipient of those goals (whether by rebounds or beautiful passes), you have to place yourself there.
  2. It was not. But she's probably a cousin I didn't know about.
  3. That's playing scared of the big bad wolves out there. I get your point, but don't agree. He was thrown, WWE style, to the ice by someone targeting him who didn't have the skill to beat him fair and square. You see it as him giving them reason to (go after him). As one of the league's best, they already have reason....that reason. So him showing a bit of strength, resiliency and a lack of fear plays into his favour in my view. You're making his hits sound "dirty" but he's actually often on the receiving end of those hits (already). So tit for tat stuff. I don't think people will target him less if he lays low. He's a great player and has been targeted since day one. Now he's just pushing back. And it appears to be a very natural instinct/reaction. I love his feisty side that we're seeing. Our entire team has to have that.
  4. I am playoff intensity STOKED for tomorrow's game. Don't let me down, boys.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Chon derry

      Chon derry

      Do away with pillows for awhile. Also I found that when packing something pack it on the opposite side of which is bothering you. 

    3. Western Red

      Western Red

      Hi Deb!! Touching base to let you know I'm here. I share your enthusiasm for tomorrows match and when I hear reference to cowbells, you'll be in my thoughts forever. Are you heading to the game tomorrow? Or viewing in PJs and w popcorn?


    4. Ghostsof1915
  5. You're wrong though....often, the hits are him going back at someone so they should be some what expected. I don't want him to change that element of his game...especially if he's not on the scoresheet, it keeps him engaged. I think it sends a message too....he's no pushover. He HAS been targeted in the past so him showing he's not going to shy away is a good statement. Also, I have to give a shout out to Hronek. Not for anything special but, for me, he evokes the opposite reaction from me than Myers. I hold my breath and shut my eyes with Myers but I have a calm confidence in Hronek. I like Myers, I want to support him but that penalty he took was just another "why'd you do that?" moment.
  6. I really loved it when Miller came up into the stand in his skates to fist bump me and tell me I'm the best fan ever in the whole wide world, "good game". Wat? It's real.
  7. Thing is, that was developing between Bo and JT too. JT's just a wizard when it comes to setting guys up....quick and on the money. I love that these two are connecting. So good.
  8. I was SOOO worried, skate came extremely close to Petey's head! But yeah, isn't he a beaut?
  9. Like Miller, I believe it's his intense competitive nature and will to win. I love that he can take care of himself for the most part. That he doesn't shy away from the physicality. They said on the post game that Miller said something to Petey about that being the fun part of hockey...I think Petey's really bought in. Lastly, on a game note that's unrelated to what's happening on the ice.... Crazy P is annoying and past his expiry date. Sure, fire the crowd up but 7 Nation Army, etc. is just a big distraction to what is happening on the ice. Hate it. The guy who dances like his life depends upon it as he rips off t shirts....now he's a keeper. Hilarious. He came and sat beside us for a bit, sweating like a pig and all fired up. In between play and one and done. Fast and furious. His energy is quite different than P's demands to do this and that and the annoying noise. Quit yelling and pointing at us during the game, dude.
  10. I was super worried....did NOT look good as he was on his hands and knees and struggled to get up. Also, I should add....the 2nd period was not good. I'm glad the guys woke up for the third.
  11. Come and watch a game in person to see......you're wrong. He's really up'd his game this year and is WAY more engaged (as Alf said)....board battles, he's faster and he's anything but soft. Got blasted with a shot and bounced right back. Hmmm, you remind me of someone. What a fun game! My son is now on board the Miller train with me....sees what I see (wasn't the case before). He sets up goals with beautiful passes...he sees the game well and is ahead by a step when it comes to that element of things. Next level power forward too...when he carries the puck with one hand on the stick and shields off guys with the other while manuevering. And that breakaway (also a beautiful pass to get the puck on his stick)....too bad he didn't score. Love when he drives the net like that. I was impressed with the physicality aspect with a few different players (Juulsen). My God, Petey's firey...got knocked on his ass a few times but takes a number and gives it right back. I was so happy he scored...I called it just beforehand. He's a fierce competitor and, as my son said when I suggested I didn't like him laying out so many hits....."he's better when he's doing that". He is...so engaged. Demko was stellar...we need him to be on his game and he sure is. Myers and that dumb penalty again...changing the face of the game with stupidity. McWard also looked a little worrisome at times as he stood out a time or two in a bad way. But seemed to work through it.
  12. I also don't think they're stuck on a moment when Marchand was Marchanding.....people want to focus on the Sedins ignoring a guy who licks faces and is an absolute clown. Sure, great player...won the cup. Dirty as f. But, in the end, not someone that everyone respects like they do the Sedins. There's hockey and then there's life after hockey with our children. I know who I'd wanna hang out with but we're all different.
  13. I'm going to the game!!! Super stoked. Wrecked my back/hamstrings/gluts (damn carrying boxes up/down stairs and a bike gets in the way!!). But I'm not going on IR just yet. Work to be done...cowbell's all ready to go.
  14. Thing is, you can hardly call them soft....it really doesn't fit. They didn't "fight" but that doesn't make someone "soft". Sometimes it makes them smart....I mean, goons aren't always the brightest. And then there's CTE to factor in. Sedins earned way more respect than what some show them.
  15. Wow, can't believe he's still playing. That's a name I haven't heard in awhile.
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