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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Why bring it up now? Linden held his tongue and took the high road when he needed to. But people have wondered and speculated and he deserves to set things straight according to his account. Some wanted to know how/why things went down and he's taken time to give it space but is clearing the air now and he's really earned the right to do so. It's ok to be honest and transparent. This league needs more of that, not less of it. Remember, he headed the NHLPA and is well respected amongst his peers and has his reputation to protect. People like to talk and try to figure things out and often have it wrong. He's defending his body of work with this club and has every right to do so. He stepped away but is also asked to show up for events like Quinn's captaincy and it's likely a bit awkward considering how things went down and whispers and murmurs. He wants HIS story known...he's a big part of this organization and was long before and will be long after Benning (and company). This is his legacy here, Frank and he's paid his dues. Butt out. Benning's no longer here, so the timing is right. It doesn't impact our team because they don't look at this crap. The team will always have drama swirling around it...just how it is in this city (thanks to guys like Frank who make their living talking). These guys slam Linden for talking yet they continue the conversation long after the fact. They're the ones creating drama....if you "listened to the clip 5 times"....you're looking for stuff...fodder. Dissecting it. If it's horse shit let it go and don't buy in. In one ear out the other. Hypocrite. But no, he goes on to comment about it (rather than doing it Linden's way by taking the high road). Why do you feel the need to shit on him is right. I love how he goes on about how interviews should stick to talking hockey rather than this stuff but here he is....talking about this horseshit. Double standard. He's not right in my mind....he sounds like a whiney holier than thou'er who sounds bitter about Linden's success but yet here he is making his own living off the backs of these players. Shut up, Frank. Yes Frank, stick to talking serious hockey...(some real quality content here).
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