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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Speaking of not forgetting (in a hockey sense and with the utmost of respect to veterans). Our last 10 vs the Laffs. Let's go boys.
  2. Hmmm, big gd decision here. My kids are taking me out for a belated birthday celebration (OH RIGHT, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY AGAIN!) So do I wear the black signed Petey or the blue signed Miller? (You probably already know the answer). Ohhh or the signed BB6? hmmm (bit of a lotto line fan). I'm watching the game at their place. Last time I watched one there I was recovering from surgery and was still "blurry". When JT scored I sat up, punching a big YESSSS in the air and knocked their fixed light above me right off the wall. We'll see what I do for an encore. They took it well....they actually got it on video because I was streaming the game upstairs and it was delayed...they knew he'd scored and came up to watch my reaction. LOL.
  3. Thing is, some people speak in certainties and it's uncertain. They were SURE Miller was moving, etc. The Leafs "may" or may not make us pay. I mean, if we play below the standard set and still manage to win, that's ok too. We're always so convinced the other team WILL if we don't. Maybe they won't. I'm not as sold on the Leafs as a powerhouse as some are. Sure, they have fire power but we have the best damn goaltender in net too. The spin that some put on this team is very much "do or die". But it's "just win" in my view and sometimes that's less than perfectly executed. The two points are what matter most. The Leafs and Vegas are so scary to some but any team can be beat on any night.
  4. I will always post this. My Dad can't stand the Laffs...goes way back to when they chartered the fishboat he was on. They were obnoxious and rude to the crew (all except one guy...Brian Spencer. Dad got his autograph). Total sense of entitlement and treated the crew like they were servants. This is Dad at my daughter's birthday party (we rented a large camp space with a fire pit and lots of bunnies running around!). Dad found an old Leafs hat in the bush...perfect. He and my son burned it. My son had so much fun with his Papa that day...it was glorious.
  5. But with peaceful conflict resolution...that's an important point to remember. We can disagree but finding a way to come together in the end without it escalating is important. Especially on a day like today. Those who gave their lives did so in order for us to have the freedom to express our opinions and it's awesome that we do so here. We are all Canucks. Cheers CJ, have a great day.
  6. I merged into this one as it had more activity. It was wild....I really hate it because I have "wind trauma". Goes way back to when it was a super stormy night and Dad was a fisherman out on the West Coast. Their boat (full of fish but heavier on one side) was hit/overturned by a rogue wave in a windstorm and I remember the phone call in the wee hours with Mom crying. I was too young to know what was happening but did hear her say "The boat sank?.....is everyone alive?". Dad was lucky....his leg was crushed, bones in fragments and he was in the water! His crew mates grabbed him, soaking wet, and pulled him into the lifeboat and took him to shore (they weren't too far offshore due to the storm). A nice property owner on the coast knocked down his fence so the ambulance could come onto his beachfront property to get Dad. I hate wind. Just stirs up very anxious feelings.
  7. No, I'm saying pick your spots. We're currently on a win streak and that's likely a time to celebrate the team (too). But, in looking back further, I see you have and it maybe doesn't apply to you. I was critical of Myers and feel it was well deserved. That tackling of Petey really was the final straw for me in how he needed to focus and be more aware of what he was doing out there. I'm happy he's seemingly doing so. This stuff just gets kind of tiring:
  8. I don't think some people understand the magnitude of trying to do a job, especially one in the public eye, as you quietly deal with grief behind the scenes. Try to suck it up and carry on but it definitely can be consuming and overwhelming. We had 4 players who suddenly (and some over time) lost their fathers between 2019 and 2022. Young men in their 20's having to process this. The team had its struggles but they are all human beings and experience emotions like loss and grief just like the rest of us. I don't believe that time "heals" all wounds but the blow softens over time and tears are replaced by smiles and warm memories. Brock is learning to enjoy life and the things he loves again. And he deserves that (and our support). I'm super happy that he's quietening the naysayers who slammed him at every opportunity. Sure, he wasn't performing at peak level as expected....but patience paid off. Stand behind our team, especially when they're down and out.
  9. I also like hearing that Miller, Boeser and PDG sit down together and critique their own play to try and get better. This team is really taking charge of their destiny and changing the narrative.
  10. I used to find him TOO hyper and fast talking....but I really enjoyed the job he did last game. Was toned down just enough.
  11. I really preferred Ferraro over Tomlinson. I found Tomlinson very flat and monotone. Ray is a bit livelier and interacted with Shorty a bit more without the awkward dead air space. His energy was better and made for a more interesting broadcast. Not that we need that...I mean, the game is the focus. But it adds to it if you can have someone show a bit of enthusiasm.
  12. The puck was bouncing all over on both teams. And "the bad habits" used to end up in losses...we're winning. So not quite the same. When we do grab 2 points, at the end of the season when they add them up no one cares if they were pretty or not. I'm sick of the "they'd run over us" crap. Big bad Vegas stuff. In the last 5 times we've played them we're up 3-2 on them. Vegas has lost their last 2 games. They're not invincible. We've played some good teams and....a close game (loss) to Tampa. Top team. They didn't "run over us". Stars..."top team", we beat them. Some of the teams that were touted as "top teams"? Beat them and are part of the reason they're currently not. Games aren't always "clean" and perfect. But the ones you can grind out count just as much as the others. This just sounds like many of our fans who want to armchair coach and are waiting for the shoe to drop. That's your deal, not ours. I feel some don't give credit where it's due with this team...it's never good enough. Now they're getting results but they're not "clean" enough. Seriously? You fix mistakes by working through them (as the team is), not by being scared of making them again. They're learning how to adjust even when they let down a bit. All teams do at times.
  13. I guess we should use some perspective in all of this:
  14. (Sung to Gilligan's Isle) Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, A tale of a fateful crew It started with some top draft picks McJesus and Leon too The roster was a mighty one The fans so brave and sure Like passengers they all set off But the season started poor The schedule started getting rough, The Oilers coach was tossed With no help from the team itself The season would be lost, the season would be lost. The team hit ground at the bottom of the standings in the West With Draisaitl McDavid too, The millionaires Nurse and Ekholm Evander Kane Nugent Hopkins and Zach Hyman Let's watch Edmonton's pain! Now this is the tale of these castaways, They're here for a long, long time, They'll have to make the best of things, It's an uphill climb. The first line and the goaltender Will do their very best, But every time they hit the ice They seem to fail the test (and probably need a rest) No goals, no hope, their defensive play Leaves nothing here to see Like Robinson Crusoe, It's primitive as can be. So join us here each game my friend, You're sure to get a smile, From Connor and the castaways, As they play Edmonton's style
  15. Ooh, our solid d man, d man Love how you give the team time, Hronek Ooh, you help the motor run, motor run Gun it coming off of the line, Hronek Never gonna stop, give it up, such a hockey mind Pass it off to Quinn, such a touch when we're in a bind My, my, my, I, yi, woo! M-m-m-my Hronek!
  16. Yeah but the "we won" is 35 years ago so it's kind of past the best before date in regard to bragging rights. In the here and now, Edmonton SHOULD be better than they are if "on paper" matters. Clearly it doesn't.
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