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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. This one has a special place in my heart. My teenage daughter and I in my Volvo, sunroof open, this song blaring and us singing. We were both going through uncertain times but...we had each other. So I'm gonna write my words on the face of today And then they'll paint it
  2. LOL...


    1. 112


      someone's getting chewed out for this, lol

    2. Phil_314


      What's next, the boys forget their skates or sticks, and need to play in shoes with sponges superglued to the bottom and mops?

  3. It's really hard not to love both of these guys. We're lucky, we have a great team.
  4. He's perfect. Sorry not sorry. Some guys act all macho and tough...this is a real man right here. Soft pink blanket and all.
  5. Ain't nothin' gonna take that smile from Kuz. Thanks for sharing, hadn't seen any updates on how he was doing.
  6. For me, the saddest part in all of this is.....children. They have kids and it's truly sad when children have to be subjected to domestic violence. The two people they trust the most hurting each other. It's really messed up for kids to have to endure this and figure it all out. It can mess kids up for the rest of their lives and breach their trust. Extremely confusing for kids to try to navigate through domestic violence. So, above all else, I hope the kids get some help through this.
  7. I truly feel that Hogs brings something that we need (more of). He's very sturdy on his skates and quite hard to move off the puck. Although his physicality isn't projected in a tough/fighter way, he's solid tough. And pretty agile.
  8. This sounds like a very special event...


  9. Super stoked for this game. Always have a nervous apprehension....which way will it go? I don't mind losses, but they have to give it 100% effort every game. Nothing less will do and that's where the bar is set for me. Let's go Canucks, play hard and stay focused.
  10. And this is a selfish thought....some here suggested we sign this guy. I'm glad now that we didn't (regardless of who's right/wrong here). Our team needs to move away from a negative dramatic spotlight being shone on them and to just have the focus be on hockey. So a near miss if ever we were considering this. Let Boston deal with this mess and a little adversity for once. I empathize with the family/Luc but I'm also glad it's not our team even if hockey is one big family. A team so highly touted and supported by the league falls from grace a bit. Stigma IS attached (as much as I hate that) and until that changes, it's not lowly Vancouver being talked about.
  11. This is interesting to me. My ex was a respected/very well regarded union man who held a high position at work. It can be a well kept secret (what goes on behind the scenes). Jekyll and Hyde stuff. "The nicest guy". Although I feel that people close to victims often know or at least sense things...there are signs that are often ignored as people don't want to get involved or interfere. "None of my business" mentality.
  12. I'm glad that we're looking at this from all angles, including the one where a guy whose job it was to fight and be tough suffers his own consequences in that. Those blows have an impact. Concussions will manifest themselves in all kinds of ways. I imagine there's no on/off switch and firing yourself up on ice can carry over. One of the reasons I felt empathy and protective regarding my ex was that he'd experienced some trauma and his fight or flight instinct was strong and ignited pretty quickly. Also, I've learned it was "comfortable" for me to live in turmoil. Normal. It's important that all of this stuff is discussed and there's no stigma surrounding it. Looking beyond an incident to identify a root cause and perhaps changing the course of things for the future is important. Blame, shame...all the things that surround these incidents should be removed and the focus should be on fixing things. With that, help is out there and there's really no excuse to explode and unleash on others and pass things along to them. He's not a monster, but he's a guy with all kinds of resources at his disposal so it'll be up to him to use them if necessary. I hope he does.
  13. Sad. There are always two sides to every story. In domestic disputes nothing ever warrants a man putting his hands on a woman. Walk away. Go to the garage and punch a punching bag. And it works the other way too...if she's assaulting him charge her. But never should a man "fight back". Especially a big man known for fighting. As a 20 year victim of domestic abuse who kept that on the downlow until recently, it really changes your life in a traumatic way. Still working on the anxiety I suffer created escalated by that situation (I also watched some domestic abuse as a child and that likely factored in to the choices I made in life. Mine was actually in reverse...Mom abusing Dad).
  14. I needed this in my life right now. Thank you friend. (I'm gonna have to up my game)
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