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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Me too. The ONLY team I want bringing the cup back to Canada is our team.
  2. Such BS the "bring the cup back to Canada". Do you think the Oilers are going to share the glory/cup? Or constantly remind everyone that it's THEIR cup. They have huge egos (at least a handful of them) and this isn't a cup for "us"....it's for them. And there's no way in hell they'll celebrate it like it's "ours". Let's go Panthers. I am so nauseated by the Oilers being shoved down our throats.
  3. Ron tries so hard to be cool but just....isn't. Said the Bowie song would be played and then referenced "under the serious moonlight". Wrong Ron.
  4. "Stop being"? Stop telling me how to be, I'm doing me. In one breath you're saying "no one is telling you to" and in the next you're trying to sell me the Oilers. And they're dirty af yet they whine like they're mistreated. Zero integrity. You can stroke the Oilers all you want....a good team (at times) and at other times they've been a complete flop. Flip a coin. Go Panthers.
  5. -dlc-


    Thanks Bri, I really appreciate the kind words and insight. I am staying professional and will carry out my duties like usual (I hate being idle and am a bit of a workaholic). I just wish they'd shown more compassion and not yanked us around so much at what is already a difficult time. I think the nice guys/girls finish last is definitely applicable a good deal of the time. It's like the more you do the more is expected of you and the slackers slide through unscathed. Someone who's feeling less than loved in all of this posted on her personal FB and someone showed the boss and she was asked to take it down. Seriously? Her private space and she vented (as I am here). Not naming names, but just releasing the negative energy in order to move past it. They're really surprising me with how disconnected they are right now to how people are feeling/coping. It's quite disappointing to end on this note. We're trying to just suck it up (keep calm and carry on) but each move they make seems more and more out of touch.
  6. I'm getting kind of tired of seeing hacks who never even watch hockey much (beyond playoffs) or can name more than 2 Canucks tell me that I'm un Canadian and not a "true fan of hockey" if I don't jump on the Oilers tractor now that our my team is out. It's laughable to me. By that standard, these are the shittiest Canuck fans I've ever seen in my life. Yes sure, jump ship. Go paint your faces orange and blue but don't tell me how to hockey. GO PANTHERS
  7. -dlc-


    My job is ending at the end of August and I'm really ticked off. At first, our school was closing when our lease expires on July 31st (possibly only for a year while they secured another location). The terms were all laid out and I felt good about how we were being treated. "Respected". Now that's all blown to pieces as things have changed. They HAVE managed to secure a temporary location to keep operations going next year but it's a very small space and out of the 50 or so current employees only a handful will have jobs next year. The rest of us are out of luck. We're sad, anxious and not looking forward to the prospect of being jobless....but there's NO sensitivity being shown to us and it's very glaring how, despite promoting gratitude and respect, they are severely lacking in that department. Actions speak louder than words and the actions right now are really piss poor. Initially, we were told that we'd get a 15% pay increase for July if we moved our holidays to August and helped with the shutdown of our current school during July. OK, incentive...cancelled a trip away with friends to move my holidays to August even though we were told we wouldn't have a location so would either work remotely or not at all. So we'd be off anyhow and our holidays suddenly were becoming quite meaningless as a result. The consolation? One big holiday....entire month of August. Awesome. We'd be sweating it out in July (a/c is busted) and that sounded great. Then they up'd it to 30% for anyone working 20 days from June 24 - July 31. They're also giving us 2.5 days pay x number of years worked. Reasonable. Our contracts go through to August 31 so I guess it's an olive branch. Now that they've got a location set for next year, they're trying to grind us to the bone. My holidays in August now have to change AGAIN because my boss reports that he needs me for the last 10 days of August (where? how?). OK, moved them once again...whatever. They've hinted that they might rent space in the back of a warehouse for us to work out of. Then I got an email Friday assigning tasks for Monday....as a "mover" (I'm an Executive Assistant - desk job). Unloading 2 steel storage containers outside, packing the contents into boxes/labelling them and then moving them indoors. Uh, no. F that. I'm a team player and have gone above and beyond doing jobs that are not part of my job description. But, at this point....boundaries are being set. Hell no I'm not going into those dirty steel hell holes to unload stuff and then cart it elsewhere. I have the number for the Turkish movers I worked with...maybe call them? It's disheartening because they're frantically running around trying to "organize" last minute stuff for their carry over in a new location and we're left in the dust but being asked to do ridiculously urgent "I NEED IT AND I NEED IT NOW" stuff. The kicker? The people who do have jobs next year are signing off for the summer? Wat? I have lost all respect for an organization that I thought was better than this. A few of us have and it's really tragic that they're plowing through us like we're machines. It's like we're not there...they even did a team huddle in the doorway and all put their hands in the middle and then a big hoorah group cheer as they headed to the new location for lunch. And had the audacity to ask us to drive lunch over to them at the new site. Me: "no". My friend at the front desk: "no". While the stragglers (us) are left watching the new team celebrate themselves and plan their camping trips, we're apparently expected to take on the load. Not too happy. Was feeling ok despite it all but am now just trying to survive the last 2 months without losing my cool. It's tough...I'm ready to tell them to TAKE THIS JOB AND....SHOVE IT.
