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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. The thing that really stands out to me is his calmness....even when it's getting hectic out there. He never looks rushed or panicked...he just takes it all in stride and uses smooth agility and speed to .... elude everyone out there. It's quite amazing...we're so lucky to have him.
  2. As a long time (my entire life) sports fan, I've learned to take it all in stride. My Lions lost 6 of the first 7 games to start the season in 2011 and most gave up on them. I saw that they had a team worth getting behind and were better than their record....and scooped up tickets to the WF and Grey Cup (that we won). It ain't over till it's over is a lesson some need to learn. Good teams don't make excuses but there's something else they don't do...dwell on the past. They put games behind them and face forward...onto the next. That's a lesson well learned too. The negativity, at times, just swells around here and it's not fun. It's ok to be critical but it's also ok to be hopeful. And the team's given us reason to be. It's very much a life is what you make it deal. Anyhow, cheers. We can all do it differently and that's what makes it a lively place to discuss things. But I won't ever apologize for 100% backing my team....through thick and thin. And don't kid yourself, I know a lot more about sports than most here give me credit for (because I'm a woman who obviously just waves pompoms).
  3. Geesh, some people really need to learn the that was then this is now concept and apply it to hockey in order to move forward. If you try to predict the future based on the past it's basically called generalized anxiety. I know because I have it and have worked hard on it. Along with the "what abouts" are the "what if's" (which is how GA is pinpointed). The past can't predict the future so live in the moment. It's way more fun. If things play out and we do regress and go back to old habits, "it is what it is". Enjoy the ride and the games that DO give us entertainment (and wins). Take out of life what you will. COVID taught me that. Anyhow, I'm going in circles and y'all know how I feel about my team. I support them when they win and lose. Some, it seems, just wait for losses so they can pounce. It's a little premature to hit the panic button.
  4. Only reading to here because you won't change my mind on Miller. I supported when he sat...you may have missed that.His emotions were getting the best of him and he needed to reel it in. And did. He can do wrong but it's never because he's lazy/doesn't care/etc. Usually he's gassed and, last night, was pretty banged up on a back to back on the road. He doesn't do much wrong...so why would I find fault in him? I feel that others are stuck on the "AHA, TOLD YOU SO" moments and are almost hoping for him to fail so all the stuff they thought about him could be proven. Miller's one of our best players....so that's mostly where my stance comes from. He's earned my support (and probably yours too at this point). I'm sure there are other targets more worthy to zero in on.
  5. The other take? "Or course there will be all those insecure fans who immediately panic when the team looks tired, depleted and beat up. Rather than exercising patience"
  6. LOL, this just reeks of "I know the mostest". I don't know that you do though (I'll keep defaulting to your absolute conviction Miller was gone and the inability to be critical of officials when warranted). Objective is seeing that they ARE on a grind with back to backs on the road and factoring that in. Injuries too. Again, those words to belittle others do little to prove your point. Please understand you're not the be all to end all and that we are all experts in our own minds. The style of play right now is....depleted and sloppy. But if you look beyond that objectively, you won't be so insecure about it all. You'll know that the past 2.5 years are in the past and we can face forward any time now. That you have to factor in how they've played throughout, not just in stretches that overlook the good parts. Back to ignore.
  7. *Please don't do that ("marry me poster"). Diminish what I saw in Miller that most didn't (a handful of us did). Women can see things in players that are completely relevant to their skill and attitude and it isn't just fangirl stuff. Yes, that too but I saw what kind of player he was early on and my honing in on him as a favourite orignated there, in how he played the game (I love power forwards). What people pegged as negative was what drives him in a positive way in a double edged sword. That he, himself, has spoken of. You can't be a placid player that switches that kind of passion/fuel on and off. It's there or it's not. I saw it in Burr early on too. Bieksa (when people were screaming to get rid of him). I'd rather have a player guilty of doing too much than not enough. Why keep throwing clappers? Because they're effective and can move players out of the way too. He nearly tied up the game. I wouldn't question his play....I think he's proven it well enough. He was banged up last night (and tired)....not at his absolute best maybe but I think we can excuse him at this point. He contributed. All players have "moments" and take penalties. I think we have some other guys who you could be putting under the microscope. My eye for good players isn't based on how they look, it's how they play. That goes way back and I do have a pretty good track record.
