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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that, at the moment, I have as much confidence in DeSmith as I do Demko. It's kind of nice not caring who's in net.
  2. Swing that blade of love (that's how I sing it)
  3. They said on the post game last Saturday that he was battling through something. So not a confidence issue or a mental block.
  4. Had the option between going to this game or the Ducks....chose the Ducks. Hope we clobber them. Both of them. Go Canucks....chase the doubters out.
  5. Some of us understand that you look beyond just the opponents to a scope that includes the schedule and overall team health. Travel, back to backs, etc. If you look at a stretch of 10 games in advance and pencil that in, that's your mistake not ours. We're in a pretty good spot overall (in context) unless you project into the future, which is another mistake. Game by game.
  6. Also, McCann's a chickensh punk. Petey danced him in the first period and he took his revenge on Petey in the third. But, when Juulsen wanted to "discuss it", of course McCann weasled.
  7. He's smiling afterward. And the Academy Award goes to..... We hadn't had a pp yet and this was their 3rd. Hanson just loves JT. Tanev should get the Auger pre game skate that Burrows got. "You made me look bad"
  8. Anyone watching the Grey Cup today?

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      I would've put money on MTL if I had anything in my bank account. Sucks.

    3. Jeremy Hronek

      Jeremy Hronek

      Blue Bombers turning into the new Buffalo Bills?  (and yes, I realize that their current core won back-to-back grey cups a few years back).  

    4. -dlc-


      I thought FOR SURE Winnipeg would crush the Al's...was nice to see a good game. Bighill being hurt certainly didn't help the Bombers. Oliviera is a beast! And that one handed grab by Mack, wow! A great game overall (I thought).

  9. Yep, watching it again to see if I missed something. 2-2 in the second, shots are even and Hoggy just hit a crossbar that could've put us ahead. As time winds down there are 2 incidents that could have been called on the Kraken, but weren't. Boeser let the refs know but....they don't give a sh. This game easily could've turned in a different direction.
  10. This also was a source of contention for me. Just because JT's goal counted doesn't mean this tip in with a high stick should've.
  11. And, if Trevor Hanson is the ref they get a lot of help with that. Last night he only gave Canucks penalties through the first and second and it wasn't until the 3rd was well underway and the Kraken were leading before we got a pp. You can't tell me they played a squeaky clean game...my eyes saw that they didn't. Also...he didn't "see" JT's goal which would have been missed. Then missed the highstick on the Kraken goal. So teams get some help at times. We didn't play great but this crap certainly doesn't help. It slants the ice and gives teams momentum. I don't like crying over refs....but Hanson's an ass. I have first hand knowledge of that. He should work at Lenscrafters so he can get an employee discount.
  12. Re: "Our schedule is easy/soft" I randomly took some top teams to see what's upcoming. Now, don't just factor in "who" they play, but where and when. I don't know ours is as easy as some others. Us: And them......(Pink Floyd is now playing) Vegas: Toronto: Boston: Rangers: Dallas: I did this randomly with some top teams. I'm not sure that we have it soft/easy in comparison.
  13. I was just going to type this. People who pencil in games as "easy/should win" are undermining the fact that any team can play a good game or get hot and on a roll. They make reference to much needed confidence but other teams can also build momentum and confidence if they pocket a good win or two. There aren't many teams to "take lightly"....a dangerous mindset. No games are "easy" in this league. Funny...we hear that officiating isn't easy at this level/pace yet that gets disregarded when it comes to the players on the ice. It's also contradictory to state that we "should win" against these "lesser" teams but in the next breath state why this team isn't there yet. Which one is it? Fence sitting is fine (and should be the case), but it doesn't earn a "see, told you?". If we "should" win then that should be reflected in the overall summary of the team. Glaring holes/not this year or high expectations and should be beating teams? Nothing is a gimme or easy. And sure....look at "who" they're playing but the "where" and "when" matters too. This NHL gig isn't quite as easy as some make it out to be....pencil it in and go.
  14. So you can't just make a statement like this without backing it up with something to substantiate it. So what are the reasons then?
  15. I get a little gnarly after a loss and this place takes a nosedive. With that, I get why people are concerned but I don't know that it's fair to put all of our wins in the easy category and our losses into a "we suck" to fit a narrative. Some people here are still very jaded....rightfully so. But you have to start to buy in (too) at some point. The team will have up's and down's....part of human nature to not be "on" all the time. They do have a tough schedule, like other teams, but the West Coast is a different beast when it comes to travel. I'd just love if we could throw our support behind them without being so harsh and critical at the first signs of "potential" trouble. Petey was coughing a game ago...flu bug running through? It's not unreasonable to maybe consider that because there has been a drop off in energy and speed that doesn't really make sense. Unless it is exhaustion, in which case they have to adjust and work through it. It's a long season and they have to find the endurance needed to get through. But...excuses. I look for reasons but it really doesn't matter after the fact. It is what it is. A loss. Not the loss of an entire season as some immediately default to. I, too, get nervous about patterns of losses and lacklustre play but it's also early to panic. We'll see what develops and how they respond to a few losses. People tend to make very quick assessments while ignoring the facts (speaking of them) like our record and top scorers. The fact that the team has shown us what they're capable of gets ignored and discounted. Depth is an issue, yes, but it's not a matter of sell the farm, we're done. Some react that way. A little negativity is warranted but the overblown stuff is same ol'. Rick summed it up perfectly: "they were hungrier on pucks". I also believe teams play us harder now because we are up there in the standings so they come out prepared for that. This team has yet to find that consistency and hunger each and every game. Some players have it (JT). A bit of patchwork happening lately and it shows.
  16. Me too! I loved his reverse hit...he's a bull in a china shop kind of player and I like it.
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