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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Not only that, it could be a conflict of interest that prevents him from it. They likely want the breaking news on their sites/SM.
  2. "I love the kid, I've got no problems with JT Miller"
  3. Why are you still stuck on Miller last year? You have to let it go at some point...it's on you, not him. Here's something to read about HDC's and why they're not entirely reliable: https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/why-quantifying-scoring-chances-in-hockey-is-a-unique-challenge/
  4. For me, they have to make the playoffs and then see how they respond there. If they are engaged, physically and up their battle levels to meet playoff intensity, that's my expectation. If they get rolled over and don't respond in a JT fn Miller way, then something's gotta give. They all have to buy in with that level of intensity and desire to win. Did you see him miss that tying goal/shot? Wears his heart on his sleeve and every player better be that invested WHEN we do hit the playoffs. No rest until it's over. Do or die attitude every shift.
  5. He took a pretty brutal puck to the face and we don't know all the in's and out's and why's of him not playing. There could be some reasons that they don't reveal (like the fact that he said he is having trouble seeing with the face protection on). Can you describe what a high danger chance is in YOUR words/view? I'm curious. We can pluck stats all day but cherry picking them only tells partial stories. Your description of Miller, alone, makes me think you're not seeing things as you should.
  6. It's not this cut and dry....it depends a lot on who's healthy/not. Injuries are part of the game and if our studs are out, our chances clearly diminish....that's not the coach's fault. It's a no i in team deal....coach and the players are responsible for the performance. I hate always needing to pinpoint a scapegoat which is what this leads to. I know coaches often take the brunt when a team struggles, but it's not always all on them. They're just the casualties. I feel Rick's got just the right balance of tough love and connection with his players. I like him and think he's doing a great job.
  7. Last game we went to my son's seat was broken....pinched him and by the end of the game his leg was bruised. He didn't care/fuss, but I emailed and they sent replacement tickets (to Tuesday's game). I hope a kid doesn't sit there in the meantime...I told them the seat number and hopefully they'll repair it!
  8. You're doing it right, Sharp...clearly. What an incredible child you have. The world needs more like him/her.
  9. Warm, fuzzy socks Hockey cards Anything JT Miller But mostly, just to be with my family .... we'll do our usual dinner followed by a poker game. I love it because my Dad's decorating his place and he's so excited....he's like a big kid. We treasure this time with him.
  10. I tend to go to the NHL and look there to see the standings/facts. At the end of the season I'll do the same. But thanks for trying to change it.
  11. Don't try to change the facts....facts are, the standings are posted for everyone to see and this other stuff with an asterisk doesn't matter.
  12. It's not "I'm too tired to play". Bodies do get depleted....it's not a mental attitude as much as a physical "hit the wall" deal. Yes, other teams WILL go through it and we'll see, then, where we're at. Right now we're being told we "should" win games during a tough stretch of road games and back to backs. Will we remember this when they play or will they be given a free pass "because". They're handling the challenge....they've put themselves in a position to have a bit of a cushion and be "ok" despite some fatigue and grinding. So that counts. Point is, they're playing some teams that have more gas in the tank. Whatever, it'll even out in the end. And I bet we'll still be "ok".
  13. Uh, changed since last year? Out: Bo OEL Schenn Burroughs Pearson Stillman Rathbone McDermott Lockwood (etc?) In: Beau Blueger Lafferty Suter Cole Friedman Hronek Soucy DeSmith A lot has changed, including the attitude....which has shifted to more JT physicality and less Bo spokesman. Loved Bo, but the truth hurts.
  14. Yet excuses are offered for the ref's shitty performances. Double standards are applied. "Game's fast" "They're doing their best" "Tough job" "Can't see everything" (anything) Hmmmm, what makes refs different? They're all human beings subject to things that can hamper their performance. Yet some here feel like the team should be supermen and immune to things like fatigue and injury in a "fast moving" game that is "hard".
  15. Still pining over JT staying and Bo going. Good points, Bob. Different results/situation this year. Team this year is tied for 2nd in the West. Last year this time? We sat in 12th place. Also: last night with the Petey deal? Guys flew in there to have his back. Last year, Bo skated off the ice at times when teammates were "engaged". Loved Bo, but hated that part. Anyone seeing things as "same ol" is missing a lot.
