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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. This is what the Avs will hear after the 3rd.
  2. Yep, I'm glad people are coming around. Deb scouted him long ago.
  3. Guys Petey's playing through something...cut him some slack.
  4. I'm starting to hate the Av's at 2004 levels again.
  5. AWESOME!!! Put the baby up on the screen now!
  6. STFU Avacramps Yeah, we should've had another 5 on 3 but refs get to pick and choose.
  7. Refs know they were ass, now they're making up for it.
  8. I was freezing so watched the first under some blankets. Had to pull them over my head when I saw the refs in action.
  9. Oh for crying out loud. My son knows more about hockey than many who've played and he's complaining about the refs tonight (first time I've ever heard it from him). Playing hockey does not make someone an expert. Claiming you know more doesn't mean you actually do. And using the word "whining" also doesn't make you any better. Constantly stroking the refs'.....egos is ridiculous. They're not infallible. It's not up to teams to "adjust to" reffing...that's bullshit.
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