  8. Meant to post this yesterday: 5 years ago JT Miller was traded to the Canucks. And, much to the chagrin of some around here, he's signed on as a loyal team member long term. Smart people get how important that is to this franchise. A true leader and a guy who leaves it all out there on the ice and wears his heart on his sleeve. Was a good day - June 22, 2019
  9. Then walking in to your house and all over the carpet before realizing it.
  10. What about when McDavid slashed Soucy to kick it all off? And if you're responsible for your stick....McDavid clearly got away with a couple of (what I feel should be suspension worthy) intentional high sticks in the face.
  11. Put the shoe on the other foot. Or the stick in the other face. If that was Myers and McFakeit was cut? We all know how that would've gone down. And Soucy being suspended without them looking at the big picture and evening things out was a clear message. Don't touch our golden boys. McDavid initiated that when he was pissy and yet WE took the brunt. I really don't have time for whiny princesses who get bodyguards in stripes out there. Easier to win that way.
  12. To sum it up: Yes, I am bitter. No I will not change my stance or throw support behind "Canada's team" (?) in order to jump on the bandwagon with a hot ticket item. I like my team and the Oilers were LUCKY to get out of our series, despite having "moments" of greatness. And other moments where they got away with a lot of BS.
  13. You're dumbing it down though. Mo-men-tum Not blaming the refs for outcomes, just how things can swing in a team's a favour and let them gather some steam. And creates a situation where the team on the losing end of the sticks in the face (etc.) plays a bit differently. In our series, for sure. Yes, there were also glaring deficiencies on special teams. But a level playing field might have swung things a bit differently. Losing Soucy for a game that McDavid & co. were given free passes kind of played in their favour. Yes, they're asserting themselves with big puffs of the chest. The golden boys are full steam ahead but that doesn't mean we can't also look at how they got there. They're very hot and cold...when things are lining up for them, they're hot. We've seen both sides and I'm not as convinced of their greatness. They have a number one generational talent who DOES get preferential treatment a good deal of the time. Does he need it? Probably not...but the whining needs pacifying at times.
  14. Edmonton's full of big egos and that's driving their bus right now. Well, and momentum that's been generated by both their energy and the lack of that from the Panthers (who seem shellshocked). Oilers have done this all year....sucked, sucked, sucked, then they get embarrassed and their egos kick in and they play with a nothing to lose/everything to gain energy. But remember, they also really suck at times. Too bad because both the Canucks and Panthers let nerves enter the building. Thinking ahead put them behind. The Oilers strike just at the moment that the team in control starts to overthink things. And, to some degree, with good reason at times when games were so piss poorly officiated that it handcuffs one side. You have to adjust for that. No "whining"...."facts". (insert our special teams failure here) I just can't support a team that includes Nurse, Kane, Draisaitl and whiny McGod. The way they chased down the refs after every whistle? Show some integrity. Again...the dirty crap that they pull to get there. Same. Let them celebrate - we'll see if Florida can crash their party and deliver a sucker punch. I sure hope so. I'm sick of the Oilers and the hoopla....yes, they've come back in 3 games but they also were DOWN 3 games and momentum swings are a thing. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. And...even if they do win, I still loathe them and will not watch a minute of the big "moment in history". For me, there are asterisks because how they don't get suspended like most teams is beyond me. Too many "GET OUT OF JAIL FREE" cards. Sour grapes? Probably. But here's how I'll remember the Oilers' season... When Gretzky was winning...I felt respect and pride in his game. This team and their cult followers? Not so much. The best player in the world should NOT be doling out deliberate high sticks as part of this MO. I don't know, for me it kind of tarnishes his rep a bit...especially when he CRIES incessantly at the refs if someone brushes against him Just a little highlight clip of why I will NOT get behind the Oilers...despite the constant push as "Canada's team" and now doing something to make history. NOPE
  15. Let's face it folks, if Edmonton didn't get away with murder along the way and games were called properly, they wouldn't even be here. A lot of help from their friends. Also...a team that "comes back" has to finish the job. Not sure they will. Edmonton's comeback is as much the Panthers failure at this point. I still don't think they're Godly like some do. If they do happen to win game 7, I'll just be glad it's all over and shut it down. No celebration for those dirty hacks in my circle. The spears to the groin and highsticks in the face are all too fresh in our memories. F them and their (Gaz)dick fans.
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