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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. It's not how you start it's how you finish. Two points is what matters in the end. Have patience.
  2. LOL I'm such a dork. Was watching the Islanders Oilers game last night and thought "my God, Horvat's invisible. Not even getting ice time". I was looking for #53 not 14. Derp.
  3. It's sports.....jeering, trash talking is part of the FUN of being opponents. It doesn't have to be angry spirited....it's just how it is. OUR former captain is different. I don't boo, period. With that, I think if people were to boo it would reflect badly in the team's eyes....to see the fans turn on a former player. We want players to want to play here....I don't know that booing after they've left lines up with that. We're better than that. Let's pretend Bo doesn't exist and focus on OUR team and cheering them on. Make Bo irrelevant.
  4. FTR, I hate boo'ing and think it's dumb. It's one thing to jeer the other team's goaltender, the refs, etc. But to target a former teammate, for me, is a show of disrespect. When they go low stuff.....
  5. I don't agree with this. No need for him to reference the fans here....take the high road. Most do that with their former teams/cities. There's generally a show of gratitude and praise. Not really a matter of being butthurt or something we couldn't deal with. More just feeling it was unnecessary to take a parting shot like that considering he was treated quite well here. Trying to gain brownie points with his new team should come through his play, not schmoozing. But, if we're taking parting shots, he was way too soft as a captain and turned and skated away times that he should have stepped up. The culture that we hear so much about IS changing as this team's starting to go to bat for one another. With JT leading the charge in that.
  6. I feel Jake's biggest problem was lack of focus and commitment. I think maybe he liked being a hockey "star" more than playing hockey. Too many distractions and he was a party boy by all accounts and didn't buy in to what he had to do to reach his full potential. Wasted it.
  7. I hope the crowd doesn't boo Bo, just isn't necessary.
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