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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. After seeing the clip of Rick's post game, I do agree with him though. Have to find a way to play tired (angles, etc.). Hopefully they'll take that lesson away as they're learning how to win but also have to learn how to not lose. If that makes sense.
  2. Actually the pp's were 5-4. And it's not so much about them evening out, it's about the slashes that the Flames were getting away with. Those can do damage/hurt. There were 3 uncalled slashes that I saw...those need to be called. Perspective, for me, means especially so when considering that Quinn was the only one who got called for a slash and it didn't look like much. The linesmen also were too involved and in the way. It's not why we lost, but it does contribute. Team was gassed and off. Happens. People reading too much into things and analyzing the team in a negative light need to understand that teams do have off games. They get sloppy and tired and this team has shown that they can regroup and refocus. Their record can't just be attributed to "luck"....they have a lot of skill and are learning to win games. Just not last night (dammit, suck it Flames). Also, I can tell you this for free....Pospisil needs a wordless stern talking to.
  3. Such bullshit! Puck was gone, late hit. Refs are total ass.
  4. Get another one here and this game changes the tone a bit.
  5. F'n goof! Sit your ass down punk. And next time fight, don't hide.
  6. That's not what it is at all. They're gassed. They're humans not robots. Give them a break for crying out loud.
  7. Playoffs are a different beast. There's an end in sight...they're all beat up and exhausted and fighting to grind it out.
  8. BS....slash gets missed, puts us a step behind and....f you refs.
  9. Nope But I think Shaw is terrified of me when it goes out during games. It ain't pretty.
  10. I always wait until December....would get tired of it up for so long.
  11. Yeah, a home game then hop on the plane, fly, play again. It's a bit screwed up.
  12. He didn't stick up for himself. He hung on for dear life.
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