  16. To be honest, there's little difference in a slapshot and a one timer.....except maybe you tee the puck up for a slapshot rather than just being ready to blast one off. Sometimes it happens....the puck's on its edge or bouncing a bit so you settle it. JT Miller's doing just fine regardless of if you like his preferred method of shooting or not. Seems to be working for him. I think you're stuck on the name "slapshot" and it's really not a huge point of contention. Deflection maybe. If that's your beef with JT (that he took a slapshot), you're looking too hard for something that's not there. Dissecting his game to find something/anything.
  17. Honestly, this almost gets comical to me. I mean, all that we share here are opinions and we know what they're like (everybody's got one). Yet: Those constantly "worried" about the team and injecting their qualified (often negative) opinion in (to help the team because the coaches clearly don't get it) = good analysis, played the game, experienced, objective Those having fun watching the season unfold and taking it all in stride: biased, whining, insecure, "marry me" poster carrying types Not sure who's doing it right/wrong here. We're all on the same plane though....no one's better/worse. Smarter than the rest. You don't have to have played the game to know the game. Some may know the x's and o's better...but don't really understand the human dynamics or it all. You don't have to analyze the game to enjoy it. But one thing's for sure....this team has made huge strides to open the season over last year's start and they sit in a position that deserves SOME recognition and support. Despite how they got here and who they went through. Even IF it's not the prettiest and has been a grind at times. I think if you analyze the overall situation without bias (or team history coming into play), you'll see that all teams will have great games and some that aren't picture perfect. But gathering the points is what counts in the end and any team making the playoffs has a shot at them. For the millionth time: goaltending, overall health and injury status, momentum, coaching/strategy, officiating all come into play. Sometimes the very best teams fall flat on their faces. Sometimes Cinderella stories unfold. It's what makes sports great....that you just never really know. Sure, you can predict and play the odds...but nothing on paper is guaranteed.
  18. Come on now, you know as well as I do it's SOB working behind the wizard's curtain.
  19. I question your qualifications on game analysis though. We're all just fans and seeing things from that perspective. We don't even know the behind the scenes stuff....what's with Petey? Kuz? So in order to analyze things you need all the information and none of us has that. We're watching games unfold and some expect too much and, perhaps, too little from the team. Depends on where you set the bar for them. I haven't even done that yet because I feel it's early on and they're still finding their groove. A bit better than I maybe expected. And what you saw maybe was influenced by your bias against this year's team. You looked past the team this year early on to focus on 2-3 years down the road. So, in my opinion, that's writing the team off (this year) and setting an agenda that supports that. This was October 27: You're still working on a team in progress but Rick and the boys are working on this year. And showing us that they have some things in place that could surprise some people. When you have the likes of Hughes, Demko, Petey and Miller....that's good solid footing.
  20. Re: the slapshot I believe that the more weapons you have in your arsenal, the better. Now sure, if that's all JT was doing.....predictable and ineffective. But it mixes it up. Sure, it takes time to load up but it also can do some damage, especially when lanes aren't being opened up. Blast guys out of the way. Have them limp off the ice...better for us. One timers, when they miss, tend to zing around the boards and out a lot. Maybe slapshots are slower releases but maybe the aim's a bit better if they're tee'd up first? I believe the slapshot still has a place in hockey because not many really want to stand in front of one. And if they're rare, it keeps them guessing. JT seems to have it figured out...I'm not worried about it.
  21. For the team, sure. For the fans? Has no impact on things for us to worry and fuss...we're merely passengers on this ride. Sure, a "discussion" board but it allows for both sides and those supporting the team are not blind and stupid as some would make us out to be. That's mostly my point...I'm quite sure this team, with its past history, understands the magnitude of not letting it slip away. We're not any smarter than they are. They're making strides and it's toughest when they ARE tired and depleted. Those things factor in and they're not invincible, but they have to work on finding ways to offset that (as Tocc's said...through angles, etc.). I believe some home games will be a better litmus test than a road trip with back to backs where Petey (and likely Miller) are not 100%. But some jump straight to "we're not there yet". We're a quarter of a way through the season...so we're certainly not "there yet" in regard to deciding on this team or ripping them up. The goalposts change...it was "see how they are after 10 games" (excellent, but sloughed off as "easy") Then...wait until they have some issues and are on a road trip on a back to back to determine things on one "should win" game and showing some fatigue and sloppiness. Yes...they haven't looked stellar in the past while but they're still just fine and will show us if they're learning from their mistakes and how to beat the scheduling symptoms.
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