  8. My Dad. (LOL, to clarify....he's not VC but he was a rescued crew member)
  9. I can quite confidently confirm he is NOT Chris Faber. Also, I am reluctant to pressure him as he provided a service that was relentless and required such dedication and commitment from him. He's taking some well deserved time "off" and I respect that. He may, in fact, be on the payroll (I have no idea) and that's restricting what he can do here. It was a great run for him and maybe one day he'll find a way to devote the time and attention he used to here, to this place. It was likely a lot...he was on things on an immediate basis and that likely was a bit exhausting at times. No let down. Cheers to VC...I'm super duper proud that I nominated him to be a mod way back when. He was just too good not to be. He's been an absolute gem and is missed, but is still here floating around and is part of the team. Hopefully he's on a nice inflatable pool flamingo in the sun with a cool drink in his hand. A hard act to follow and that's evident.
  10. I, too, loved Juice's enthusiasm over our pp and the quick puck movement. It's SO noticeable to me....JT and Quinn being the main players in how they shift around out there and get different looks/angles. Petey used to use very subtle moves but he's clearly not "on" right now. Glad he was taking a few shots at least. Re JT: I hope the rest of the members are paying attention and using how wrong they were about JT to adjust premature assessments moving forward. But some just move forward...on to the next target. Give this team some breathing room then see what we've truly got. Right now, we've seen both sides but you can't ignore that they ARE tired and a bit beat up. Depleted. Don't JUST assess them then, that's hardly fair. Good points you've made! +
  11. Game by game. The team doesn't pencil in wins and losses and we probably shouldn't either. Also...in December we get a good home stretch and play 6 games in 12 days so it eases up a bit. Not in regard to who we play but where and when. With that, I'm going to the game vs the mallard hens so we'll win that one.
  12. Do you factor in the human element at all? Schedules, injuries, etc.? yes, they're playing .500 hockey right now but that happens at times....they've given themselves a bit of a cushion and can (will) adjust. Road trip wasn't a complete wash...playing back to backs in different cities isn't as easy as some here would pencil it in. Not excuses - things that deplete a team at times. No team just sails through unscathed and without hitting a few bumps along the road. Petey being off is huge for this team but that won't last forever. You were writing the team off in October but I think that's on you, not them. People trying to somehow prove their agenda are premature in doing so. Patience, then we'll really see where we're at. This team hasn't been a write off but sure, some here think we're not there yet. I think they have time to prove that they are. It could go either way and the past has jaded some so they just throw in the towel. I'm glad the team doesn't.
  13. He took a few good whacks and blocked shots too vs the Krakheads. Stingers that likely didn't just completely disappear after the game ended. Wasn't even sure if he'd be in the lineup last night. But he's a warrior who leads by example.
  14. I agree re the physicality.....LOVE Lafferty and how he just flew in there and had Petey's back 100% without hesitation. He's a beaut.
  15. Right...because this team without Miller would be building for the future. Except guys like Quinn and Petey likely would move on because we'd suck. Then it'd be square one.
  16. JT's reaction when he missed that tying goal says everything about how seriously he takes this game. People said he didn't have a great night but even his bad nights produce points. His pass to Hronek on that goal was JT magic. And he nearly DID tie it up. Remember, the night before the guy got walloped a few times....he still showed up.
  17. What about the refs having it hard? The game being so fast that they can't always get it right? I'm sorry, but I'm tired of hearing words like "insecure" and "whining" when people bring up facts. Kind of like the insecure finding crutches. "They would be" expired when "they would be trading JT" and didn't. I left last night because I'm trying to keep it somewhat positive but my God, "insecure"? Seriously? Labelling people like that is a very weak argument. We'll be fine....the team is banged up, tired, and not doing what they need to. I don't expect that to last long. Back home, let's go.
  18. I think it's a matter of giving the guy credit where it's due. When he ISN'T scoring, at least he's trying to make a difference. He's struggling and we need him on the scoresheet for sure. But how about we let go of the past a bit and see that these guys are playing more physical...Petey really isn't expected to and it's a nice surprise. Teams target him and so the fact that he doesn't shy away makes him slightly less vulnerable out there. I'd like Myers to maybe throw a hit or two every now and then instead of playing back up goaltender. Can we just focus there?
  19. Well, unleash the trolls....I'm out. I'll be at the next game cheering my team on. Some of ya may as well just pack it in because clearly this season's a bust.
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