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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I had great neighbours 2 doors over...their little guy was battling cancer. He was adorable...he and I would play street hockey outside all the time. One day I saw them pull into the driveway (1 over from mine) and went out to see him. Dad got him out of his booster and he was crying....slumped over Dad's shoulder. Dad said "this round of chemo's rough on him". It broke my damn heart into pieces. Someone bought him one of this children's battery powered cars....a Ferrari. They swore it was me and wouldn't be convinced otherwise. The next day he was out there, tearing around on it. It was such a relief. FTR, they moved but the latest updates I got he was cancer free and doing well. Thank God. It's just not fair when kids go through this.
  2. I love when there's another game immediately following a loss so we can get another chance to feel good again. Let's go Canucks, I'm sorry I let you down by not watching the game....likely the first one in 15 years that I've missed. For me, this game will really show a lot in regard to whether they truly are buying in to what they're being taught or if it's engrained in them to revert back to panic/chasing mode. May need more time to break the old habits and RT alluded to that when he touched on the fact that they have't been practicing. I'm glad he's our coach...he seems to really understand what's needed here. Patience being part of it. Tough love being the other.
  3. Makes you wonder, doesn't it. Maybe the coaches aren't the problem here.
  4. It's sad when coaches are the casualties for losing streaks because they're not solely to blame. You can only "coach" so much before it's up to the players to buy in and perform better. Oilers' team, I feel, is too full of individuals trying to prove their own game(s). Disconnected. And goaltending, yeah. Anyhow, the writing was on the wall here.
  5. As a fan of this team, I feel a need to hold my breath and "hang on" now for another win. It's too close to hitting a skid when play drops off and we have a loss that seems like we were scrambling and sloppy out there at times. The all too familiar "uh oh, here we go" resurfaces (unfounded or not). I hope they reel it in and don't fall into bad habits...I can't be confident until I see them rebound and regain the form that we've seen in a few games. It's like we're on the cusp but can be pushed over to either side. I hope the team doesn't relax with a bit of a point buffer in place...that would be disastrous because it's early on and other teams can easily catch fire (and catch them). Pedal to the metal boys. I hate anxiety and what if's. Go Canucks Go...I believe in you, but no time to "settle" in with comfort and complacency. Or hit the panic button. Regroup, listen to the coaches and do what works.
  6. I heard on the post game as I drove home that Petey's got something bugging him...some sort of injury. Not sure what it is, but it explains him being off the past game or two. Doubt it's anything serious (or he likely wouldn't be playing) but hope it doesn't develop into something problematic.
  7. Aw damn, what happened guys? I missed the game....kids surprised me with an all day outing that ran overtime. Got to see the end of the 3rd only. Never miss a game, but this was an exception. OK, tomorrow's ours. Grrrrrrrr hate losing.
  8. OK, before I get ready to go (will miss you guys!). I dedicate this song to.....the Leafs. It's too good not to share again (I crack up every time I watch it, I love the internet) (I understand we shouldn't get too cocky or ahead of ourselves...just having fun in the moment)
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